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South Carolina mayor 'just curious' if Obama is the antichrist.

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posted on Oct, 2 2008 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by grover
reply to post by centurion1211

In case you have not noticed this thread is not about Palin or her religious views... nor is it about Obama's religion or religious views... more than anything it is about the continued hysterical rumors and smear campaigns against him... in this case the suggestion that he is the anti-Christ.

It is most certainly relevant.

How is someone calling Obama the "anti-christ" relevant to this election - or anything else? Granted, if it turned out to be true then it would make for a very interesting thread. However, you and (just about?) every person on ATS knows that it's not going to turn out to be true. So ...

I stand behind my request for mod closure of this thread.

posted on Oct, 6 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by grover
reply to [url=

... more than anything it is about the continued hysterical rumors and smear campaigns against him... in this case the suggestion that he is the anti-Christ.

It is most certainly relevant.

If religion were not a issue Mitt Romney would not have had to give a speech it this spring... and the Rev. Wright would not be one either.

[edit on 6-10-2008 by grover]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:04 AM
Obama was pre-selected to be President at this time. A Manchurian Candidate, if you will. The Freemasons are really running the show, executing the devil's plans. First, "put in" a President whose sole purpose was to break down America's economy and global trust. Then, the next President would be in a great position for winning the hearts of most. The trick is that he WILL be doing the right things! Unemployment drops. Pollution emissions will decrease due to taking Global Warming serious. Troops will come home. A peaceful and trustworthy tone is set. But wait!! What happens next? National identification and globalization. One- World Banking becomes a great idea. Dont forget that Europe is the country that the "shot callers" of America are from. They are one and the same when it comes to underlined agendas. This shows how a money-merge could take place (Euro dollar/American currency). O.K. Here it is. Many will trust Mr. Obama for many of his accomplishments. This is the trick. He can then introduce ideas to America that would SEEM beneficial to the people, but has an underlined WICKED agenda. He would have done so much GOOD STUFF by this time that there would be no reason to doubt his judgement, right? Dont forget that Obama IS a member of societies that endorse and help bring about the Anti-Christ and his New World Order. Lets face it. For Obama to be a colored man given the opportunity to run for President, he already had to be "conditioned" along the way. The "race card" is being used to trick you. Black, white, red, yellow. Dont matter. Whoever holds that position is subject to the Devil's Plan. Watch out for Mr Obama throwing the Skull and Bones hand sign.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by centurion1211

Excuse me? How many anti-Obama threads are open? The playing field is certainly level from a mod's perspective - I should know.

Most of the "anti-Palin" stuff is coming from your own party and the McCain camp. Don't blame us.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by Irish M1ck]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by Dronetek
How is this any different than the left constantly painting McCain as some kind of insane warmonger or wana-be slave owner? You guys always get so angry when someone sends an email that attacks your man Obama, but don't seem to give a damn about the equally ridiculous things said in the main stream about McCain. You guys always want to attack Christians as some kind of subhuman moron, but ignore the fact the same sort of bilge comes from the left.

Thats a major difference in smears. Obama's are relegated to emails and fringe websites and Mccain's are put right out in the mainstream. Remember when Woopie claimed McCain want to bring back slavery?

[edit on 29-9-2008 by Dronetek]

Probably because much of the stuff you mention about McCain is at least grounded in reality but to call someone the anti-christ? Come on, how is that the same as calling someone a warmonger. Look up anti-christ, look up warmonger. Read up on what each term means. You will see that your defense is just as silly as your analogy.

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