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What really happened today - by Michael C. Ruppert

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posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Sublime620
I have to agree with you on this. The Communist Democrats and the Socialist Republicans are both running this train, straight towards a cliff. They both do the identical actions, while pretending to fight, deflecting any serious opposition to their ridiculous governing. The Communist Democrats are not the problem folks. Neither are the Socialist Republicans. They BOTH are, we MUST oust BOTH anti-American gangs. Quit fighting the straw men! Hows' that go? 'Kill the lawyers'?

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 02:03 AM
The Chinese did not stop lending to U.S. banks:

The CBRC has never, by any means, ordered or told the Chinese commercial banks to stop lending to U.S. financial institutions. We strongly condemn the South China Morning Post for its irresponsible and groundless report, and we reserve the rights to take further actions including pursuing its legal responsibility if necessary.
-CBRC Spokesperson

Also his argument did seem to support the false Right/Left dialectic, and what's the deal with the peak oil statement? There was little substance to his article in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 08:20 AM
With all that is going on these days, I am reminded of the theory that the Devil is constrained in having to tell us what he is up to. This does not mean that mis-direction is not allowed.

Is Humpty Dumpty about to take a great fall, I have seen nothing to contradict the likelyhood. Is the oil running out, yes. Venezuela & Canada (the latest "great reserves") are esentially sludge ponds, meaning mud with a bit of oil in it.

Does it really matter, I personally doubt it, but I must confess, that is because i have given up on the idea that people can find their way out without "Divine Intervention".

Is there really a God? I don't know, but i do know this, if there is not, then none of this matters anyway, and the end is nigh.

posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:01 PM
reply to post by Gregarious

The ACORN thread? I believe I responded to that thread and how much garbage it was full of.

The lawsuit had nothing to do with forcing banks to give to poor people. It had everything to do with forcing banks to give the same loans to black people as they did to whites.

You see, banks for loaning to poor white people and NOT to poor black people. While they shouldn't have been loaning to poor people of any kind, it is not excusable for them to leave out someone because of race. That's called racism.

That's what the lawsuit was about. He didn't start the fire.

posted on Oct, 4 2008 @ 10:08 PM
Numerology, symbolism, astronomy or cosmology can always be found as 'signatures' or means of communicating the success of their latest mission.

The stock market ended that day with the DOW down 777. They are basically informing those who are aware of the symbolatry they have no fear of reprisal for their actions. They have been 'above the law', in their eyes, for their whole lives.

In your face:


What they need to 'realize' is you cannot undo freedom or uneducate an educated mind though they are known for trying throughout history. Tyranny never lasts. Nature assures of this. The unseen hand of natural law prevails in the end.

If the NWO folk want to change the world, they could start by observing and obeying the laws they expect their citizenry to uphold and respect.

If they know of or speak of truth, the pubic will inherently know via use of ones 'reason', intellect, rationale of which are uniquely inherent traits to man. The main problem is there are so few 'examples' of proper and just leadership in the world today. These societies do nothing but divide and conquer people and cause resentment.

A feudalistic or fascist form of 'world government' will ultimately fail in the end. I hope the PTB learn this before they venture into the path of no return.

One cannot turn back the time of human evolution. They are few, we are many and the world is catching on exponentially to their plans for a NWO.

Find a peaceful means to bring the people of the world together. Lead by 'example' as you instruct your military leaders to act. We need honest and effective leadership, not more tyranny. Use 'intelligence' not crafty acts of espionage, treason, disinformation, blackmail and assassinations to achieve your 'end'.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Tyrants always live either short or miserable lives as punishment for their misdeeds. Some have both. NWO need to ask themselves if they are really satisfied in life. Then focus on why. There is a reaction to every action.

By design, Truth is self-evident. It's just too bad we seldom hear it.
Live and lead by example, then perhaps NWO may get somewhere with the people. Take away our liberties and freedoms of which every war and much blood has been spilt for 'supposedly' and you'll surely be living a life of fear, paranoia and sadness.

No one escapes natural law indefinately. This is truth and is self-evident. If the people turn their back on acts of tyranny, they get what they deserve. It's too bad the people, as a whole, know not who's behind that curtain. They're catching up to 'reality' and just in time.

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. ~Lord Acton~

Do humans ever learn from history or does it repeat itself indefinately? Well see soon enough.

[edit on 4-10-2008 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 11:53 PM

Originally posted by wingman77
The Chinese did not stop lending to U.S. banks:

The CBRC has never, by any means, ordered or told the Chinese commercial banks to stop lending to U.S. financial institutions. We strongly condemn the South China Morning Post for its irresponsible and groundless report, and we reserve the rights to take further actions including pursuing its legal responsibility if necessary.
-CBRC Spokesperson

Also his argument did seem to support the false Right/Left dialectic, and what's the deal with the peak oil statement? There was little substance to his article in my opinion.

He's most likely a NWO agent, and I don't say that simply because he pushes that peak oil nonsense.

You can guarantee that any alternative personality that plays into the right/light dialectic is an agent, the fact that democrats/republicans, leftist /rightist are one and the same is one of the first things you's basic.

And don't get me started on the Gary Web "suicide". Rupert practically shouts his true allegiance from the rooftops.

A look at Michael Ruppert

Ruppert and Hopsicker Co-Opting the 9-11 Truth Movement

It's time to ignore Michael Ruppert

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Sublime620

This is difficult to believe, but we read it on here daily; while the Titanic sinks, folks go about arguing about how to arrange the deck chairs!

I read Michael's book "Crossing the Rubicon" a year ago or so, and would most definitely recommend it strongly to all...

Folks, I’m not trying to be a jerk with what I’m blogging here, but it’s high time you face the music, if you haven’t already; this peak oil deal is very real. Everyone is scared to death and so full of denial about it. If you are in any doubt, first look up the meaning to this work "cognitive dissonance". Understand that it is a very normal human psychological reaction when first confronted with the inevitable reality that we have already passed peak, and from here on out it doesn't get better. Understand that what oil that is left untapped only is a small band aid, and even at best it would only supply us with a year or two of oil, and to get the infrastructure up and running we would be ten years out before it would even get to market. But the reality is we live in a global oil market...what oil is left is in fields now that continue to decline in production.

You can go on arguing A biotic oil until when the cows come home, and even if the wells do replenish, the rates aren't fast enough...

Realize you have been burning fuel and buying plastic stuff you didn't need and charging it spending like a drunken sailor and without any care in the world towards any conservation or move to alternatives. You used to condemn and spit on the liberals when they suggested here we are. You have to see now that oil is responsible for fertilizers that grow the crops that feed the world (nearly 8billion in population...the growth made possible guessed it...oil...nearly perfect correlation with oil production and population growth), oil is used to get the food to market...oil is used to build containers that hold the food...get you to the store...get you to work...that are responsible for the very design of the suburbs...everything folks!!! We live in a petroleum based economy, and the petroleum is running out at a time when global demand is at an all time high.

The sooner you accept this and get past the shock of it (it could take a few weeks or even more than a month until the shock does finally wear off) the sooner we can all gather around the camp fire and start to talk about the solutions. We are literally looking down the barrel of the canon here and it's armed and lit!

So it doesn’t really matter who’s fault you think it is (republican or democrat); everyone has been at the party and overstayed! Now it’s the next day and the sun has come up, and many are still passed out on the floor. It smells like puke, and there is spilled drinks everywhere. This is reality now folks. Things will never be the same again, and I’m sorry to tell you that your grand kids and great grand kids are going to have a hard time because this generation and the ones before have used up more than half of all oil, and the oil that is left is going to exponentially get more and more expensive to get at. Plus they won’t be able to get it all out anyway.

You can argue with me if you want on here, but it really doesn't matter if you think I’m right or not. When you research the facts, and get past the mis and disinformation you find out that in fact production is decreasing annually now. That is reality. "Drill drill drill" or whatever the useless slogan is, isn't going to solve this problem and your kidding yourself if you think it is.

Get the book. He's been right about everything so far. It also has a lot on 9/11 conspiracy as well as the shadow govn't and underground drug trade...

That said, I do really hope for the best...that is that we can transform into alternative energy based economies, learn to know our neighbors better, start growing our own food instead of useless lawns, turn off the gas mowers in favor of quiet, clean manual mowers, start living in our means, walking to work and / or using bikes, trains, or buses...start powering down, using CFL's and LED's and pushing hard for a new era out from under the control of these heartless ghouls who run the show now and who Jordan Maxwell says having already all the gold and wealth that they need, are out for our very souls...

What I'm not sure on is how I'd rather see it happen; slow burn or fast crash? Either way, the evidence strongly suggests that the inevitable is going to happen. I almost am inclined to go with the former just to usher in change faster, but either way, I hope that is the least painful. At least I don't have far to fall.

If you're still reading this, my heart is with you and your families for the days and years to come. I really don't think it's going to be very easy for many of us. I want to say "god help us", but I think we need to for once start taking responsibility and help ourselves, if we don't who is, certainly not the big oil folks and fascists in power...we need change and we need it yesterday. Hopefully the new administration will roll out some major new paradigm shifting programs to move us into 100% fossil independence...hell even half independence would be great! Then begin to get out from underneath international bankers and fiat currency stranglehold slavery…now that is also going to require that institutions such as the Vatican and other big control structures let go of their power and melt down their gold crosses and statues and place back into circulation all this gold they now horde and help people…folks there is more than enough resources to go around (1% now control 40% of the world’s wealth!) but we have to get past denial and the cliché’s; the mythology, and begin to become informed.

[edit on 7-10-2008 by skyshow]

posted on Oct, 7 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Finally Saturday Night Live gets it right! Here is the Banned skit on what caused the market crash.

This is the best SNL skit I've seen and they forgot their usual liberal bias!


Try that again and hope it all comes up!

[edit on 7/10/08 by plumranch]

posted on Oct, 27 2008 @ 10:28 AM
good stuff... yeah, Ruppert has been exposed before, regarding his limited scope on the evidence of 911, and for promoting the peak oil scam (remember, it's the illusion of scarcity that corporations thrive on; thus, to generate the belief that oil was running out justified the price hikes in the collective consciousness)... he seems to flip-flop often; I've heard him suport the claim that the 2-party system is fraudulent (which is my feeling), but here he seems to be propping it up; moreover, he comes across as arrogant, almost knighting himself as some great prophet -- like, "ooh, look at me, mr. smartypants, I told you so, I'm so great, say my name, say my name, I'm in danger.." typical insider horsepucky doubletalk..

posted on Nov, 30 2009 @ 12:05 AM
Here's a pretty good summary of the book.

It's fascinating reading and great perspective. I too highly recommend it even though I don't necessarily agree that everything in it makes sense. I have little doubt that the pipelines (oil, natural gas, and even water) to China and India are at the core of the mess in the Middle East and central Asia. It's why Russia was in Afghanistan and it's why we are now. The countries being targeted what's the word...takeover maybe?...Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, the baby -stans, and even Pakistan, cut a direct swath to that region. Look at a map and things become crystal clear. And while you're at it, research what Condie Rice was up to in the middle of a very famous hurricane.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:30 PM
I know this is an old post, but even still dude you did a good thing by posting this. thanks for helping mike spread the word.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by volitionawareness

you still feel the same way to this day?

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by volitionawareness

you still feel the same way to this day?

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