posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 02:26 PM
Hey all, I didn't have the time to sift through and see if this was touched on. But with the rejection of the bailout deal, Barney Frank is quoted by
yahoo as saying "The Republicans don't trust the administration. It's a Republican revolt against George Bush and John McCain."
Now, most of us, Demo or Repub, are pretty much against this plan at face value. What we've been calling for are parties to stand up for their
principles instead of for an administration or nomenclature. A true Republican reovlt against those open Neocons would be a good thing, no?
So then who is more evil, and who is in cahoots with who? Frank and these radical Dems calling for a "plan"...people who used to speak of hating
Bush. Or the politicians who actually had some backobne for once and voted, imo, correctly?
I sense "elite" Democrats and Neocon republicans are and have been trying to work together on this, and perhaps some fallboys and patsies in
Congress have seen the light for once.