posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 06:39 PM
Hey, I just wanted to start a simple thread whereby those who are interested can explain and talk about the meanings behind the Avatar they use....
This one here I think is pretty cool. The bird is reading a book about how how to drop bird droppings on people in 12 easy steps (click on my name
for the larger picture). I think it's cool because that's the ultimate sky show and we here down on the ground get it from the higher ups all the
time (now perhaps more than ever with the big bailouts for the wealthy that we will have to pay for).
See how it all ties into conspiracy theory...well, I thought it was cleaver and the bird is kind of cute.
I've seen some pretty amazing avatars on here too. Some of them I don't quite understand. Anyway, if you have one that you'd like to explain do
so here in this thread.