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Antidepressants negate paranormal / psychic abilities

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posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by LouCypher
...COMPUTERS : BSOD, unexpected restarting, freezing etc...and not only mine for about 6 month now and i am a computers technician with 14 years of experience and computers never act so weird before AND its not a virus a spyware or a drivers or a hardware or nothing else i can think of !


I can't help you with the other stuff, but I most assuredly can with this stuff. I have helped other people with the same problem. Usually, people that have that cannot wear watches at all, because they kill them.

If you go to a computer store, ask them about an "anti-static" pad. This pad has to be grounded. They will tell you what is involved (as I'm too lazy to type it out). Make sure you touch this pad BEFORE touching any electronic devices, and to touch it every now and then while working on a computer.

It APPEARS this "energy" is kind of like electricity, but it doesn't behave in quite the same way. It is NOT static electricity either, as this "energy" seems to kill mechanical (i.e., wind-up) watches just as easily as digital or battery operated watches.

I have had several people with this exact problem that quit recurring after this solution was implemented.

[edit on 29-9-2008 by sir_chancealot]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 12:02 AM
so do inhaled computer chemicals:

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

If you go to a computer store, ask them about an "anti-static" pad. This pad has to be grounded. They will tell you what is involved (as I'm too lazy to type it out). Make sure you touch this pad BEFORE touching any electronic devices, and to touch it every now and then while working on a computer.

Thank but like i said im a experienced computer guy, i already have a anti-static wrist bracelet that you ground to something, mandatory when you work with $$$ servers, anti-static floor tiles at my workplace and anti-static mat under my computer desk / chair right now.

also i am not a electrically charged person, its really rare for me to get that little static zap when touching things or others people.

Anti-Static wristband

The anti static mat under my desk / chair

The anti static floor tile at work

[edit on 30/9/2008 by LouCypher]

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by LouCypher
...Thank but like i said im a experienced computer guy, i already have a anti-static wrist bracelet that you ground to something, mandatory when you work with $$$ servers, anti-static floor tiles at my workplace and anti-static mat under my computer desk / chair right now.

also i am not a electrically charged person, its really rare for me to get that little static zap when touching things or others people.

I DIDN'T SAY that it was "static electricity". I also SPECIFICALLY said an "anti-static" PAD. (Besides, if the "$$$ servers" are plugged in, you don't need a anti-static wrist bracelet, the case itself is grounded.

Whatever this "energy" is, it doesn't behave exactly like electricity, though there are some similarities. I've told you my experiences, and you can take the advice (which will cost you a whopping $10 or so) or not, it doesn't matter to me.

But, as I said before, I've had this exact same problem with several users. They all exhibited the same phenomena. They had problems with computers and other electronic devices, and they couldn't wear watches unless they were "wind up" watches. It is NOT due to static electricity. (A point I should have made clearer in my initial post)

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by asdf1234

so do inhaled computer chemicals:

it remind me some server / computer rooms where im used to work time-to-time, you can smell that burned electronic odor in the air !

Its just add to my daily dose of Healthy products...

Woke up

Drink my morning coffee cup and coffee contain water which is an excellent source of Fluoride / misc chemicals and lucky me, Estrogen ( see , ) sweetened with Genetically Engineered Sugar

Eat my breakfast which is a good source of various carcinogen, trans fat Monsanto alien byproducts

Taking a shower, absorbing by the skin all the chemicals from the soap and water

Applying antiperspirant to refill my aluminum level in brain

Brushing my teeth with toothpaste which is THE dose of fluoride of the day, rince up with,yes, water....

Walk into my car (approx 30m from door house) which is my exercise for the day

Inspiring all that fresh air coming from that big bus exhaust while im stuck in traffic jam revitalize me and the stress i build here prepare me for my day at work

Going insane searching for a empty parking place is the final touch, now im ready to work

Maximizing my stress / anger level by meeting / talking with my first person of the morning : my Boss

But im ok, i have stopped my antidepressant...

Thank NWO

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

(Besides, if the "$$$ servers" are plugged in, you don't need a anti-static wrist bracelet, the case itself is grounded.

Pretty all the servers theses days im working with are hot swap capable ( mean u can change parts insides without turning the server off ) so...i use my wristband on that 25 000$ servers....


Even with the power cord removed, computers still have electricity in power supply, motherboard and parts ( do u see that little watch battery on your mb ?...)


Even powered off and so...if you zap a RAM stick with static when touching it, that memory cannot be trusted anymore and have to be replaced, you cant take a chance to have memory corruption on computers running a business !

Can you explain more what is that "antic-static" but not static pad ?

[edit on 30/9/2008 by LouCypher]

[edit on 30/9/2008 by LouCypher]

posted on Oct, 19 2008 @ 05:27 PM
God bless you. Effexor is a terrible drug for some of us. I nearly suffered a heart attack after five days on it. It also gave me horrendous nerve shredding pain.

I'm on anti-depressants now. What would my aura look like? Would it appear bad?

[edit on 19-10-2008 by KIRKSTERUK]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 10:49 AM
You have been a computer tech for 14 years?
Electronics are recycled in a certain way because they can contaminate the environment. You may be suffering from some type of toxic reaction to those contaminants. It would be advisable to consult a specialist in the matter for it may be destructive to your health not to do something about it. (depression or mental illness, in some cases, may be nothing more than toxic reactions to different things in the environment)

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:35 PM
due to certain rules here on ATS i cant divulge my illicit drug use but on this occasion if its antidepressants let me give you a word of advice...

the human brain is trained programmed by the environment and belief system you have in place, yes? well i have been down the doctor my life has been better route and it ain't pretty!

i to gave up on these Prozac type drugs because i simply preferred to let myself cope with the pain of loss, or so what your a bit down BIG DEAL! etc, people all over are dieing of real disease yet TPTB want us to block out these totally normal feelings we all have and should choose to deal with them without meds.

seriously they weaken your mind, turn you into a nervous wreck if you try to come off them, its big pharmaceutical profit they want.

all you need is belief in yourself! whats the worse you think is gonna happen if you feel a bit down? ME now my mind is a rock,solid and it should not be believe me, i still have off days but dont we all?

any nasty spells of self doubt feeling like your loosing it treat it like a test a game if you like you don't need meds to WIN.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:37 PM
Yes medicine and all drugs including alcohol will either block or create 'false' psychic ability- for example hallucinogens cause hallucinations and sensations but won't give you the true experience.

Psychic ability takes up a lot of energy and it is good to keep the body healthy and to take medication when we need it- Giving the abilities a time to rest and recoup if it is truly desirable. For example, most people who are severely depressed are better off on medications so that they are able to fulfill their life's purpose rather than have abilities but risk suicide and karma.

Too many people fear medicaion- but it is a temporary thing to get us healthy again. If it is not working seek another doctor for something that does work.

When we are ill, no matter what it is- the abilities should not be used at all regardless if we take meds or not. The body is not well so the soul should be resting and using the energy for healing instead. It is dangerous to open up to the Other Side when sick -too much negativity can seep through. This is to say, no 'practicing' and no trying to use them. Once it works on its own accord, there's no controlling tat- yet we must not engage it further than the messages it wants to give on its own.
For example, seeing an angel is a psychic ability but if sick, I would not try to do more than that-I would not try to strainmy ability to see more, longer, or to ask questions. If they want us to know more it will cme, but never strain ability while sick.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by stealthyaroura
due to certain rules here on ATS i cant divulge my illicit drug use but on this occasion if its antidepressants let me give you a word of advice...

the human brain is trained programmed by the environment and belief system you have in place, yes? well i have been down the doctor my life has been better route and it ain't pretty!

i to gave up on these Prozac type drugs because i simply preferred to let myself cope with the pain of loss, or so what your a bit down BIG DEAL! etc, people all over are dieing of real disease yet TPTB want us to block out these totally normal feelings we all have and should choose to deal with them without meds.

seriously they weaken your mind, turn you into a nervous wreck if you try to come off them, its big pharmaceutical profit they want.

all you need is belief in yourself! whats the worse you think is gonna happen if you feel a bit down? ME now my mind is a rock,solid and it should not be believe me, i still have off days but dont we all?

any nasty spells of self doubt feeling like your loosing it treat it like a test a game if you like you don't need meds to WIN.

I don't think you have a very good idea what happens to someone's brain who is severely depressed. Depressed people aren't just grieving bc someone died. They lack the right amount of chemicals-serotonin- in the brain so the brain can't create the right 'emotional' responces. They feel as good as dead at times and most want to commit suicide. The drugs -which ARE flawed- are to help bring back balance to the chemicals. It's not always something that can be fixed naturally. Its an illness that nobody can see b.c it's on such a small level. You may have been on meds just for 'coping' which may or may not have been the right call on the proffesionals behalf, but that doesn't mean the medications don't have a real purpose for the really sick- depressed people who need it. Singing happy songs won't helpthem.It's not a sickness of the 'thoughts' it's a sickness of the brain' and the chemicals in the brain.

If you speak of only those who are feeling low because of some situation, than I would agree that there are natural means of finding happiness.

[edit on 14-3-2010 by Zerra]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by LouCypher

MAN oh MAN worry master! a true worry Jedi master!! my god come on man you ain't that bad stop reading all the this is bad, dont eat that, etc etc you must be the worst hypochondriac i have ever read about.

man? i not hurting on yer but i been there and other places in the drug world, your brain can take it! all these other symptoms you mention like whats in your water, deodorant, soap..... all physcosematic my friend.

if you really wanna talk U2U me, i will reply if my bandwidth dont run out i on pay as go you see.

even better MY GURU with a great mantra to follow is called michael tsarion look on the member video part of the site and watch ALL of ARCHITECTS OF CONTROLL. this will wake you up a LOT and you shall see your far from alone. please watch then comment to me if you could.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:08 PM
reply to post by Zerra
edit sorry zarra i kind of jumped the gun there on yer post, did not read the lot, i actually lost it there for a moment please see the funny side of this, i was qwite rude to you sorry.

NO i do understand about the chemical imbalance in certain peoples brains, all the endorphins adrenalin i could go on and on but BORING,

i am trying to put some self confidence back into the OP i have seen this so many times, maybe well certainly the USA is med mad I'm only trying to help. you dont no who i have seen or who i have talked to about antidepressants and there effect on the brain, I KNOW HOW THEY WORK

but I'm against them. good news the op is off the meds and he came off hardcore! cold turkey NO MEAN FEAT BELIVE!

please dont view this as a personal attack on you but i hate meds, i believe there are a few cases were yes they may be beneficial but doctors are so eager to push any brand on a patient who is basically just a guinea pig! they dont really care. doctors often invest in the stock of a drug so push like crazy to get there profit.

the USA and the UK are a little different, you only have to look at the school kids whacked out on meds crazy! absolutely crazy

[edit on 14/3/2010 by stealthyaroura]

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:33 PM
i took lithium for 6 to 8 years and it increased my abilities by ten fold, of course it didn't help my 'mental illness' haha, that's why i stopped taking it, apon stopping taking it i realized i could no longer forcefully create electromagnetic feilds in concentration in parts of my body, also my ability to cause static shock has gone way down and any hope that i could one day have the ability to create powerful arcs is very painfully far away now because my body is no longer a living electro magnetic conductor, now i am just on the level of everyone else,

though all other 'psychic' an d 'occult' abilities are stronger and even more clearer now not being on medication, that is my own experience

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:38 PM
even if a medication does increase your abilities, it's stupid to allow the government and the prescription companies to have their way with your wallet and your lifestyle, it's not worth it and it's a fraud industry anyways

so it's not like you're receiving a medication that works

thankfully though my experience with lithium was one in a million, and every other medication i've been on hindered every one of my senses dull, mental clarity is the ultimate power, but this perfection is only attained through physical clarity as well

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by stealthyaroura
reply to post by Zerra
edit sorry zarra i kind of jumped the gun there on yer post, did not read the lot, i actually lost it there for a moment please see the funny side of this, i was qwite rude to you sorry.

NO i do understand about the chemical imbalance in certain peoples brains, all the endorphins adrenalin i could go on and on but BORING,

i am trying to put some self confidence back into the OP i have seen this so many times, maybe well certainly the USA is med mad I'm only trying to help. you dont no who i have seen or who i have talked to about antidepressants and there effect on the brain, I KNOW HOW THEY WORK

but I'm against them. good news the op is off the meds and he came off hardcore! cold turkey NO MEAN FEAT BELIVE!

please dont view this as a personal attack on you but i hate meds, i believe there are a few cases were yes they may be beneficial but doctors are so eager to push any brand on a patient who is basically just a guinea pig! they dont really care. doctors often invest in the stock of a drug so push like crazy to get there profit.

the USA and the UK are a little different, you only have to look at the school kids whacked out on meds crazy! absolutely crazy

[edit on 14/3/2010 by stealthyaroura]

It's a complex subject so it can be extremely dangerous to let people believe they can make due without medication while their doctors say otherwise. I was speaking strictly in a general sense and not to just one case (such as the OP). While medication is not supposed to be life long in the first place, getting off of it is a hard thing to do and I applaud anyone who can use medication to become healthy and then leave it behind afterwards. It is addictive and far from perfect yet. This is how come I believe we should not fear medication but work on advances. I am hopeful that in the future we will have advances in our technology to help doctors and psychologists match medicines more accurately to th eright illness and right individual. Matching a person with the wrong anti depressent is one major reasons people are not helped.

Brain imaging scans are advancing at a fast rate and I can see that in the future there will be technology to check a person's brain -the exact chemical imbalance and be able to correct it without any such guessing games. For now the machines are large, expensive and won't be used- but it is only a matter of time. -Think of how large computers used to be and how small they are today.

I applaud you if you do genuinely know about how Serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine work in the brain and its relationship to depression, but if you do not-It may be an interesting topic to study, understand, and read about. Medication in this area is not to be shunned or have people fear or become ashamed of taking. It can be quite life saving. This is of course, within the right patients.

Too many people are given the wrong treatment and many treatments are flawed enough because we don't understand the brain completely as it is very complex. I do have hope though, that things will change as we advance in technology and understanding biology- we as in researchers and scientists.

I don't know about doctors being crazy with meds. It is their profession to treat people and I can't see them using methods that are empirically unfit for the amount of money placed into it. They can't function as a homeopathic organization as they are based on science and not intuition.
My doctor knew that I was hard up for cash and gave me every free sample of medication she could for my asthma so I could breathe. She could have given me just one, as to save them for others -to advertise the product. But she knew I couldn't afford refills and gave me them all for free. I think that was very nice.

I truly do not understand extremes. People seem to be either hardcore into medication and drugs or fearful and hating them. There is an inbetween for me. The understanding that it is benificial and realistic for many and that others may due with a natural cure.

Some SAD(type of depression) can be simply cured with sunlight, exercise, and healthy eating habits. I am in agreeance that the illnesses that have some natural remedies should be sought out first..Don't grab a pill for a headache if you can heal by sleeping. But certainly grab a pill for a migrain you can't stand.

Concerning abilities it's always important to try healing the body before using energy. Sometimes visiting doctors as well as a reiki professional may als help. Both can go hand in hand.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:10 PM
Well, let me just start off by saying that I am currently on Depakote. It is a mood "stabilizer." While I admit that I am better than I was in the months of October and November, my synapses do not fire as quickly as they did when I was "mentally ill."

Now, before I got on Depakote, I was very, very manic. It was nothing for me to stay awake for two or three days in a row. I'd go to bed and sleep for eight, maybe nine, hours, and I'd get up ready to do it all over again!!

During this period, I was super aware. I mean, everything was magnified ten-fold. The ticking of the clock, the pitter patter of feet on the floor. I could hear the sound of a leaf fall from a tree!! The whole nine yards.

Now, I talked to a real good female friend of mine about all of this before I got put on medication and she was quite frank with me. She said that she really didn't think the medication was necessary. She said that she truly believed that heightened awareness was what 2012 was going to be all about, but the PTB will have us all doped up to such an extent, we won't know it.

I tend to agree with her.

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 02:19 PM
weird i was put on Zoloft around the ages of 12 or 14 i cant remember the exact age but around 16 17 i stopped taking pills all together cause i didn't like the way they made me feel but now days even though im clean my anxiety seems to be off the charts always worrying about something here or there

ps i dont no what a indigo child is but i was born born july 21 1986 if that means any thing

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by LouCypher

OK louCypher i just read your indigo child "list" of attributes, well i must be the indigo leader as i fit all of the list but way over the top on most of the things.

i don't however believe in the indigo movement not one bit.sorry.

i class myself as an anarchist that's about it.rules are made for breaking as are loads and loads of laws. you see we are not the elite so we choose this path to annoy those who actually believe there in control

silly people, all inbred fools. the elite HA UP YOURS

posted on Mar, 14 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Zerra

sorry ZERRA not (zarra my bad) you clearly know enough about how these drugs and hoe they work on the receptors of the brain, i too have studied this field a little and your advice is sound and solid. respect my friend.

but do you agree the USA is way over the top when it comes to handing out meds to kids especially?

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