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Illuminati's Rothschilds (100 trillion) & Rockefellers (11 trillion) - Trillionaire Terrorists

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posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 05:03 PM
Hmmm what would I do if I had that much money??

for sure that would be my new home

I can't even fathom what 1 trillion dollars means. Its like buying a new 100K dollar car, twice a day for the next 1000 years and still having 99 million dollars/day to spend on breakfast/lunch/dinner.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Jim Scott

Many of their qualities --- family stability, wise investing, ingenuity---are the envy of us all. Wouldn't we want the same?

Is it something to despise in others?

Start now, maintain your family stability, start wise investing, and come up with new ideas. Maybe in 500 years, your family will also be super rich, and you can manipulate the affairs of man.

Family stability, huh? I love (not really) how in the generation of the grandchildren of Mayer Amschel Rothschild they had six or eight marriages among the grandchildren, i.e. first cousin marriages, because love or inbreeding are not as important as keeping the assets from dissipating...kind of a lowlife way to be...

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

Not from their mindset. They seem to consider themselves superior so they probably are invested in eugenics, and it's part of family culture since an early age.

That said they probably have many marriages out of the main bloodline, as they are a lot of them these days, in several countries. They have spread their seeds pretty wide by now. And they might come from previous old money bloodlines. We don't really know exactly who the elite really are and where they come from, which is why we have the more conservative Mayer Rothschild and sons theory and also outlandish reptilian dna theories. Their family libraries would probably tell us. Uhm, wonder where I get a library pass...

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 07:06 PM
The anti conspiracy crowd go on and on that we are lunatics and often can be elequent and convincing. The simple proof that the super rich control just about everything is.. as well known for immense wealth as the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are, there has not in my recollection been a movie or TV series about these people. It's just the mention of their names once in a while and then nothingness, it becomes as quiet as falling snow. That is real power.

Hoboken Mike

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 08:52 PM
Investing a billion is not like investing a million dollars. Neither is investing a trillion. However, at that point it is no longer about money, but about power.

I'll go into the money side of things first. If you have a lot of money, it is really difficult to find profitably investment all of the money. Even if you have inside information on all the stocks, there are only so many stocks to invest in. There are only so many government bonds. So, how do you a good 10% return on investment?

One solution is a growing economy. So long as the economy grows, it produces more, and your money grows. However, the economy can only grow so much. Next, you can conquer foreign lands, and have governments around the world privatize assets to invest in. Although, at some point there are only so many countries in the world. Next, you cut back worker wages, and make companies more profitable. Eventually, you plunder everyone's savings until everyone is poor. Finally, people are too poor for there to be anything more to steal from them, and then you can have a war to kill them off, and take their treasure.

Although, at some point for the elite, more wealth loses meaning. However, there is still power. Elites are often taught to lack compassion for the poor, be discreet, and compete for power. In this game, there is no other reward other than power itself. While elites may at times limit direct conflicts amongst themselves, they endlessly compete for who can dominate those they consider beneath them. Which leader can dupe the most follower? Which scamster can scam the most people? Who is the most successful at screwing over the public?

I think such competition can be driven by numerous factors including the nature of elite culture, sadistic tendencies, and other factors. I think there is also a constant worry of others trying to enter the elite, and threatening their 'inherited' powers, and a feeling of protecting the 'divine right' of the elite.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Jim Scott

PLZ... does this mean you will sleep with your sisters and intermarry with your cousins to keep the MONEY in the family?

MONEY *is* the root of all evil and WE are seeing this "successful" (as you say) EVIL family enslave generations for money & power grabs!

Research. The truth is out there.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 11:07 PM
There is an exellent series on youtube titled, secret rulers of the world that describes their rise to power.
I wouldn't be so worried about all this if they weren't all satanists. That's what keeps me up at night.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 12:32 AM
$100 Trillion is a truly staggering amount.

It's not inconceivable, though. Annual US tax revenue is about $2 Trillion. So you can think of $100 Trillion as the amount needed to completely control the US Federal Government for about 50 years.

Sweet dreams!

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
reply to post by counterterrorist

"The love of money is the root of all evil."

Yes it is...and all of the crooks in the world who have left humanity in shambles from their neglect for their fellow man shall get whatever they deserve. They can only hide behind the shadow of lies for so long, they bleed and hurt like you and I, they cannot hide forever. And when this evil shows its' face, we all are ready. Do not fear them, do not hate them, for they fear us and our power in numbers will be their downfall.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by counterterrorist

See the link above to get a glimpse of how vast the Rothschild international banking cartel really is!

They don't get where they are by playing fair.

Not to worry, the tide will 'turn' as it always does.

Nature assures this.

Human nature will demand this.

Those implicated in tyranny always follow the same path.

Short, miserable lives.

What ever happened to 'do unto others as you would have done unto you'?

The Golden Mean of Justice has been breached once again.

And they 'never' seem to learn from their mistakes.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by adrenochrome

Don't forget the Red Dragon at the entrance of their (Rothschild) lair which is none other than the private and sovereign City of London of which is a sovereign city within Greater London.

Someone mentioned before how the Queen has to bow to Rothschild when entering HIS kingdom.

Hard to believe it came to this eh?

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by dariousg

I realise that hey dont have that money in cold hard cash.For that they would need to store it in a hollow earth for it to fit.Hmmmm.I still find it hard to believe all their total assets equal that much.I mean everyones going ZOMG these nwo masters have over 100 trillion yet they all cant even agree how long these Rothschilds have been around to amass this wealth.
Im sure someone could say they have 100 billion trillion and people would believe it and not really think about whether it makes sense or not.Even if they were to only control a trillion dollars thats still a stupidly unimaginable amount to have and they would still be in control.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:52 AM
The sources are highly suspect. Rense? How many times has that site been proven dreadfully wrong?

Nobody has 100 trillion dollars. There is no hard evidence to support it. People who agree with that notion require a reality check. It reminds me when kids say, "Wow that must cost a qatrillion bazillion dollars!" They are really saying it cost a lot of money. But nothing really cost a qatrillion bazillion dollars...

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by RetinoidReceptor

Thank you!
Thats all i was trying to get at.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 02:23 AM
Henry Potter(elitist) steals from George Bailey(us) then acts as if he is doing him a favor via a bailout and a bribe . George was smart enough to see through the slimy spider and refuse his offer. Do we have the kahunas to do the same?Vote Ron Paul but it may be too late by then.Rise up in vehement protest to this cluster-f of a deal before its too late.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 02:48 AM
reply to post by counterterrorist

How about some more 'information'. I've had enough of the disinformation. Read on if you must know:
You must.

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 06:03 AM
The thing that realy gets me very annoyed is that the high flyers have lived years of opulance , a life we can only dream off, and at the same time we all see these people on a day to day basis with there fancy cars,homes, but the the sick thing is their problem is now our problem, and dont forget they have so much money when the US goes bust they can just leave and earn money sumwhere else why should i feel sorry for those dykes ,when i can barley support myself

does any 1 agree

i needed that little rant

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 06:17 AM

Originally posted by Azador
reply to post by dariousg

I realise that hey dont have that money in cold hard cash.For that they would need to store it in a hollow earth for it to fit.Hmmmm.I still find it hard to believe all their total assets equal that much.I mean everyones going ZOMG these nwo masters have over 100 trillion yet they all cant even agree how long these Rothschilds have been around to amass this wealth.
Im sure someone could say they have 100 billion trillion and people would believe it and not really think about whether it makes sense or not.Even if they were to only control a trillion dollars thats still a stupidly unimaginable amount to have and they would still be in control.

Lol, this is true, which is why I have been refraining from mentionig anything, but I read a while back that it was closer to $500 trillion!!

Not just Rothschild either, Queen Elizabeth II and Vatican also have around $500 trillion in assets, aswell as bullion, made me dizzy when thinking about it.

Quick question, in England, a million is a thousand thousand, but a billion was a million million, and a trillion, well, you see where I'm going. Question is, I was telling a friend about this the other night and he asked a good question, is the American and British numerical values different? or have they been standardised? I said they would have probably been standardised, but I don't actually know.



posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 08:04 AM
Let me ask this. With all these supposed trillionaire bankers and what not, do any of them have any sort of influence or power over black projects?

For instance, if a ufo crashed in Roswell, would any of them be in on the loop, or would someone had the foresight to cut them out altogether since it would eventually yield ultimate power?

posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by CAPT PROTON

Black ops are rumoured to be controlled at the corporate sphere, mostly in the hands of Lockheed Martin. These guys control the corporate sphere.

Besides, the rule of thumb with elitist is they have direct control over nothing yet influence everything in such a way as they might as well have direct control. This is true of every major institution in the world today, excluding the "rogue nations".

If the UFO stuff is real they know about it and control the results of that research. They are behind the Military Industrial complex because they control the money that funds it.

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