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Ron Paul: Greenspan, Bernanke Should Be Criminally Charged!

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posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

DD, you're consistently putting up great posts, that bring up great responses, and I want to thank you.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 01:49 PM
RP and DK know what is going on and have been the voices in the wilderness for awhile now,an RP/DK ticket wolud shake the system to it's core,man I wish it wolud happen!

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 02:03 PM
Why isn't more being done about this? If this greedy, fraudulent, desparate ploy for absolute control is so apparent...why aren't we doing anything??? We outnumber them! They're just a band of suit-wearing, greed-drunk, know-it-alls on the greatest power-trip in the history of our nation.
The only thing keeping them safe right now is that they've engraved the concept of public-powerlessness so deep into the American psyche that our own fears of "getting in trouble" have pounded us into a self-inflicted paralysis. These are MEN...not gods, not kings...they are FALLIBLE, they are human beings just as we are. If we don't wake up, stand up, and assert our right to freedom (from their tyranny and unjust taxation) then we will only be resigning ourselves to the fate they've selected for us. We are no more than frightened sheep, blindly following these wolves to our own ruination.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by starsyren

And that's the problem, Americans now fear our government instead of our government fearing us.

We have a president that says that our constitution is nothing more than a piece of paper, and has created the "patriot act" that can label anyone of us a terriost at any given time for any reason at all.

Our country has turned into a facist police state where everyone is now guilty until proven innocent. Mass arrests for using our right to assemble, people being tazered (some resulting in death) and now they even have something that uses microwaves against people (supposedly for enemies, which by the way we now are) we see massive amounts of coffins, portable prison cells, and empty warehouses being turned into temporary jails, etc.

They have taken the old adage of, you can't fight city hall, and ingrained it into most of us so deeply that most people truely believe it. People are afraid, not so much of getting in trouble, but of losing their families, being locked up without due process, losing their lives. People don't think that they have a fighting chance.

Couple that together with the people that have blind faith in our government, and are mistakenly patriotic to the government instead of to the country. Add in all the dirty politicians that have sold us out to the corporations and foriegn interest.

Nothing is being done about it because people have yet to get to the point where "Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death" is the only viable option for them.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:15 PM
starsyren and chise61, I agree with both of you. I am also outraged over the bailout and am trippin on how so many people think it is no big deal.

Do you think people will riot if the bailout goes through or will we submissively shy away in to further loss of freedom?

This feels like some kind of bad dream.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:32 PM
Well God knows if there is a riot, I'll be the angry blonde with the bull horn down front!

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by SailorinAZ
There have been afew protests against this bailout scam already but to the gengeral public they don't wanna deal with this until they face forecloseure on thier homes and when the checkpoints come.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:47 PM
Barney Frank among other Congress members should also be charged for sitting on their asses while all of this was going on. As chairman of the Financial committee do you honestly believe that Barney Frank didn't know all of this was happening and getting worse since the last two years? Now there trying to make him look like a hero for trying to broker a deal on this bailout.

People need to pay. Ordinary people get sent to jail for merely stealing a candy bar.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:50 PM
reply to post by SailorinAZ

Sadly i think most will submissively shy away out of fear, or misplaced patriotism.

However you never know, this may be the straw that breaks the camel's back

Unfortunately those that do protest will probably suffer greatly at the hands of the police state. That is if they don't declare martial law first.

If there is protesting, i also will be a blonde up front, i doubt i'll need a bullhorn though

edit to add: sorry i forgot to post this link,

If you really are upset about the bailout situation, use the link for the article in the OP of this thread. It is full of links to all kinds of petitions against the bailout.

[edit on 26/9/08 by chise61]

[edit on 26/9/08 by chise61]

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 03:53 PM
I'm glad the Ron listened to my email. I sent him one saying to bring charges against these guys, because I can't. This is going to get one hell of a ride! Fasten your seatbelts, kiddies.


posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 04:43 PM

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 04:51 PM
reply to post by mike dangerously

we ALREADY BAILED out the mortgage scams to the tune of 300Billion--remember ? august 2008 ?

this involves fraudstreet and then some.

the lamestream MEDIA,paulson and co. are lying through their teeth.
IT is FRIDAY and the buildings haven't collapsed,no jumpers,no montary collapse.
it's called extortion,called socialism all while paulson privatizes the profits.

CALL/ eMail them and do it daily--don't stop till they toss this out and vote OUT every single politician supporting this scatology.

we're AMERICANS,not good little socialists.

call them up and keep it simple--NO BAILOUT,no deals,no pork---kill the bill entirely.

we stopped shamnesty and the dubai ports deal--
this will get stopped as well.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by SailorinAZ
Do you think people will riot if the bailout goes through or will we submissively shy away in to further loss of freedom?

One other problem related to the bailout that no one seems willing to mention...Is that Bully Boy Bush & His Corporate Crony Gang is pushing Congress into "aiding & abetting" another crime if they go through with it: The bailout will give all of the corporations on the receiving end of the money the chance to go for another massive Land Grab, violating quite a few Statutes at Large. This will also lead to the the Treasury Secretary (he's also in charge of the US General Land Office, so guess where the "purchase price" of Land Titles will go!) in favoring whomever he wants...And also feeds more borrowed money back to the Federal Reserve Bank (remember, even a short-term loan still carries "interest") & the International Monetary Fund. All at taxpayer's expense, of course.

I've posted more info about this over here, but it still leads right back to the OP's topic-of-thread: They should be criminally charged before they push Congress, Judiciary & especially the People too far!

[edit on 26-9-2008 by MidnightDStroyer]

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 09:13 PM
While I agree with the Citizen Statesman the most honorable Dr. Ron Paul (My president)

Bernanke and Greenspan are merely upper level co-conspirators.

Punishing them will do nothing, as they will simply be replaced.

What we need is another president brave enough to challenge the Federal Reserve.

Johnson did it.

Lincoln did it.

Kennedy did it.

Yes they paid with their lives, but Americans have been paying with our lives and our livelihood for too long. We need not be servants to the PRIVATE BANKING families that control our world economies.

This crisis is completely and 100% engineered to consolidate control.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:09 PM
I may be waisting my vote, but I will be writing in Ron Paul for president. At least I will be able to look at myself in the mirror and say I did something to try and change this corrupt country we live in.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by want2believe
I may be waisting my vote, but I will be writing in Ron Paul for president. At least I will be able to look at myself in the mirror and say I did something to try and change this corrupt country we live in.

A vote for what is right is NEVER a wasted vote.

When good men do when evil men do everything.

I too as I am willing to bet many others..more than we have been lead to believe are going to do the same.

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 11:11 PM
Maybe you guys are right.

Maybe Ron Paul and Dennis are controlled by the elite after all.

It would explain why they dont band togeather, and why they dont focus their power.

Maybe it is suger for the flies.

That makes me paranoid just posting in this thread

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 11:14 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Maybe you guys are right.

Maybe Ron Paul and Dennis are controlled by the elite after all.

It would explain why they dont band togeather, and why they dont focus their power.

Maybe it is suger for the flies.

That makes me paranoid just posting in this thread

Or perhaps its the venues they have no choice to use to spread their message are corrupted and controlled.

The internet worked well for Ron, but unfortunately the net is still too "young" to be a serious threat to the "establishment"

posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 11:50 PM
All those who push for the Ron/Dennis vote seem to think there is an "underlying" reason there not on the same ticket. The difference is that DENNIS is on the take and Ron is not. The republican party needed a person who "was on the take" to be the pro Ron Paul and basically cancel him out. They used Dennis as the "weirdo"/"true Rupublican" but at the same time it took the attention away from Ron Paul.

Look, Ron isn't the Greatest speaker of all time but he uses his words to make a point not to bring in MORE MONEY FROM CORPORATE SPONSERS. Looking at this debate, not from the cut video because I actually watched this one, it makes me wonder how a Republican could vote for anyone else but Ron Paul. The truth is that the two parties have merged in a way in that they don't separate themselves as far as policies go. The whole agenda in this whole thing has been terrorism.

posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 12:12 AM
In response to all of this talk about why Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich don't band together... I love Ron Paul and I respect Kucinich, but you guys are chasing shadows. There is a a very good reason they aren't running together. Look at their economic beliefs. Ron Paul is a student of Austrian Economics, THE MOST free market economic school there is. Kucinich is pretty much a socialist.

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