posted on Sep, 29 2008 @ 01:06 PM
reply to post by marg6043
Im sure you KNOW how I feel about this bailout. I think it SUCKED.
However, I think we should ALL hold onto our hats now, because this mess just got a lot worse. I think our markets are going to react SO negatively,
that irrespective of the ABSOLUTE upside to the taxpayer not footing the bill, those actually WITH all the money are going to say "ok screw you
little America, you wanted failure, we'll SHOW you failure".
I NEVER EVER get scared or panic, it's not in my nature, however if anything would have the ability to do so, it IS what we're witnessing right
I firmly believe that our ONLY saving grace would come in the form of a complete and total Government subsidy to us, the little people to get back on
OUR feet, and SCREW the globe, SCREW the wall streeters, and let US have those funds to hedge against THEIR misappropriations. Lacking that, I think
we are SERIOUSLY about to see Great Depression part II, and this time, there's a WHOLE lot more people that will be affected.