posted on Sep, 26 2008 @ 08:45 AM
Skeptic, I
love your bailout plan. And I don't understand why it won't work.
I personally would let the big finance companies AND the market lose the money. Give the $700B to the people and SMALLER banks. If we save the big
bankers this time, there's nothing to prevent them from doing it again.
It's a lot better to give the money to the homeowners to help them keep their houses than to provide the CEOs with fat "retirement" plans. My
mortgage is fine. I care about the taxpayer and the general economy.
I don't have any optimism about this bailout. I think, regardless what the government does, our economy is going to tank. It may be worse or better
depending on which action they take, but we're in for a rough ride.
Dave, it's good to see your soul. That is a great thread.