1 (F) an estimate of additional actions under
2 the authority provided under this Act that may
3 be necessary to address such challenges.
4 (2) TIMING.—The report required by this sub5
section shall be submitted not later than 7 days
6 after the date on which commitments to purchase
7 troubled assets under the authorities provided in this
8 Act first reach an aggregate of $50,000,000,000 and
9 not later than 7 days after each $50,000,000,000 in10
terval of such commitments is reached thereafter.
12 Secretary shall review the current state of the financial
13 markets and the regulatory system and submit a written
14 report to the appropriate committees of Congress not later
15 than April 30, 2009, analyzing the current state of the
16 regulatory system and its effectiveness at overseeing the
17 participants in the financial markets, including the over18
the-counter swaps market and government-sponsored en19
terprises, and providing recommendations for improve20
ment, including—
21 (1) recommendations regarding—
22 (A) whether any participants in the finan23
cial markets that are currently outside the reg24
ulatory system should become subject to the
25 regulatory system; and
1 (B) enhancement of the clearing and set2
tlement of over-the-counter swaps; and
3 (2) the rationale underlying such recommenda4
5 (d) SHARING OF INFORMATION.—Any report re6
quired under this section shall also be submitted to the
7 Congressional Oversight Panel established under section
8 125.
9 (e) SUNSET.—The reporting requirements under this
10 section shall terminate on the later of—
11 (1) the date that the last troubled asset ac12
quired by the Secretary under section 101 has been
13 sold or transferred out of the ownership or control
14 of the Federal Government; or
15 (2) the date of expiration of the last insurance
16 contract issued under section 102.
19 (a) EXERCISE OF RIGHTS.—The Secretary may, at
20 any time, exercise any rights received in connection with
21 troubled assets purchased under this Act.
retary shall have authority to manage troubled assets pur24
chased under this Act, including revenues and portfolio
25 risks therefrom.
(c) SALE OF TROUBLED 1 ASSETS.—The Secretary
2 may, at any time, upon terms and conditions and at a
3 price determined by the Secretary, sell, or enter into secu4
rities loans, repurchase transactions, or other financial
5 transactions in regard to, any troubled asset purchased
6 under this Act.
7 (d) TRANSFER TO TREASURY.—Revenues of, and
8 proceeds from the sale of troubled assets purchased under
9 this Act, or from the sale, exercise, or surrender of war10
rants or senior debt instruments acquired under section
11 113 shall be paid into the general fund of the Treasury
12 for reduction of the public debt.
SETS.—The authority of the Secretary to hold any trou15
bled asset purchased under this Act before the termination
16 date in section 120, or to purchase or fund the purchase
17 of a troubled asset under a commitment entered into be18
fore the termination date in section 120, is not subject
19 to the provisions of section 120.
21 (a) STREAMLINED PROCESS.—For purposes of this
22 Act, the Secretary may waive specific provisions of the
23 Federal Acquisition Regulation upon a determination that
24 urgent and compelling circumstances make compliance
25 with such provisions contrary to the public interest. Any
1 such determination, and the justification for such deter2
mination, shall be submitted to the Committees on Over3
sight and Government Reform and Financial Services of
4 the House of Representatives and the Committees on
5 Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Bank6
ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate within 7
7 days.
9 any solicitation or contract where the Secretary has, pur10
suant to subsection (a), waived any provision of the Fed11
eral Acquisition Regulation pertaining to minority con12
tracting, the Secretary shall develop and implement stand13
ards and procedures to ensure, to the maximum extent
14 practicable, the inclusion and utilization of minorities (as
15 such term is defined in section 1204(c) of the Financial
16 Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of
17 1989 (12 U.S.C. 1811 note)) and women, and minority18
and women-owned businesses (as such terms are defined
19 in section 21A(r)(4) of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act
20 (12 U.S.C. 1441a(r)(4)), in that solicitation or contract,
21 including contracts to asset managers, servicers, property
22 managers, and other service providers or expert consult23
24 (c) ELIGIBILITY OF FDIC.—Notwithstanding sub25
sections (a) and (b), the Corporation—
1 (1) shall be eligible for, and shall be considered
2 in, the selection of asset managers for residential
3 mortgage loans and residential mortgage-backed se4
curities; and
5 (2) shall be reimbursed by the Secretary for
6 any services provided.
8 (a) STANDARDS REQUIRED.—The Secretary shall
9 issue regulations or guidelines necessary to address and
10 manage or to prohibit conflicts of interest that may arise
11 in connection with the administration and execution of the
12 authorities provided under this Act, including—
13 (1) conflicts arising in the selection or hiring of
14 contractors or advisors, including asset managers;
15 (2) the purchase of troubled assets;
16 (3) the management of the troubled assets held;
17 (4) post-employment restrictions on employees;
18 and
19 (5) any other potential conflict of interest, as
20 the Secretary deems necessary or appropriate in the
21 public interest.
22 (b) TIMING.—Regulations or guidelines required by
23 this section shall be issued as soon as practicable after
24 the date of enactment of this Act.
3 STANDARDS.—To the extent that the Secretary acquires
4 mortgages, mortgage backed securities, and other assets
5 secured by residential real estate, including multifamily
6 housing, the Secretary shall implement a plan that seeks
7 to maximize assistance for homeowners and use the au8
thority of the Secretary to encourage the servicers of the
9 underlying mortgages, considering net present value to the
10 taxpayer, to take advantage of the HOPE for Home11
owners Program under section 257 of the National Hous12
ing Act or other available programs to minimize fore13
closures. In addition, the Secretary may use loan guaran14
tees and credit enhancements to facilitate loan modifica15
tions to prevent avoidable foreclosures.
16 (b) COORDINATION.—The Secretary shall coordinate
17 with the Corporation, the Board (with respect to any
18 mortgage or mortgage-backed securities or pool of securi19
ties held, owned, or controlled by or on behalf of a Federal
20 reserve bank, as provided in section 110(a)(1)(C)), the
21 Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Secretary of Hous22
ing and Urban Development, and other Federal Govern23
ment entities that hold troubled assets to attempt to iden24
tify opportunities for the acquisition of classes of troubled
25 assets that will improve the ability of the Secretary to im26
prove the loan modification and restructuring process and,
1 where permissible, to permit bona fide tenants who are
2 current on their rent to remain in their homes under the
3 terms of the lease. In the case of a mortgage on a residen4
tial rental property, the plan required under this section
5 shall include protecting Federal, State, and local rental
6 subsidies and protections, and ensuring any modification
7 takes into account the need for operating funds to main8
tain decent and safe conditions at the property.
10 REQUESTS.—Upon any request arising under existing in11
vestment contracts, the Secretary shall consent, where ap12
propriate, and considering net present value to the tax13
payer, to reasonable requests for loss mitigation measures,
14 including term extensions, rate reductions, principal write
15 downs, increases in the proportion of loans within a trust
16 or other structure allowed to be modified, or removal of
17 other limitation on modifications.
19 (a) DEFINITIONS.—As used in this section—
20 (1) the term ‘‘Federal property manager’’
21 means—
22 (A) the Federal Housing Finance Agency,
23 in its capacity as conservator of the Federal
24 National Mortgage Association and the Federal
25 Home Loan Mortgage Corporation;
1 (B) the Corporation, with respect to resi2
dential mortgage loans and mortgage-backed se3
curities held by any bridge depository institu4
tion pursuant to section 11(n) of the Federal
5 Deposit Insurance Act; and
6 (C) the Board, with respect to any mort7
gage or mortgage-backed securities or pool of
8 securities held, owned, or controlled by or on
9 behalf of a Federal reserve bank, other than
10 mortgages or securities held, owned, or con11
trolled in connection with open market oper12
ations under section 14 of the Federal Reserve
13 Act (12 U.S.C. 353), or as collateral for an ad14
vance or discount that is not in default;
15 (2) the term ‘‘consumer’’ has the same meaning
16 as in section 103 of the Truth in Lending Act (15
17 U.S.C. 1602);
18 (3) the term ‘‘insured depository institution’’
19 has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Federal
20 Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1813); and
21 (4) the term ‘‘servicer’’ has the same meaning
22 as in section 6(i)(2) of the Real Estate Settlement
23 Procedures Act of 1974 (12 U.S.C. 2605(i)(2)).
(1) IN 1 GENERAL.—To the extent that the Fed2
eral property manager holds, owns, or controls mort3
gages, mortgage backed securities, and other assets
4 secured by residential real estate, including multi5
family housing, the Federal property manager shall
6 implement a plan that seeks to maximize assistance
7 for homeowners and use its authority to encourage
8 the servicers of the underlying mortgages, and con9
sidering net present value to the taxpayer, to take
10 advantage of the HOPE for Homeowners Program
11 under section 257 of the National Housing Act or
12 other available programs to minimize foreclosures.
13 (2) MODIFICATIONS.—In the case of a residen14
tial mortgage loan, modifications made under para15
graph (1) may include—
16 (A) reduction in interest rates;
17 (B) reduction of loan principal; and
18 (C) other similar modifications.
19 (3) TENANT PROTECTIONS.—In the case of
20 mortgages on residential rental properties, modifica21
tions made under paragraph (1) shall ensure—
22 (A) the continuation of any existing Fed23
eral, State, and local rental subsidies and pro24
tections; and
1 (B) that modifications take into account
2 the need for operating funds to maintain decent
3 and safe conditions at the property.
4 (4) TIMING.—Each Federal property manager
5 shall develop and begin implementation of the plan
6 required by this subsection not later than 60 days
7 after the date of enactment of this Act.
8 (5) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—Each Federal
9 property manager shall, 60 days after the date of
10 enactment of this Act and every 30 days thereafter,
11 report to Congress specific information on the num12
ber and types of loan modifications made and the
13 number of actual foreclosures occurring during the
14 reporting period in accordance with this section.
15 (6) CONSULTATION.—In developing the plan re16
quired by this subsection, the Federal property man17
agers shall consult with one another and, to the ex18
tent possible, utilize consistent approaches to imple19
ment the requirements of this subsection.
21 case in which a Federal property manager is not the owner
22 of a residential mortgage loan, but holds an interest in
23 obligations or pools of obligations secured by residential
24 mortgage loans, the Federal property manager shall—