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American currency enslaving citizens--The Federal Reserve

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posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 10:43 PM
If you want to read about the real NESARA then don't waste your time on the Illuminati controlled site go to the reall one

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 05:19 PM
The real NESARA website my ass!

The real NESARA site:
Accept no substitutes. This is a proposal worth of serious study. It will mend our unfair banking and tax system. It's written in plain English. It does not, however, return the system wholly to gold and silver.

If there is an "Illuminati" NESARA website, it's and its brethren, designed to undermine the legitimate NESARA proposal with its kooky nonsense about forgiving credit card debt, requiring the immediate resignation of the President and Vice President, and that the whole thing has been kept a secret for 10 years and is just waiting to be announced. Yes, pray for it. Don't be fooled.

For a detailed explanation, see

posted on Apr, 28 2004 @ 05:58 PM
While it's great to cast the Federal Reserve as the villian here, living in debt is a complimentary evil. Living in debt allows the Fed to print more and more paper that is back by essentially what? Living in debt is very dangerous. At any time, the Fed could cause another depression.

Bucking that Fed status quo is a very unhealthy endeavor. Lincoln tried it when he decided the government should print it's own money. He was killed.
Kennedy wanted the Fed to a less of a private institution. He was killed.

What good will it really do to own this silver coin? You still need to use what is acceptable US tender. I'm not sayiing it not a bad idea, True Lies. I just don't think it stands much chance of getting rid of the Fed.

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 04:06 AM
This is a crackpot pile of junk.

Ok so you have "liberty dollars" backed by gold, basically it says "whoever holds this gets gold owned by me and now it is yours and it is safe in a warehouse" blah blah blah.

Well that's all and good except what about that some hundred trillion dollars in US Currency floating around? Oh yeah, I guess you forgot about that huh? There is a LOT OF MONEY because our economy is so HUGE.

And if you want a deflation of currency we can just look at the great depression....see what that did for good ol' Americans.

The fact is our economy grew past the amount of Gold not only owned by the US, but by the world (some currently couple hundred billion dollars worth). That's about a 1/3rd of our yearly budget.

Also the article is wrong, the Federal Reserve is half opperated by the Federal Government and half Opperated by private interests.

It is a "middle ground" for controlling the market without absolute government control.

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