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Economic false flag ?

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posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 09:44 PM
I just got to see the interview with Paulson from earlier today.

He seems to be losing control of himself, the agitation is very apparent. Newt Gangrich was just on CNN calling for Paulson to be removed from the hearing and for him to be removes as Secretary of Treasury.

At least someone thought it was a bad idea to give the ex chairman of Goldman Sacs a $70 Billion dollar blank check with no regulations on how to spend it.

A sad day for Paulson's former Goldman gang no doubt, Im sure they could already smell the billions worth of tax dollars that would surely have been heading their way.

posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
I will even go a step further by saying that todays "rejection" by Republicans in the House and Senate was a planned and staged event as well.

...But it was mostly the Democrats who voted it down.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by BlackOps719

If the FBI has any balls left and aren't crooked like the rest of these bozos they would do a simple investigation about what was done in the last figures posted in order to make the 777's come up. As I said before they almost hit 5 7's if you include the decimal point. 777.68 - it's clear they tried to hit 5 7's. You have to figure they hit it right on but made a small mathematical error because they're not rocket scientists or they were pushed by time. Somebody was doing calculations up until the last minute and had enough knowledge of the system to be the last one to post (or nearly).

I'm in the computer biz, but I don't know how the markets computer systems tally up all the data & then post it at the end of the day. I could look at that system for a few hours and come up with how it could be done and it is on record who made the last posts. There may be some lag time or there may be some who can put themselves in a position to post their data last while having an accurate tally of what the numbers are before them.

Why does it matter? - because it clearly shows they engaged in manipulating the market. Look at them and then look back and see how many other times funny operations happen. They are being arrogant and flipping the bird - now is the time.

[edit on 30-9-2008 by verylowfrequency]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Then come the friendly contracted law enforcement and military to scoop up and take away the "problematic citizens" and before you know it, martial law is declared.

If I were to try and tie in the FEMA camps with this scenario, I would think that they would be "work camps" for the people who have lost everything. People will lose everything and we can't have hordes of homeless families running around, we need to "help" them. We can help them by putting them in these "work" camps that have been conveniently set up to allow them to help get back on their feet.

Honestly, ^ that almost makes sense.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by Karlhungis

You could be right Karl, the whole thing is pretty scary when you consider that tent cities are already popping up outside a lot of towns already.

There will be a lot of displaced residents in such a dismal economy, families and people who simply cant afford the cost of living. They will also need to make room for all of the dissenters and people who will likely be arrested when martial law takes effect.

Crime levels will go through the roof as well, when food and basic life items begin to disappear it will push a lot of already stressed out people to violence. No matter how you slice it these camps were designed by people who are expecting a reason to put them to good use, people who already know what is to come.

And what could be worse than all out economic failure? This is part of the reason that I believe our economy is being tanked on purpose. The PTB are trying to escalate the level of violence and suffering so that they will finally get to start implementing what they have been planning for years now.

Complete and total take over of our system.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:09 AM

Originally posted by BlackOps719

I will even go a step further by saying that todays "rejection" by Republicans in the House and Senate was a planned and staged event as well.

Think about it, how many people have predicted another attack or false flag leading up to the election in November? People knew that the Bush administration would do anything to sway the deck in order to keep power. So today Republicans tried to come off as the savior, the voice of reason and dissent.

This way they will be able to say "look at us...we fought for the people"...when in reality this thing will probably end up passing anyway, perhaps in a different package but mark my words it WILL pass.

"Oh no...the economy is collapsing ..who will save us???"

That's exactly what we were saying last night and a lot of talk on ATS was saying the same thing. People were rushing off to see who voted against and saying they'd be voting for them in the election.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
-777 means someone hit the jackpot.

Exactly. When I first heard it, I thought to myself, "they are mocking us."

[edit on 30-9-2008 by starviego]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by starviego

If one didnt know any better it sure would seem like it.

777....sounds like someone got very wealthy off of the dump in stocks and doesnt mind being so smug as to let the world know about it.

The whole thing stinks.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 04:32 PM
thank you, Universal Light. And thank you to everyone for these posts - i've never witnessed so much truth in one place!

No one need fear what's approaching, because as Universal Light so aptly put it, this is not real. Everyone needs to search for the TRUTH now, and don't worry about anything else.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 05:22 PM
Star & Flagged.

Its still early days and some world players have yet to play their full cards, however, I suspect the outcome will be more or less as outlined in the OP's opening post.


Because the potential of this economic [world] disaster is such that it *can* bring about draconian reforms globally that would seem like a life-line at first, and yet hide a more sinister motive behind them. Lets face it, people are, and have always been a commodity, the better you control the people, i.e make them rely on you for their very survival, the more willing they are to give up their rights and freedom when faced with the bleak prospect of losing everything they once considered their own.

If this is the case then perhaps now is the time to enjoy what you have and remember the good times before they are lost forever.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by BlackOps719

I am certainly in agreement and have been trying to convince those around me for months that this is coming ... not much luck although i have been working on my food and ammo supply. However, I see this as a really great opportunity for us to take back our country. My ancestors fought in the original Revolutionary War and we can, and will, do it again. There are a few of them and MILLIONS of us. All wee need is a little cohesion and a bit of a shove ... like these FEMA intern camps. Because of my vocal nature, family history, educational level, and a number of other factors, I will likely be in the first wave of roundups for detention. Please don't delay in getting us out - they know how dangerous we (the group for the first wave of roundups) will be to them (the treasonous individuals orchestrating this nonsense).

Nemo me impune lacisset!

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 04:03 PM
reply to post by Freelancer

It is an organized strong arm tactic. I believe the word for it is extortion.

Play by our rules and give us billions of dollars or we will collapse the monetary system and economically hold you hostage for an undetermined length of time.

The more I listen to Paulson speak the more clear it becomes that he is an agent of the ones who caused this calamity. He should be fired from his post and tried for treason against the American people.

[edit on 10/1/08 by BlackOps719]

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by verylowfrequency

Yea, I wouldn't count on that one. The FBI was infiltrated and sold out a long time ago along with the rest of our Government.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 05:38 PM
did you know that Osama was planning an economic collapse as his second attack? For a while we thought it was going to be the nuking of multiple US cities, but recent information has come to light that Osama believed the best way to bring America to its knees would be to destabilize the economy! This was stated before the collapse began, and you know Osama is one very wealthy Arab (anyone know how much he is actually worth?). Well we haven't heard any of this from the media (yet) but I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to keep that info hush hush.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Insolubrious

Can you provide a link to the recent information?

My understanding is that Bin Laden has been dead for a long time and a CIA operative has taken his place. Or he's not dead, he's done his part in the big scheme and is relaxing on an island somewhere. Either way he's not in the picture and is merely a front for the elite to scare people. Search ATS on the subject, there's a lot of material.

Anything in regards to the media should be understood that the media is completely controlled and has been for a very long time. They are reliable for nothing but disinfo.

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 06:00 PM
I think Osama is nothing more than 'a boogeyman' at this point............

Who knows who and what he really was when he actually was chosen as this target......

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Universal Light
reply to post by Insolubrious

Can you provide a link to the recent information?

My understanding is that Bin Laden has been dead for a long time and a CIA operative has taken his place. Or he's not dead, he's done his part in the big scheme and is relaxing on an island somewhere. Either way he's not in the picture and is merely a front for the elite to scare people. Search ATS on the subject, there's a lot of material.

Anything in regards to the media should be understood that the media is completely controlled and has been for a very long time. They are reliable for nothing but disinfo.

I would say how is Bin Laden not an elite if he has more money than some of the most wealthy in the US? Sure he was hired by CIA but that doesn't mean he still is, for all we know he probably hates the CIA these days. This man has a 25 million dollar reward on his head. He has his own construction and demolition company "Osama Bin Laden construction" and he is a major share holder in Pepsi amongst other things like being a world class terrorist. And surely he made a wad of cash from 9/11 attacks either from sponsorship or insider trading. Also, don't you think Osama would of exploited 9/11 to make an obscene heap of cash? Who knows, perhaps the 9/11 operation was to literally exploit the downed system and data loss to syphen cash, and maybe even with the intent to come back later and screw our economy. Well I am just speculating but something to think about. The article claims Al-Queda didn't initiate the finacial crisis but could exploit the collapse to make it worse (perhaps by attacking) which i misinterpreted whilst skimming through.

Source as requested:

Al-Qaeda’s Golden Opportunity to Deal a Devastating Blow to the United States

By Michael Scheuer

[edit on 1-10-2008 by Insolubrious]

posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Insolubrious

I do agree, Bin Laden was/is part of the elite. He's on the same side as everyone else in the shadow government. If there's a bounty on his head, it's merely for show. There is no war between them, just the war against the people.

9/11 was exploited by everyone in the know, not just Osama. They made ridiculous amounts of money in addition to robbing the freedoms of the public.

When I read the title "Global Terrorism Analysis" on the website you linked, it reeked the exact same way the MSM does. IMO "The War on Terror" is completely staged making me believe the site has no credibility whatsoever. That is nothing personal against you, I just believe that site is nothing but fake fear mongering.

Here's a couple threads for you to check out:

My favorite on Bin Laden:

And a couple others:


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