posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 08:46 PM
The world observes in total horrified fascination as the US election insanity chunders on.
Election ? And the issues ? It all seems to be about everything BUT the real issues confronting the average American.
Someone's having an affair ?
Someone attended a specific church ?
Someone else had a baby ?
Someone is or is not a negro ?
US elections aren't elections. They're like the senile ravings of old gossips across the back fence.
No-one wonders how Dubya got in
No-one wonders why the focus of the Clinton administration was a plump girl and a stained dress
It's what the world's come to expect.
And the world is aware of how and why.
It's because the US is controlled (via its whore media) by a particular group which is infamous for it's trashiness, it's bad taste, it's
loudness, it's complete lack of integrity, it's money-worship, it's treachery, it's endless war-mongering and its sexual depravity.
Will enough Americans rise up against this insidious, poisonous influence and stop giving it's sham nation the cream of US taxpayers money, before
it's too late ?
Or was it too late too long ago ?