Pardon my ramblings...had a funny thought.
While watching the Aaron Russo interview
This is the war that never ends,
It just goes on and on my friends
Somebody started playing it not knowing what it was
And now they'll keep on playing it because...
Repeat ad nauseum.
Okay that out of the way.
I said we didn't belong in pakistan. Wrong we are there (we US and CANADA) and not at all accidentally. It's will be made to appear accidental.
Pakistan is integral to getting into Iran.
I keep feeling that once "it is done" it will not matter who started it.
Low lever nukes in strategic points in Iran, blamed publicly on Pakistan but in reality who will really care? It will be done, can't reverse a
Oddly there won't be return nukes from anyone?? Cooler heads will claim to prevail.
It's a risky game of submission but it will work as intended.
Iran has no intention of using it's nuclear capabilities. None. I can state this almost as a fact as I feel that strongly in what I see...
Iran is obstacle. Pakistan will be next and then the provinces and states to the nukes to make them submit.
This image of the people cowering from this bright light... I watched explosions on line to see if any resemble the same sort of thing I
The fact that it's freeze framed when I see it tells me it ends there. Nothing to see afterward (possibly self protection as I am not certain I'd
want to see the after effects).
It's just so damn bright and so damn sudden. No sense of noise leading up to it...out of the blue so to speak.
My apologies for rambling but it helps me put it in context and I want to have it here for posterity sake. If the timeline is off at least the images
and descriptions will be on the money.
I still feel strongly about November.
The image I see I am certain is in Iran.
The explosion is not a normal explosion. Likely a nuclear detonation.
In the West the US is prominent in the news and particularly Obama, and this Iranian event will completely overshadow everything else. Worldwide.
It will be touted as yet another "wake up call" akin to 9/11.
What happens next is exactly the opposite of what would be expected. No mass wordwide launching of warheads, no civil uprisings (yet)
CALM...not calm as relaxed but calm as in thoughtful. Like I said "cooler heads will prevail" and they will the new "heroes".
It's all for show. They've tried brute force and looked like asses. Now they need to take the role of nurturer. It's like massive global frigging
Munchhausen Syndrome.
If anyone is following my ramblings...copy the threads for uhmmm posterity
I'm trying today to move past the emotions of the view and see if I can be more specific to the location(s).
Hopefully I'll be able to upload some drawings.