posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 07:16 PM
Reading between the lines a little here, because you haven't provided too many examples of what you mean, but --- in my opinion, the behaviour you
appear to be describing is all too human. We have such overpowering egos. And territoriality. And the need not to appear 'less smart'.
Competitiveness. Cruelty. etc.
We're not very nice a lot of the time.
And even a casual study of humans reveals we're not all that much different to household pets -- or, at times, wild animals. Except pets leave us in
the shade when it comes to loyalty, generosity of spirit, bravery, selflessness, etc. most of the time.
There's a lot to be admired in humanity. And a lot that makes you sick and tired. To be kind about it --- humanity on earth could be compared to a
gigantic pre-school or sand-pit. The greed, the grabbing, the screaming and tantrums, the bullying, the pettiness, the fighting and biting ....
Some people are clearly far less evolved than others. Or, put another way, they must have inherited primitive genes. If we regard altruism,
kindness, compassion, generosity, self-sacrifice etc. as being more evolved and/or more spiritually elevated, then we're forced to regard those who
lack such qualities as more primitive and less spiritually elevated.
A spiritually elevated, more evolved individual would respond to you in genuine manner. They would mean what they say, would mean well when they said
or did it .. and therefore would not 'forget' what they'd said a moment later. Nor would they respond with inappropriate 'riled up-ness' or
attempt to sound 'superior' or 'important'.
So you're right actually, when you say they don't react in a 'human' way. What they're doing is reacting in a manner which betrays their
primitive, animalistic ancestry: ego, greed, competitiveness, need to 'conquer' others even in casual conversation -- and emotionally immature so
that they feel a need to impose their own bad mood of the moment onto innocent others (whom they regard, always, as being 'less important', less
valid than themselves).
I try to avoid them. It's a disappointment, learning there are people around (quite a lot !) who are just itching to capitalise on others
misfortune, who spend their lives looking for 'suckers' to fleece, weak ones to beat, bully and rob .. and who lie for the sake of it because it
feels good.
But there are elevated, spiritually-evolved people around too (nowhere near as many) and when you find the genuine article .. it's like finding gold.
You remember those people all your life and thank God for putting them in your life, albeit briefly most often.
It all made sense to me when I read a one-liner by Stuart Wilde years ago: ' Not everything walking around on two legs is human'. He's right.