reply to post by CosmicEgg
The US is NOT inciting Israel to do anything. It is the international banksters whom are calling the shots here.
The original settlers in Israel were financed by Rothschild.
Iran, Libya and a few other small countries are the last holdouts to having an central bank controlled by the international banksters. They simply
want Iran and next Libya out of the way for the eventual creation of the Amero currency to later be combined with the Euro for a One world
Has anyone seen Bin Laden? No, and for good reason, he is either dead or protected. If Bin Laden was not in the picture, the people would not have a
foe to rally against. This was created 'by design' to gather the sheeple to rally for the cause of anti-terrorism of which the same international
banksters created in the first place.
Their plans for NWO is right on track and the media is the banking cartels mouthpiece of disinformation and stage for false flag operations to deceive
and manipulate public opinion.
See prior posts for more 'information'. We've had enough disinformation.
If America fails, the world is in serious jeorpady for their own rights and liberties. America has the military and technology to wipe out the world
and if this gets in the wrong hands (international banksters) you have world domination. You can pull out your musket though I doubt that will do
much against a air to ground missile laser guided right to your head.
On another note, Iraq was just another divide and conquer tactic to take over the country. Americans have no say in the matter here as the
international banksters have blackmailed, murdered (suicides), paid off, threatened anyone who gets in their way.
Our Congressman and Senate have become mumbling cowards who have sold out our people with promises of a tax free pension and healthcare for the rest
of their lives courtesy of John Q. taxpayer. If they open their mouth, they risk losing their benefits as well as their life.
Congress and Senate leaders need to BAN TOGETHER and abolish the unsconstitutional Fed. Reserve and remove altogether the supply of money by private
bankster cartel.
Everything you witness in the media has been created by 'design'.
NWO is here and now.
Their getting nervous about sites such as ATS and freedom of speech.
Their 'control' is in jeorpady.
Who controls you?
I haven't seen any rebellion. Is this the America I grew up in?
I can't believe what I'm witnessing here.
$700Billion 'govt' bailout is NOT a govt bailout. It is a takeover by the international banksters, a massive land grab and all at TAXPAYER
We need to get the word out to everyone we know if you wish to resist the NWO plan for outright world domination.
See my other posts for important links for more 'information'.
We can't afford any more 'disinformation'.