Ok. I hate doing this because it starts to sound like one of those (911=9+11=20! = 2-0 OMG the Red Sox are gonna win tonite!!!) types of posts.
However, with that being said:
It is common when screwing around and being cute on websites to encode hiding things in the source of the page, the names of the files etc etc. Bungie
does this a lot when they make fake website to tease Halo. Likewise viral sites do this things like "The Lost Experience" game. Tried and true, time
old, happens a lot.
Now the only interesting file names on that page look like this, the last three images:
now-what.jpg (pause...)
1001101001010010.jpg (please hold...)
this-isnt-good.jpg (Reboot status)
So from the filenames it looks like he is saying:
now what?
this isnt good
So what is that (?)
Now that binary one looks like, well, binary. So its probably two characters ASCII:
This is what I get as a pure translation
1001101001010010: šR
This is what I get backwards:
1001101001010010: JY
Nothing that looks to be worth anything, So is there anything else to do to this entry?
But there is really no justification for screwing around like that. Except it is the month of October, and the software he uses prepends the month to
the filename (wp-content/uploads/2008/10/1001101001010010.jpg). So there is another 10 we can put in front of the filename: 10/1001101001010010.jpg.
Lets get rid of the other file related stuff and go into the 0 and 1's only: 101001101001010010, this is no longer cleanly divisible for our purposes
so I need to add some padding on the left or right.
so we try, (padding forwards and backwards):
101001101001010010000000 : ¦”€
101001101001010010111111 : ¦”¿
000000101001101001010010 : šR
111111101001101001010010 : þšR
Here is what I get if I don't add padding, but just drop the extra binary off the end:
1010011010010100 : ¦”
0010100101100101 : )e
So what does all this mean?
1) Probably nothing.
2) If I was going to hide a message but not make it too obvious I would probably use this technique, but with some sort of twist to not make it too
easy. The October thing that lets us stick the '10' in front of the number is just that sort of cute trick. And zero padding to reach the required
number of bits is about the most normal thing to do in that situation. This gives some credence to that entry I bolded above. I make a lot of
assumptions to get to this, but they all are reasonable assumptions.
Whatever he means by "¦”€" I would have no idea, except it involves the Euro.
3) Mainer needs to lay off ATS forawhile
I would appreciate someone else double checking my conversions. It is easy to get a little lost copy pasting all these 0 and 1's.
[edit on 11-10-2008 by Mainer]
[edit on 11-10-2008 by Mainer]