posted on Sep, 28 2008 @ 08:47 PM
One should also consider that dreams are extra dimensional. We are somewhat locked into our physical bodies, but when asleep... we are free to slide,
roam, what have you... I tend to think that what a dream really is is a flip into an alternate dimension. I'm not sure if anyone has experienced
this but I'll tell my story.
In my dreams, when I see a certain color, particularly a room that I enter. If the room is that color, I becaome self aware that I am in the dream and
can move freely about in it. Once while in a dream, I walked over to a window that faced the sun and asked myself, "would I feel the suns rays on my
hands" if I put them in the sunshine. I did, and the answer was yes.
Because I was self aware that I was in a dream state, I should believe the sun, the feeling, and the visuals were not real, but, they were. I was
convinced that dreams are extra dimentional and possibly extra parallel universal true life worlds. We can't stay in them because we are anchored to
this reality by our physical bodies.