posted on Nov, 16 2009 @ 01:31 PM
Nice, constructive one line response. I thought that was frowned upon around here?
Wait, let me get this straight.....the only response you consider "constructive" would be something that supports dribble like this?
I could parrot what many others have mentioned in this thread about how the poor video quality lends itself to "creative interpretation", but there
is no need to say that, as others have picked up on that fact early on.
I guess I could go into some of the highly questionable dealings of Dorothy, which would make her involvement in such a thing like this make more
sense I guess...but that is search-able here on ATS and google.
But the important thing here is to note that you only want people to talk about the possibilities that this is 100% legit, rather than to rain on your
parade. That is the problem with this subject, and it pains me to see you adding to it without question.
Like I said, don't get upset with me, get upset with the questionable folks you parrot that make it so easy for even a half-brained ninny like myself
to dismiss their ignorant claims.
[edit on 16-11-2009 by IgnoreTheFacts]