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American currency enslaving citizens--The Federal Reserve

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posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 07:06 AM
Are people who attack the Federal Reserve just conspiracy theorists? Definitely not.

THE FEDERAL RESERVE ISN'T FEDERAL It�s incredible how few people know the facts about the Federal Reserve. The organization chaired by Alan Greenspan is not "Federal" � it is

instead a cabal of private and international banks that does not answer to the United States government.

And while there is some precious metal stored in Fort Knox, it doesn't back the fiat currency that they issue, because nothing backs it except your trust in the system!

Even a casual look at the Fed�s history leads one to wonder how an institution that profits mightily from its own policies by victimizing Americans has maintained control over the money of the wealthiest nation on Earth. For those who have

made a serious inquiry, the Federal

Reserve is shadowed in deceptive origins

and fraudulent policies.

So for years, Americans have stood by and watched as the Internal Revenue Service has dipped deeper and deeper into our paychecks, and the Federal Reserve has entrenched itself into the economy.

Maybe because we didn�t really want to know the truth, we�ve never even bothered to ask the tough questions.

In the same vein, no one questioned the Social Security program until just a few years ago.

Everyone assumed it was healthy and would be solvent forever. But now we know that it's in deep financial trouble, and it's not clear whether or not it can even be saved.

It might surprise you to learn that it�s totally legal to issue your own currency like the Liberty Dollar. In fact, there are over sixty communities in the U.S. that issue their own money (many have been reported in media outlets like The Wall Street Journal, Parade, ABC, NBC, CBS and CNN.) Many national newspapers, magazines, and TV stations -- and even radio star Paul Harvey -- have covered the Liberty Dollar itself. Legally, The Liberty Dollar is a warehouse receipt for a specific weight of pure .9999 fine gold or .999 fine silver that is stored in a warehouse in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). The warehouse receipt is your proof of ownership, which means if you hold the receipt, you own that gold and silver.

So for the first time since 1913, you can own your own money. When the people own the money, the people control the government. When the government owns the money, the government controls the people.

Using The Liberty Dollar is your way to say you�re concerned and want better money that is of, by and for people. Becoming a Liberty Associate is an easy way to make money, do good, and have fun. It is time for you to make a stand and exercise your Constitutional rights. Exchange your Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) for real gold and silver certificates and help return America to value - one Liberty Dollar at a time.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
� Thomas Jefferson

You can keep using the Federal Reserve's money, which is backed by:

> the national debt,
> Alan Greenspan's ability to see the future,
> the IRS' ability to collect taxes,
> and the tanks and guns of the U.S. military.

Or you can start using the Liberty Dollar, which is backed by:

> fully owned, insured, audited, neutrally-warehoused, safe and secure gold and silver which sits peacefully in a vault and does not stir up trouble around the world or rack up debt for your children to pay off.

Plus, the Liberty Dollar is inflation-proof and gives you a way to earn profits, like the profits banks make on their Federal Reserve money.

Now, which do you choose, the Federal debt-taxation-military money or the peaceful-free-market-voluntary-sound money? It is, after all your choice.

Why did I post this?

Because I believe it.

You know what would be great?

If people on Ats supported this........
We can find out if we live in the same states and help eachother and everone else by using this currency.....

Here's more info on it:

[Edited on 23-3-2004 by TrueLies]

[Edited on 23-3-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 08:13 AM
Support "REAL" Money, here's how:

The paper instrument entitled Patriot is a combination of several objectives. In the first place, it is a sales receipt evidencing that the initial Buyer paid $10 in U.S. Federal Reserve Notes for the document of title to one (1) Troy ounce of .999 fine silver.

In the second place, it is a warehouse receipt evidencing the storage of the same one (1) ounce of silver by the warehouseman pursuant to the terms as set forth on the reverse side of the instrument.

Thirdly, the warehouse receipt is made negotiable thereby permitting free transferability without endorsement of the paper instrument payable to bearer.

Finally, the paper instrument is an expression of all U.S. citizens� First Amendment right to petition for the redress of grievances through the use and acceptance of the Patriot like-minded parties supporting the same grievance.

I find that the Patriot is a valid negotiable paper instrument under the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and its intended use protected by the bearers� rights under the United States Constitution. Upon further review, I also find that the Patriot and its intended use is not in violation of any laws of the federal government of the United States or of the laws of any State in the United States.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 02:16 PM
While trillions of dollars have vanished from our federal budgets over the past 12 years - from the Pentagon budget over $2 trillion, from the HUD budget, from the IRS, and so on - the staggering billions used for bribes is dwarfed by the TRILLIONS of dollars in public funds funnelled into personal bank accounts.

"federal financial books appear to be as 'cooked' as Enron's. . US citizens pay federal taxes of $5,324 every year for every man, woman and child.[2] Of that amount, $4,835, or approximately 85% is spent by eleven agencies that cannot produce reliable financial systems or audits.":

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
� Thomas Jefferson

[Edited on 23-3-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 02:24 PM

Plus, the Liberty Dollar is inflation-proof and gives you a way to earn profits, like the profits banks make on their Federal Reserve money.

LOL. Money illusion, unemployment, lack of demand... inflation proof? Funny...Why is anyone concerned with the Federal Reserve system? It keeps the fiatly monetarist economy in check. It isn't out to get you.

Excellent find TrueLies. This is the first I have heard of alternative forms of money in America. It's a pretty good idea, though don't think it's not without it's faults.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 02:51 PM
I think it would.
Do you know the history of the Federal reserve?

Many people think that finance is a complex subject. They've been conditioned to think so.
This is certainly true of our present money system, but it needn't have been.

Do you know

that Our money system is complicated because it is not honest. It is a swindle that grew out of medieval credit fraud by Jewish goldsmiths, who lent promissory notes far in excess of actual gold deposits. These goldsmiths drew interest�real money that somebody had to earn with work�as the result of lending this "funny money" under the fiction that it was backed by gold. The swindle fed and fattened upon its previous successes, to the point where Finance has become more powerful than nations.


The corrupt banking system became a great danger to our race primarily because those affected were either ignorant of its true nature or were induced to tolerate it because of its immediate financial expediency. We have been like a child who can't resist licking a poisoned lollipop.

To this day, banknotes are counterfeit notes, whatever they might have printed on them, whatever the banks have to say about the matter, and regardless of the government's assurances. The ruling bankers, the ones who operate the fraud internationally, prefer to use make-believe to keep themselves in the position of Man-Fleecer. But when the tricks don't work, when the "livestock" rebel, the bankers use the police, the courts, hired mercenaries, and where necessary the "national" Armed Forces, to enforce their institutionalized larceny, this fraudulent acquisition of wealth created by other people.

In retrospect, it's easy to see how a king could have nipped the emerging goldsmith's swindle in the bud. He would merely have to offer to redeem all the promissory notes issued by a suspected issuer at a 10% markup to motivate the note-bearers to sell. Then, once he had all of the goldsmith's debts in his own favor, the King would present them all to the suspected lender for redemption. If he could not pay, he would be arrested and, most likely, put to death under torture, as would be fitting. Whatever assets he did have would be seized in satisfaction of the debt, and the guilty goldsmith's name and fate would be published throughout the land to shame the family that produced him and to put the people on guard against the crookedness of moneylenders. But alas, that wasn't done in the beginning, and now the swindle has become like an out-of-control forest fire. If we survive the conclusion of that swindle, we must remember to be on guard forevermore against new schemes of the same kind.

It is easier to douse a campfire than it is to fight a forest fire. But if your apathy allows the flames to spread, then you must fight the forest fire. If the fire burns up your whole world, then where will you be?

To the average person, it looks as if the government is setting things right when the courts award to a bank the collateral used to secure a defaulted loan or when lawmen enforce a foreclosure or repossess property for a bank when someone can't make his payments. But really, the government is in such cases serving the banks as a "strongarm" accomplice to a fraud that originated within the banking system itself. The real swindle arises as the result of money being created by a private association of bankers as debt in their favor. This is in effect the levy of a surcharge against a nation in order for it to be granted the privilege of using its own credit.

Since credit is nothing more or less than the trust that one man is willing to vest in another, what right do the bankers have to levy this surcharge? What right do the bankers have to get in the way between two men and tax their faith in each other's good word? None�except that the government's police and soldiers will back up the bankers' claims with guns and bullets. In the United States, this bankers' association is known as the Federal Reserve (a very misleading name). Nobody sends the police around to arrest the officers of the Federal Reserve for the larceny that they do, even though it is larceny on the biggest scale ever in history.

The results include...

1. Inflation of prices. Each person or business tries as hard as he can to divest himself of his own part of this interest-bearing bank debt. Inflation in the prices of goods is the way sellers attempt to clear themselves. Of course, this only results in a worse situation for the buyers, who try to fight back by buying less, which in turn results in a gradual downward trend in the average citizen's standard of living.

2. The decline of craftsmanship. As the bankers' swindle sucks up the national credit and the interest on public and private bank-debt takes an ever-larger bite out of the nation's productive capacity, it becomes more and more difficult for individual craftsmen to make a living. Farmers lose their property when they are forced to bet everything on having an exceedingly good harvest in order to repay the bank loan they had to take out to buy seed and equipment, but due to dry weather or whatever a sufficiently bountiful harvest does not materialize. Similarly, artists find that they can no longer work fast enough, or command prices high enough, to earn enough money even to pay the inflated costs of their rented homes. The consumers' demand for art is then satisfied by cheap, tawdry, mass-produced crap.

3. A high divorce rate. Marriages are weakened when two incomes are needed to support the family, and they often fail because of conflicting economic interests between husbands and wives.

4. Conflict between socio-economic classes. Resentment arises between people who have already failed to escape the consequences of debt (the poor, the "proletariat") and those who haven't failed yet (mostly, the middle class, the "bourgeoisie"). The conditions favorable to a Communist revolution can be traced to this bank fraud.

5. Liberals and conservatives blaming each other for spending too much tax money and thereby causing the deficit. The deficit is really caused by the service charges on the government's debt to the banks. A nation needs a strong defense, and certain social programs are also justified to some extent. Neither political faction bears the real blame for the budget deficit, which is simply the result of money coming into existence as debt and necessarily accruing interest charges that are mathematically impossible to repay.

6. Growing hostility between the government and the people. Government, too, is ensnared in the bankers' interest swindle. It is a "player" trying to escape, or minimize, its load of bank-debt. But as money has come to stand for debt, and not for wealth, it can't off-load the accumulated burden of deficit unless there is someone else who can be required, somehow or other, to bear it instead. Thus, the government gains an incentive to have an ever-rising number of picky, picky laws and regulations, with fines as the penalty for violations. The traffic citation you had to pay is the result of state policemen being ordered to enforce such picayune laws instead of tracking down the perpetrators of far more serious crimes. Also, the government begins requiring citizens to pay "license fees" for exercising what ought to be their basic rights. Your permit to carry a concealed weapon is an example.

7. The erosion of public trust, of the faith of man in man, and the subsequent atomization of society. The banks do not bear all of the blame for this. Racial mixing, multiculturalism, and the rise of television as the national amusement also have had major adverse impacts on voluntary socialization. But as the weight of the mounting, unpayable interest on the public and private bank-debt makes itself felt, each citizen increasingly feels himself as a hostile competitor to every other citizen. We call the situation "dog-eat-dog." Ironically, this makes the bankers' position more secure precisely because it discourages nationalist solidarity among the people. Nationalism is the only means by which the people could gather the political strength to force their way out of the bankers' snare.

8. An eventual national economic depression. The private load of bank-debt, taking together the whole population, can never be repaid and can only increase with time. Any relief felt now means that the government has just borrowed more money, which will only add to the future burden. Remember that any unpaid interest itself becomes interest-bearing debt. Since all money in circulation only represents the original principal loaned, a nation is "hooked" into an eventual bankruptcy by its very first borrowing. For a government knowingly to borrow against the nation's credit under these terms is high treason, for which the penalty since the beginning of civilization has been death.

Blame attaches to the government only insofar as it knowingly cooperates with the bankers' deadly financial schemes by making, by enforcing, or by judging the laws in ways that favor those schemes. Unfortunately, corrupt governments do this much, and corrupting the government is among the first things the swindlers do. The illicit establishment, in 1868, of the 14th Amendment, even though the Amendment never was legally ratified by the states as the Constitution requires, was perhaps the largest single treasonous act by the U.S. government on behalf of the bankers.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 03:46 PM
About those Jewish bankers, then. The money system of the European countries was, originally, based on wealth already produced and on value that was already in existence. It was "published" to the people, put into circulation, by the King as "coin of the realm." But during the Middle Ages, Jewish goldsmiths began to issue promissory notes in amounts exceeding the amount of gold that they really had in their deposit boxes. Because gold is heavy, and paper is much easier to carry, these promissory notes became substitutes for the actual gold. The Jews thus created the first paper debt-money. And it was a cheat. The goldsmith charged interest for his fraudulent loans, which the borrower had to repay by doing a lot of hard work. The Jew then became a swindler and a counterfeiter who had found a way to steal the benefit of work done by other people. And, most of the time, it worked. The Jew was not caught often enough, or punished severely enough, to stop his swindle from making him rich, and then richer, and then so rich that he became a threat to the very kings and nobles who had benefited from the money-scam in the beginning. The goldsmith gave way to the Jewish banking house, and the governments of the European countries were hanging by a thread held in the hands of Anselm Rothschild during the 18th century.

posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 04:36 PM
I don't know where to start...this is too much.

But inflation proof??? How???

Should the economy be a zero-sum game, then?

If the wealth of people rises, you have to increase liquidity because the demand for money increases. This will cause deflation if nothing is done. Inflation will occur if there is a lack of demand for money.

Read your history books again and see what happened last time around when currencies were backed by precious metals.

Also, world trade constitutes a problem. There would be a lot of shipments of just unproductive metals all over the world.

Moreover, interest rates are not just for profits. They are also there to protect from default losses. And speaking about banking and medieval times...can you say Medici? Not jewish, but one of the biggest banking families in history.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 04:04 PM
Helooooooo? Can you guys take a look at this???

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 04:18 PM

And, most of the time, it worked. The Jew was not caught often enough, or punished severely enough, to stop his swindle from making him rich, and then richer, and then so rich that he became a threat to the very kings and nobles who had benefited from the money-scam in the beginning.

You really need to get a perspective grip on your Aryan teachings and preaching, k?
You talking nothing but biased propaganda literature in that truth is merely subjective and NOT objective.
You can believe and say what you wish, but please refrain from such usages of not caught enough...or punished enough in regards to any type people.

Thank you.


[Edited on 3-4-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Apr, 3 2004 @ 04:21 PM
Yeah ok Seeker, whatever...
You gotta bite my ass anytime you get a chance..

For your INFORMATION, i'm not Aryan, i'm a catholic who believes in fair game for all.....

But those so called jews aren't jews!

So maybe you should get a perspective on what your talking about.

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 04:09 AM
this is one of those good topics that keep getting ignored by the mass


been looking for something on this for like a week now, thx for bringing it up,
the first, if not only tactic, for trying to get to the oligarchs in the U.S and deny Elitism, would be to take out the banks?
and therefore, creating another wall-street situation.
i see no other terrorist threat, 9/11 was more of a "symbolic" attack, it merely dented the economic infrastructure, but what you really might be looking at is the federal banks as a true

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by Cyrus
this is one of those good topics that keep getting ignored by the mass


i see no other terrorist threat, 9/11 was more of a "symbolic" attack, it merely dented the economic infrastructure, but what you really might be looking at is the federal banks as a true

You almost got it, 911 merely dented the economic , military and executive(3rd attack on White House Failed) infrastructure of the U.S as a DISTRACTION, while a Saudi-backed takeover of most of the Middle East (big oil) was carried out.
One must remember that a region with over 50% of known the known world oil reserves had found itself in debt to these same Bankers; has only 20 yrs reserves left, and had seen no increase in oil prices in spite of increased usage of their dwindling product. Thanks to manipulations by G7 (Bankers again) countries there was no effective united oil front to regulate (raise) those prices).
One must remember who financed Al Quaida and the "radical" Islamic (front) groups that seemed to jump out of the woodwork immeidiatly after the attack, trying to raise Jihad and revolution throught the region.
Pakistan seemed to recognize the threat and did an immediate about face on participating in eradicating Al Quaida, remember?
No problems with Jordan either after the plot to kill the Royal Family there was thwarted. It goes on thru the region.
Imagine, that if this was successfully realized; that between the combined armies of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and IRAQ(Thats why wev'e taken Sadaam out- they wouldn't have tried this without HIS agreeing to assist later), these bankers would have been forced to negotiate, as a Large-Scale war for oil would have been unacceptable to the world public at large.
Why, fight, we're paying more for gas now as I speak and are not complaining, we would have then as well.
And just as cleanly as all THIS has been swept under the public rug, we would have been led to believe an Islamic uprising throught the middle east had occured, with the Saudis as the MEDIATORS after the fact, not the ARCHITECTS..
I mean, can you imagine what would have happened to the World Economy(almost collapsed anyway) and Banks if the real reasons behind the 911 attacks had beenmade public? Chaos!!! Oil prices skyrocketing, Uncertainty, economies in complete meltdown, war footing'(nuclear?). All very much out of their control.
Because of 3 key mistakes and blunders I'm aware of, the consolidation didn't succeed, but they came so close I believe the Bush Administration decided to take out the one army in the region large enough to have made this plan (along with the Saudi's) work. Iraq......Strike 3 Sadamm, with the Bush boys at the plate. Youre out!

So it seems to me the U.S. is doing the dirty work for Big Money again, and as usual lately, we (the general populace) have no idea we are. Nothing like a well-oiled Media Machine

Sorry, I didn't mean to highjack this thread ...

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 06:19 PM
No no no, you didn't hijack it, I am grateful for the information you posted...

It should help open people's eyes, the ones that do want want the truth instead of ridiculing everything...

I think people forget this is a conspiracy site, but just because it is, doesn't mean that it's false information.
This makes perfect sense, and if you read the other threads that have to do with this, you will keep finding the answers.

Thank you so much for your 2 cents, it's been duly noted.

good job!

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 06:28 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
The paper instrument entitled Patriot is a combination of several objectives. In the first place, it is a sales receipt evidencing that the initial Buyer paid $10 in U.S. Federal Reserve Notes for the document of title to one (1) Troy ounce of .999 fine silver.

Silver prices rise and fall, and metals aren't a good investment, really. Collectables are, however. The price of silver today is about the same as it's been since the 1980's... meaning you lose ground financially.

In the second place, it is a warehouse receipt evidencing the storage of the same one (1) ounce of silver by the warehouseman pursuant to the terms as set forth on the reverse side of the instrument.

So you're sending this guy $10... and you're not even getting the coin???? Me, if I buy silver, I wanna play with it!

Thirdly, the warehouse receipt is made negotiable thereby permitting free transferability without endorsement of the paper instrument payable to bearer.

No offense, but if you bought silver coins, you could just hand them to someone, free of charge.

I find that the Patriot is a valid negotiable paper instrument under the provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) and its intended use protected by the bearers� rights under the United States Constitution. Upon further review, I also find that the Patriot and its intended use is not in violation of any laws of the federal government of the United States or of the laws of any State in the United States.

That's if you can actually get someone to accept it.

Might I suggest you invest in silver coins instead, and of MS65+ grade or better? I'm speaking from experience -- I was buying them at $30 each back in 1975 and you can see what they're worth now:

If I'd bought some paper certificate for $10, it would still be worth $10 -- if I could find someone to accept it. And you might not... the history of currency is full of examples of limited issue scrip that becomes worthless even though "backed by silver/gold."

On the other hand, if it makes you happy, there's no harm in it! But if you're looking for investment, buy the coins, eh?

[Edited on 9-4-2004 by Byrd]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 06:34 PM
True Lies~~thanks for bringing up the Federal Reserveand the history of money.
Whoever controls the money supply has always controlled the world.
I'm not sure all mention of "Jews" in your information was always "Jews". The may have been "Zionists" attempting to blame someone else for wht they, the Zionists were doing.
David Icke goes into this in some detail in
The Biggest Secret, and others of his books.

It should also be noted that going against the Federal Reserve is not a healthy thing to be doing!! It is likely that Lincoln and Kennedy took a stand againt the Fed that cost them their lives

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 06:51 PM
This one caught my eye:

Originally posted by TrueLies3. A high divorce rate. Marriages are weakened when two incomes are needed to support the family, and they often fail because of conflicting economic interests between husbands and wives.

If you don't mind, a lesson in history:

Women have ALWAYS worked outside the home... except in the 1950's. Movies show life in the upper classes... in the middle and lower classes in the 1930's and before, both parents generally worked and it was grandmothers and aunts who stayed home and kept the kids... or the older kids did with no parents at home. I come from a working class family, and generations of women who painted decoration on china plates.

Unless your family was very wealthy, you'll find the same situation.

Furthermore, the explaination above doesn't explain why evangelical Christians (with their emphasis on stay at home mothers and similar values) have the highest divorce rate in the nation (27-29%) compared to agnostics/atheists (with the two working family mode) and a divorce rate there of 21%

[Edited on 9-4-2004 by Byrd]

posted on Apr, 9 2004 @ 06:58 PM
sorry for being late with my reply, i had skimmed the thread, saw it required thinking
and decided to come back later. great post.

i never even knew we as American had options...the ideas sound great and the Federal Reserve is a questionable organization that requires regulations and a serious investigation. The elite who control the money control everything but I think it would be near impossible to change to the system now, the majority would never go for it....too many systems around the world and within the country would have to be changed.

unless there is mass destruction of our society, there will be no way to get rid or weaken the federal reserve...the sad thing is that the federal reserve can weaken us at anytime they wish.

posted on Apr, 10 2004 @ 06:06 PM
True lies!!!

Seems like you don't want to answer my questions...

Yet, I dare you to answer one more...

If the population of a country rises the combined efforts of that country will result in higher production, right? Now, this means that you will have to pay out more wages, right?
Will, you then increase the amount of precious metals in store or will you raise the price of the metals already there?

Either way, inflation (or deflation) is the result.
Assuming the world's population grows, all countries will increase their production and their demand for precious metals will also go up. This leads to increase in demand for scarce resources. Automatically the price of these resources will skyrocket, thus leading to a change in value of the stored metals....

Face asset is worth anything unless someone is ready to buy it. There are no intrinsic values, which is why you can't have one asset backing up another.

posted on Apr, 12 2004 @ 10:58 PM
Real simple y'all. We need to go back to the gold or silver standard and execure all the #S at the Federal Reserve. Once this country has a monetary system backed by something of worth...Then Maybe the rest of the World will think twice about #ING with us!!!!!!

posted on Apr, 13 2004 @ 10:53 AM
I found this website through this guys referral...
He posted this in a different thread but the NESARA caught my attention.

Please read:

Originally posted by MidnightDStroyer

How about supporting NESARA? Their mainobjective is to disband the unconstitutional Federal Reserve & get this country back onto an economic system that actually has *something real* to back it up; The current economy is really nothing more than corporate scrip issued by *privately owned* international banks & less than 10% of the "currency" in circulation actually has something real to back it up.

I'm not done reading the articles yet on the site, but so far it's pretty damn interesting.
I suggest for those of you who are on the same wavelength as me and a few others to take a peek and snoop around. Good reads.

Some concepts they express:
Currency as Debt: A New Theory of Money
Abstract: Three New Monetary Concepts
An Introduction
Back To Basics�The Nature of Money
Understanding Money�Debt-Money Systems
Letters from College�Thoughts about Money
A Practical Application of the Concept of Virtual Wealth
New Equations for a Better World Economy

"All currencies, regardless of substance, serve the public. Remember, currency at its base level represents debt�a claim check. Currency is nothing but grease that keeps the wheels of the economy churning. Currency itself is not wealth, but represents a claim upon wealth. Unlike pure barter, when currency is used that currency represents an unfinished exchange of wealth�goods and services. Currency therefore becomes a claim check on the total wealth of the society. Currency serves the public, not the converse".

[Edited on 13-4-2004 by TrueLies]

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