posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:05 PM
"Damn right stressful.. And Im done here.. IM done thinking about this.
Im done spending my time making myself stressed out.
They are going to do what they want reguardless of what we want.
And a time will come.. When a group of people take matters into their own hands.. And there I will stand next to them.. Ready. Willing to fight for
the free and brave souls who take on this system."
When a group of people take matters into their own hand? I like the sound of that. But where is this group, and when will they ball up and do
something? After it's too late?
I'm ready to go when the # does hit the fan. It's us against them, always has been, and I think it's high time we exercise our 2nd Amendment
Constitutional Right/Obligation. It's been that time for a long time now, but instead, we just let them continue to erode our rights so that we are
completely defenseless to their evil will. I think it's time to fly the Gadsden and inform these crooks that this is OUR nation, and that we will no
longer stand for this. We will no longer stay silent! It's our right to self defense, and the preservation of our life and our families' lives.
These criminals are after us and our families. They are shaping a bleak future, for us and our children, and our children's children.
My brother came home today from work, and he said that everybody at where he works was talking about this bailout bull today. He said that all of them
know that something bad is coming. All of them were talking about going and buying guns and stocking up on ammo. People are taking their money out of
the banks around here, keeping the cash on hand, stocking up on food and water.
Make no mistake. This is going to get a hell of alot worse before it gets better, if it ever gets better.
And the irony of all of this? We're just as much to blame for it as the crooks in Washington. Our complacency and compliance enabled them.