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Where to buy an unregistered Rifle/Shotgun?

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posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by Blogstalker

He isnt doing anything illegal. You might want to re-read the thread.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Yes but lets hope it stays that way. Desperate times lead to desperate measures.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by Blogstalker
reply to post by thisguyrighthere

Yes but lets hope it stays that way. Desperate times lead to desperate measures.

what do you mean? You told the OP to be careful when "getting caught"

I don''t know your familly situation but it won't help them being economically strapped and you in Jail when you get caught.

"Getting caught" implies that they were doing something wrong. What is wrong with legally obtaining a gun? There is no reason to spread fear over this issue. You guys are all scaring me, by taking this stance that somehow because you want to own a gun, and don't want the government to know about it - somehow that means you are going to do something illegal?

I don't get it, must be that "new math."

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:30 PM
There is no national register for Rifles/Shotguns, only handguns.

That being said, if you want your purchase to be even more discreet, find a Military Surplus shop. Not only are Milsurp weapons more likely to be classified as "collectors" firearms, and sometimes require less paper, but they are dirt cheap. I purchased an old M91/30 WW2 Mosin Nagant for about $100. The ammo is fairly cheap too if you find Milsurp ammunition.

but really, you have nothing to worry about, as I stated earlier: the Federal Government does not maintain a register for Rifles and Shotguns.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by scientist

My point is if he gets caught, should he decide to purchase a gun illegally, he isn't helping anyone. And it hurts the cause of the legal gun owners.

No intentions to scare, I find the the financial situation the world is in much scarier than some one looking to buy a gun.

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by Blogstalker

I agree.

If people think they are going to need a firearm to protect themselves in this mess, then maybe they shouldn't get one. However, you may need one for hunting. Now if the "Government" (I'm using quotes, because I don't see many signs of my Constitution in use anymore) tries to do anything too extreme, all of us responsible firearms owners will rally to the cause.

I would actually consider liquidating and getting your self in a good, solid position for the coming crisis. I, for one, have liquidated some assets, and purchased a home w/cash. even if the world comes crashing down, me and mine have a roof.

It sounds like the OP is less interested in survival and more interested in violence. registered or no, if someone comes to try and collect my registered firearms, I've suddenly forgotten where I put them

posted on Oct, 8 2008 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by nj2day
registered or no, if someone comes to try and collect my registered firearms, I've suddenly forgotten where I put them

let me know how that works out for you. "Oh officer, I can't seem to find my guns..."

- "We'll find them for you" (as you are shackled and placed into the backseat)

posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 11:13 PM
reply to post by Tomis_Nexis

Actually it will. We're facing a total collapse of the Economy and Government. Martial Law over congress has already taken place--meaning Congress is not in control anymore. The Private Bankers are via the takeover of the Treasurt per the Federal Reserve.

Honestly, people in the US do not seem to realize what this Bailout means--really. The Federal reserve is a group f privste bankers run by 12 europeon Banks who have been instrumental in bankrupt over 180 countries.

This Bailout is the move from our government which puts us under full World Bank control. The Congress went against the People's vote. Why? Because they aren't calling the shots. Congressmen were threatened--incredibly-- with Martial Law out in the streets--if this bill was not passed. Yet no public news site/program mentioned this--only alternative news sites.

Do some researech. The Federal Reserve is operated by private bankers. When they took over the debt, they took over the Treasury, and that was the beginning of the end for the USA financially.

The recent history of numerous countries--whose of which have always despised American International Law and Trade Agreements are countries who were literally destroyed by banks coming in to "rescue" their economy, the government sold their country out, and beyond belief, it has finally occurred in the US. It is too disturbing--unthinkable to believe this, but our economy is collapsing and like these other countries, it is by design. That's why this bailout went through. It doesn't make sense to sane people, because it's not meant to save us. It's meant to sink us.

It was unclassified in the last few years that a one-world government was in plan. Many government officials have publicly spoken of this although; people did not know what that really meant. Just as with the European Union started by "trade agreements' Nafta is the beginning to creating Mexico, Canada, and the USA into one union (the North- American Union) which will use the currency the Amero. This is common knowledge to many, but not to the masses.

Watch the documentary The Money Masters to understand how the system really works in this country and for the world banks. It is a purely factual documentary. It explains everything about how money actually works in this country and in the world. Then watch the documentary called Argentina's Economic Collapse. Both can be seen on video goggle.

Three days ago my friend who lived through the collapse in Argentina called me and left a message on my phone. " I can't believe this is happening in America. This is the same thing that happened in my country. This is not an accident. It's all over now. The banks will ruin this country, just like they have other places. I know there is pure evil behind this. I can't say it's an accident--I wish I could. For the first time in my life, I am really scared."

I wish this weren't all true what I wrote above, but it is. You can't write a spy movie better than this. A full takeover of Freedom has now been fully executed.

So yes. Get your gun. When the collapse comes, total Anarchy. Get storable food, seeds, and Water Purification. Put your money in Gold and Silver. You'll need silver to trade for food. 3 hours.
one hour.

posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 01:32 AM
Here in Virginia you do not need to register firearms sold privately person to person. You can, however, volunteer to do so if you choose.

Alot of fear and confusion on this thread about this issue.

I trust my government to look out for me as much as I trust the news media to inform me of the truth!! Got the point folks?? I would trust some strangers more than my own government..state, local, and federal.
No offense personally to the local constabulary but neither do I trust them to protect me. I do trust the local constabulary to collect data and informations after I no longer need protection. Got the point again folks??

Alot of us as Americans have a very olde fashioned concept from our parents and grandparents...called any and everything. If we want unregistered guns...not anyones buisness.

THere is something very backwards and retarded about a government..state, local, and federal who would trust me to fight thier dirty wars for them but not trust me with a firearms. Something is very wrong here.

By the way..I also handle nuclear fuel cells for a living ...should I register myself everytime I handle one??

It is the same bunch of boneheads who do not actually trust me with a firearm??? What is wrong with this picture? Only public education can naturallydumb down a politician/leader this far.

Some of you folks need to think further than your next fear programming.
Also some of you are implying guilt and no crime has been committed. What is wrong with this picture?? Innocent till proven guilty..or one must prove their innocence before any crime has been committed?? Public education again not to know the difference..especially here in America. Those of you in the UK I can understand the folks have a real problem with trust from your government under the Law of the Sovereign.

We dont have the Law of the Sovereign here in the States. Thank God for that.


posted on Oct, 11 2008 @ 04:13 PM
Buy a lower receiver for a AR-15. Then buy a book on the AR. Put the rifle together yourself buying the parts you need to customize it. You'll be very proud of what you built and will know the firearm inside and out, which is necessary when it comes to the AR. I've done this and it's definately my go to battle rifle. I'ts not the most powerful battle rifle, but when you can drive nails with it it doesn't have to be.
The Undertaker

posted on Oct, 12 2008 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by The Undertaker

I've got to agree with this one. You can buy a decent AR-15 for 800 to 8000 or you can build one yourself for less than 700. A decent lower (the only part you need to buy either face to face or from a FFL dealer) runs anywhere from 125 to 250. You can buy an upper (the barrel, to be very basic) online for 300, maybe less.

If the economy crashes not everyone will have stocked up on food and water and not everyone will sit quietly waiting for the Feds to bring it to them. I have a Beretta CX-4 for close quarters, in house protection and am building my AR for outdoors protection.

I won't be a problem for anyone as long as they aren't trying to threaten my family on my property. I can only hope a few of my neighbors are also prepared, if so we won't have much to worry about.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:26 PM

Originally posted by minniescar
Several have said it before in this thread but ill say it again in the US it is quite legal to own an unregistered firearm. Gun shows , flea markets , swap meets are all easy ways of getting an unregistered gun.

Very true.

It is disturbing to see the number of mindless zombies coming out and decrying unregistered firearms as illegal (hello "moderators") when the laws vary so widely from one area to another.

Good way to separate the wheat from the chaff, I guess.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by scientist

Originally posted by nj2day
registered or no, if someone comes to try and collect my registered firearms, I've suddenly forgotten where I put them

let me know how that works out for you. "Oh officer, I can't seem to find my guns..."

- "We'll find them for you" (as you are shackled and placed into the backseat)

Well, if that was the case, at least SOMEONE would have them...

Better me locked away and my firearms available to my friends and family.

Besides, there is not a national registry for Rifles/shotguns. I could happily give them my handguns. I'll still have some others stashed away...

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 04:45 PM

Well, if that was the case, at least SOMEONE would have them...

Better me locked away and my firearms available to my friends and family.

Besides, there is not a national registry for Rifles/shotguns. I could happily give them my handguns. I'll still have some others stashed away...

Since you are going to do it happily, why not give me your handguns? I can always use more. Do you really mean this? You would happily give up a freedom and way to defend yourself? Slippery slope, once you lose one, the rest are sure to follow. Just because they are "hidden" doesnt mean they wont be found. And what good is a hidden gun anyways? If you dont stand up and fight when they came to your door for your pistols, why would you stand up with a rifle or a shotgun?

Protect your rights and your freedoms, give the socialists nothing to build from or we will lose everything.

posted on Oct, 17 2008 @ 05:15 PM
When the corporate stormtroopers come to round you up for reeducation, you'll need more than a firearm to defend yourself. It's time for folks to start thinking out of the Hollywood fantasy box. A determined resistance movement uses guile and tactics and not firepower to sap the strength of the enemy. A single well organized guerilla fighter can tie up between 100-1000 enemy occupying troops without killing a single one of them. The idea of any guerilla movement isn't to kill the enemy but to make them want to leave and not come back.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by Jemison

There's a good chance if martial law hits the U.S., gun confiscation will also be in effect. If you’re registered...well, you can see where I'm going with that.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by Jemison
I can't believe you're asking where to get an unregistered gun on a public forum and that you are even considering buying an unregisterd gun! Isn't it against TOS to discuss illegal activities such as this?

How do you feel it would be in your best interest to be in possession of an unregistered gun? What benefits are you thinking you would have if you were the owner of an unregistered gun?

The above poster is correct that if you are buying a gun off of the street you have no idea what you are getting into and if that gun was used in a crime. You would just be setting yourself up for major trouble in a lot of different ways.

If you believe that this economic crisis is a reason for you to have a gun in your possession (I'm not sure I understand where you are coming from on that) then go through the LEGAL channels to get it.


Buying an unregistered firearm is perfectly legal in most states.. the US does not have a national firearm registration system. Registration is actually illegal if made into federal law as per the 2nd amendment. Some States/Cities and federal territories (like D.C.) do have registration. But all states have to use the instant background check system when doing commercial sales, gun show or no gun show. Private sales do not require any sort of background check.

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by seircram

Originally posted by scientist
here's another vote for gun shows. Just approach whatever seller is there, and ask to do a private sale.

The only problem is that in a lot of states, including my own, any gun show sales have to have a background check, so there goes the "unregistered" part of the equation. Asking to do a "private sale" could get you into trouble.

However, in a lot of places, including my own state, private person-2-person guns sales do not require a background check. Check the want ads in your local rural paper, rural 5-n-dime ads, and your local gun range.

However, if you are selling a registered gun then it would behoove you to sell to a dealer, or through a dealer, so that the gun ID will eventually get tagged to another buyer.

And in any case, when selling a gun privately, you should as a minimum make up a bill of sale that includes some legal mumbo-jumbo such as the gun ID, proof of a valid driver's license (for age), and something saying that the seller has a clear right to sell the gun and the buyer has no legal conditions that would keep him/her from purchasing the gun, etc..

Background checks have absolutely nothing to do with registration, bud.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by daeoeste

I couldn't agree more. EVERYTHING online is monitored, ESPECIALLY sites dealing with guns. Be CAREFULL.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 12:36 PM
My husband is in gun sales and they have had record orders today. I would say some are concerned about losing their Constitutional rights.

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