Page 6, second half and page 7 table:
Page 6, Second half:
".. and you start the mandal and you write around you with a knife that has engravings of the 12 signs of the zodiac and the seven planets and their
symbols in Indian. and when you get to that, light up incense to that degree and you spray your self with incense and you call the contact of that
specific degree and you ask for what you need, and he will do it in the fastest time. And if that he takes long to respond more than three, then try
that in 3's until 9 days, doing it every three days for they have excuse in absence. And be ware of mistaking the name of the contact, and if you do,
then you do not deserve to know this science.
And know that this is a good introduction to this chapter, and know that knowing the characteristics of the degrees of the skies and knowing this
introduction thoroughly is great science.
And we mention now the picture "aa 60 ha" (undeciphered/unknown text)) that were carried from "Tamtam" and the names of their servants/contacts
"Taha Akh"(undeciphered/unknown text)".. +END OF PAGE 6+
Page 7 Table:
(sections: 1,2,3,4,5)
"Picture of the Aries Degree"
Picture: A man with a dagger, a man carrying animal/human disposals, a man with a face of a dog, a dead man or a resurrecting man, a man with a
Names: Dasa, Shamsa Lak, Kahur Balukhena, Tut Madal, Wadarda
Insence: I will only write to trusted person.
Services: Kills your enemies with his dagger, gives you water that makes you unthirsty, Fights your enemies of beasts, takes death away from you,
fights weapons away from you.
(sections 6,7,8,9,10)
Pictures: A snake blowing fire, a sheep looking back, a sheep with his head by his tail, a woman in her hand (the male sexual part) of a palm tree
Names: Santun, DasuTahmes, Todya, Fardards, Rtubasandah.
Insence: I will only write to trusted person.
Services: Kills your enemies, unites enemies, Comforts who you love, shows you the beautiful scences/images, keeps thieves away from you.
(Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
Pictures: An ambiguous picture with two horns, a man with a shield of iron, A man with golden feet, a man wearing a silk dress.
Names: Sandoora, Samsour, Lohu, Haftha, Saut.
Incense: will only write to trusted person.
Services: Moves the eyes, Makes you victorious against enemies, you own who you want, you blind the eyes of who ever you want.
Screenshot, pages 6-7 (From right to left)
Book Name: The Sun of Great Sciences
Author: Ahmed Bin Ali Al-Buni
This book is 533 pages, it is like a total guide to ancient spiritual practices, excercises that and it's like a collection of texts that deal with
divination, contacting people from different planets, and trading benefits, etc..
No translation here for now, need your responses..
Edit: Second book info added
[edit on 28-9-2008 by Mr. Secret]
[edit on 28-9-2008 by Mr. Secret]