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Chemotherapy: Blessing or Curse?

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posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 08:52 PM

Chemotherapy: Blessing or Curse?

When selling a product in America it seems there is no shame in omitting small details like facts, even when it comes to life and death issues. It is "common knowledge" that chemotherapy is the best defense against cancer, but that does not make it true. If we knew we would live four times as long by refusing traditional therapies, why would we choose treatment? If we knew that breast, lung and colon cancers did not respond to chemotherapy, why would we put ourselves through the torture of having those toxic materials injected into our systems?
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 08:52 PM
I watched my favorite Aunt (the one we believed brought the sunshine) and my Dad dissolve after beginning chemo. I watched the downfall, a hideous downfall and painful for all that loved them. Would they have lived longer if they had abstained? Probably.

I think it is time we rethink and question our doctors about our health care, really question them, ask about numbers and survival rates. I think it is time we start pulling them to the carpet and not just accept that the "doctor knows best".
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 26-9-2008 by Vikturtle]

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:01 PM
It is barbaric. You can cure cancer through much more beneovloent means, but the FDA, Pharmacueticals, and AMA conglomerates try to sell us Chemo. It is barbarian and ignorant.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:06 PM
Things change. A couple of hundred years ago the solution would have been bleeding.

There is one reality; we live, we die. If you start thinking those here can influence mortality in the truest sense you are just going to be disappointed.

(And yes I believe chemo is a medical scam, sure some live, but I guarantee you some live after the witch doctors' perform as well. It is the best they can do; it is not that great.)

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:12 PM
My mother (53) has attempted to cure her cancer with chemo and radiation three times. It hasn't worked once, and yet she is going to continue doing it.

She has a unique form of cancer, they say they have never encountered someone with exactly her type. Not sure what's so special about it, but the doctors seem insistent that she continue radiation and chemo. She doesn't complain about the nausea and other symptoms anymore, but I know she's in a lot of pain and discomfort (to say the least). At this point, I don't really know how to tell her to stop the poison and start herbal treatment again. She's already tried that for about a 6 month period and for some reason she went back to the hard chemicals.

She was diagnosed at age 50, and in three years she has become a handicapped old woman. I blame the chemo 100 percent. I think if she would have rejected the notion of chemotherapy in the beginning, she would be far more vibrant today. The doctors (3 years ago), were insistent that if she didn't do chemo immediately she would have died within 6 months. She did chemo, she's alive now, know what I mean :/

[edit on 9/26/2008 by iceofspades]

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by ArcturianSoul

It absolutely is. Barbaric is a very good word. I wonder why there aren't more options, but I fear I know why, $$$.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by iceofspades

I blame it as well, I watched my dad just disintegrate after accepting chemo. They said he lived with cancer for 20 years, but he died with chemo in months. Chemo is sold as the only option and after a diagnosis the doctors just rush patients into treatment, but there are no options, no A, B, C, D

It's the biggest scam and the saddest thing.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:42 PM
Just realize there are no answers in this world. Don't be thinking that "if only" or "those evil greedy people" because the truth is in our world everything is born, and everything dies. It is not about modern society, or evil selfish people, everything in our world dies (if they live).

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:49 PM
If it weren't for aggressive radiation and chemotherapy 25 years ago, I wouldn't be here. I have no doubt about that. Others who I met, who had none, or alternative treatments are long gone.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:55 PM
My ex mother in law had just finished chemo for breast cancer when I married my now ex husband. She had been nine years cancer free unitl this spring she got cancer again; of the stomach, she underwent chemo again, and is now cancer free. She is about 300 pounds and really in poor health due to her eating habits and lack of exercise. Although I don't think chemo is the best thing for anyone, someone who can overcome cancer two times in ten years with bad overall health to boot must say something for chemo. But hey, what do I know, I'm a nurse by education and saw one of the women I love so much kick cancers ass twice thanks to chemo.

I really do think a lot of it has to do with the type of cancer you have, how far along you are, wether or not it has matastisized, is it also operable, etc.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by Vikturtle
It's the biggest scam and the saddest thing.

Im sorry for your loss, and yes chemo isnt always a guarantee that it will eradicate the cancer. But please remember that for many people, chemo has worked and helped prolong their life. Its not a scam....its just the best they (modern medicine doctors)can do at this point in history.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by Phage

Funny, everyone I know that accepted chemo is dead. I'm glad you survived, really.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:12 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Or at least that is what we are told. In 1971, 33% of cancer patients had a chance of living 5 years after diagnosis, but what is rarely published is that 33% of cancers just went away with no intervention.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:12 PM
My 22 yr old daughter has gone through three rounds of chemo and one round of radiation. Right now her cancer has returned. The doctors at MD Anderson wanted her to go through chemo again to put the cancer back into remission. After remission they wanted her to have a stem cell transplant. 6 hours before the transplant was to take place, she left the hospital. Like I said, right now the cancer has once again returned. She still refuses any more chemo, but said she would keep an open mind about the transplant.

This time, however, they have put her on an expermental drug called SB-1518. It is basically used on people with Lukemia. She has Hogskins Lymphoma. The doctors think since there have been very favorable results with Lukemia that it "should" work on the Lymphoma as well. I have a friend that was told back in Nov that she had Lukemia. They tried the same drug on her and as of today the cancer is gone. I am hoping the same for my daughter.

The really good thing about SB-1518 is that there are no side effects. No hair loss, no blood count issues, no loss of energy. If it works it will be wonderful for my daughter and for a LOT of other people.

It works by killing the enzime that the cancer cells use to grow (what the cancer eats to live). Without the enzime, the cancer cells literally starve and die.


posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
...chemo isnt always a guarantee that it will eradicate the cancer. But please remember that for many people, chemo has worked and helped prolong their life. Its not a scam....its just the best they (modern medicine doctors)can do at this point in history.

I scams, no conspiracies, just radical methods to try and contain a killing disease. Recall...chemo is a poison administered in the hopes that it kills the cancer before it kills you. Radiation about the same. It is all as good as the last time it worked for you.

I just passed my 6 month exam after radiation treatment. It's working for me. My father died of lung didn't work for him.

There's no magic fight using the best weapons available and maybe you prevail.

A self-edit to recommend Essiac very worst, it can't hurt.

[edit on 26-9-2008 by JohnnyCanuck]

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by Marilyn

Marilyn, Damn, that's got to be hard. It's one thing to deal with our own ill health, a whole different animal to watch our children suffer. My heart is with you ... Jeeze, 22.

I hope she can find what works for her and despite the horrors of chemo it has been shown to help blood cancers like leukemia.

Good luck to you and her, my thoughts and prayers will be with you guys. I know it is hard, Mom, I know... Blessings.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Vikturtle

Thank you. Thank you very much.
It is hard, but when it's your child you manage to do what you have to do to be strong for them. We found out about the cancer when she was 18. We've been going through this a while now. Right now she is doing well. Strong, overall healthy and trying to live her life. She has been trying to finish college, but keeps having to stop for medical reasons. She is a very strong young lady, but the chemo really did get her down this last time. As for me, as long as I know she's okay, I'm okay.


posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:40 PM
I agree that chemo works for some and not for others. But, the thing that I think is most despicable, is that medicine that can make chemotherapy bearable is withheld and prohibited: medical marijuana.


posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by TheComte
I agree that chemo works for some and not for others. But, the thing that I think is most despicable, is that medicine that can make chemotherapy bearable is withheld and prohibited: medical marijuana.


My oncologist provided me with THC pills (under the table). I also smoked before and after treatments. It didn't help with the side effects but it did help me not care quite so much about them.

That's my experience. I understand it works better for others than it did for me.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by Marilyn

Marilyn, (kinda funny, that's my mom's name), I know how hard it is. My son suffered with hydrocephalus, I remember those long, extended hospital stays. Keeping a happy face, even when you just want to crawl into a ball and sob and yell at God. I know how hard it is and you and your girl are in my prayers.

I also knew what putting out this article would bring, it would open me up to real life and folks suffering.... I don't have the answers, but I sure am questioning. Wish I had something more to offer, but all I have is my whole hearted wish to see your daughter overcome this chaos. Blessings!!!

As I sit here wiping my tears, I wish I had more to offer...

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