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Homeschooling Banned in California as State Turns Parents Into Criminals for Teaching Their Own Chil

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posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 12:53 PM
It seems the general consensus is that ideas like those presented by anonymike, saying homeschooling by parents is destructive, are completely invalid. Not surprisingly, he hasn't made a reply!

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by DYepes
Is it possible for my child (when he reaches school age) to be homeschooled and attend public school at the same time? I do believe an integral part of the education is to instill patriotism and loyalty to the People. Being a rather young parent, and knowing the mistakes I made, I would like to homeschool my child for the first few years of his life to help him understand what he is going to encounter in school.

YES. At least in Idaho there is. We have several state-wide K-12 online public school programs. They're free for parents. Depending on where you live, you may have the opportunity as well.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:01 PM
This is ridiculous, they are seriously imposing on parents rights and you have to wonder why. What are they gearing up for? I was home schooled and it was some of my best years of school, I did it and went to regular school and it wasn’t a big deal. It didn’t affect me at all, my parent didn’t brain wash me, I didn’t do poorly when I went back to school; in fact I did better because out side of a classrooms and schools that have become more about socializing I had time to focus on my school goals and got them done.

I think there needs to be immediate protest. The state should not be able to decide you can not take your children out of what is one of the worst school systems in the world.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:09 PM

Originally posted by Jadette
So under the logic that some are defending, would it be okay for your children to go to a school where none of the teachers were qualified to teach? Would you be comfortable in the idea that "it didn't matter as long as the children passed the state assessment tests"?

I think this is why many people are homeschooling. Because of our wonderful no child left behind act, kids are just being taught to the test.
While yes, teachers should be qualified, it is not fair to accuse parents, who know their children best, and understand their learning abilities and needs, are not qualified.

I have many teachers in the family, depending on teh school system, many just hand out the papers the government tells them too. Many are dis-illusioned with the job because they thought they could teach and inspire children. What they have found is they just distribute the state mandaged info.
A parent can print and copy the same material.

Are there some scary parents out there who shouldnt' be teaching? Sure, but I am sure that if they are that scarey, they have no interest in teaching their own children anyways.

Most parents I know who go to the efforts of homeschooling, are open minded, educated peopel themselves, who lack faith in the system, and have legitimate concerns about their children in that system.

[Also, I hear a lot of "my children" in this thread. You all realise of course, your children are not possessions. They do not, in any meaning of the word, belong to you. You are merely guardians while they are juveniles. The state's responsiblity is to insure that the children's needs are met while they are juveniles. The logic that the government can't 'tell you what to do with your children' is false. They aren't pets or possessions. They are citizens of the united states of which, currently, you are given the responsiblity of care for.

Well then someone owes me a whole heck of a lot of money because I am shelling out big bucks taking care of something that isn't mine. My kid is like my cat, I feed him and take him to the vet, often both the same day. Got them confused once and dropped them off in the same place.

Just kidding...........maybe.

In all seriousness.
You raise children for the rest of the world, not for you. I agree. And the biggest jolt of being a parent is that your realize they are a whole new person, their own little souls, and their own minds.

That being said. If he is abused, lost, sick, I am responsible. If he knocks over the A*P at 14, I am responsible.
If he needs to be fed and clothed, I am responsible.
If he dies, I am responsible.
If he wants to go to boy scouts, I will drive him there. If he bumps his head while learning to ride a bike, it is my responsiblity to get him treatment.

So if the state is responsible, they are doing a piss poor job of it.

My child is far from being a possession. But he is MY responsiblity. And one I do take very seriously. I am raising him for the world and I want to make sure I do it right, that I raise and intelligent, empathetic, responsible, well rounded human being. I am responsible for helping him grow and bloom.

And if the state cannot provide an educucation to help him become the best person he can be, it is my responsiblity to make sure he gets the most out of his education.

The state can tell me what to do with my car and how to drive it, because they provide the roads, the maintenance, and the rescue crews if I do not do well.

But I decided to bring this life into the world, I will decide how to raise it and how.The state has no decision in that, and shouldn't. And it is kind of a scarey thought that people think they should.
Now, does the state need to have rescue crews in place? Sure, but we see how well those work.
How many children are abused, lost, and neglected, and killed under the state care?
Do you really want the state to have complete and total control over the education of your child?

Next, the state will decide what career your child is going to have. It is a fine line till total dictatorship.

Now I will say that there needs to be monitoring and testing in place for homeschooled children. And a certain number of social hours mandated.A Child should take a quarterly test to make sure they are on target.

Most homeschool folks do a good job of getting their kids out. With the education systems constantly cutting back on recreational activities to make budgets, some homeschooled kids get more then a lot of school kids.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:10 PM
The children of people who have a reputation for ignorance do not have a chance in most public schools. They will graduate at the bottom of their class that is if they are allowed to graduate at all.

In my research into mandatory public schooling ,in the United States, I have found that the KKK was once at the forefront of a battle between parochial Catholic schools and public schools. The irony was that the kkk was on the side of the side of the public schools. The objections against homeschoolers by some of the posters echo the ones the kkk had against Nuns teaching children. Then as now the objections rang hollow; the courts sided with the Nuns.

The big problem with our schools is that they have low expectations. Most parents do not make this mistake. This is the real secret behind the success of homeschooling over public schooling.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:23 PM
Again, OP is old news from March and completely out-of-date.

On August 8, 2008 the Appeals Court reversed its earlier decision on home schooling by uncredentialed tutors, reestablishing the legal right for parents to home school.

The decision is an interesting read. Here it is if you care to know the details of the case...

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Here in Nevada, you can always tell the recent arrivals from the PRC by the way they are always asking if it's OK to do something. Seems like it takes at least a year for them to get over that - if they ever do. Sad.

[edit on 9/23/2008 by centurion1211]

Ha Ha Ha

That is so true.

I was born and bred in SoCA - - - I moved to Arizona.

You can't sneeze in CA without some rule or regulation in your way.

Why do you think the South has become such a major location for corporations?

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by ANoNyMiKE

You really have not clue how the home schooling is done do you, this no about a parent teaching whatever they want to their children, in order for the child to get credits for grades they have to pass the state test for their grade level, so the materials use for the home school are state approved.

The difference is that home school children do better than public school ones as they don't have to deal with the crap that goes on in public schools.

learn the facts.

You really have no clue how the home schooling is done do you? this is about a parent teaching whatever they want to their children. In order for the child to get credits for grades they have to pass the state test for their grade level in some states, but not all. So the materials use for the home school are actually pretty hit or miss from state to state and even county to county.

The difference is that home school children do not always, and many times rarely better than public school ones as they don't have to deal with the structure, breadth of education and social aspects of public schools.

learn the facts.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Reddupo
I am a senior in high school right now, attending my school from my home through the internet. This is the first year I've done this and I am already regretting only starting now. I have failed miserably all throughout my high school career despite being, according to my tests, above average intelligence. The difference in my opinion is the environment and how it's run. I can work at my own pace and on my own schedule and not only have my grades gone from F's and D's to A's and B's but I am actually able to learn the concepts that are harder to grasp by going over them again instead of sitting in a classroom spacing out at my desk while the teacher moves on.

That may seem like an infomercial but it's true.

wow, life is going to realyl start to suck for you once you have to get a job.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by CoffinFeeder
wow, life is going to realyl start to suck for you once you have to get a job.

Yeah, cause in the real adult world NO ONE ever spaces out during long boring meetings. In the adult world EVERYONE performs at the EXACT same level every second of the day. Yuppers, things are so very different when people are adults (especially in large companies).

[edit on 24-9-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by CoffinFeeder

You really have no clue how the home schooling is done do you? this is about a parent teaching whatever they want to their children. In order for the child to get credits for grades they have to pass the state test for their grade level in some states, but not all. So the materials use for the home school are actually pretty hit or miss from state to state and even county to county.

The difference is that home school children do not always, and many times rarely better than public school ones as they don't have to deal with the structure, breadth of education and social aspects of public schools.

learn the facts.

Ok. Please provide us THE FACTS (sources please) of your above statements.

Thank you

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 02:11 PM
My public school experience was that middle school spent the majority of it's time reviewing elementary school and that high school spent the majority of it's time reviewing middle school. We had reviews of basic, elementary grammar and English all the way through high school(nouns, pronouns, verbs, etc). You were free to sleep in class or stare out the window when not paying attention to the teacher but if you read a book in an attempt to self-educate during class the teachers would single you out and make you put the book away and find some less productive way of spending your time ignoring the teacher. Most of the work assigned is busywork and the homework does nothing but waste hours after school that a child could spend in a productive manner(exercising, socializing, participating in a club, event, or organization, not fighting with their parents over homework).

The social structures, fads, and terms of social acceptance praised stupidity, recklessness, and self-destructive tendencies and at the same time ridiculed, demeaned, and verbally and physically abused students who were interested in learning, bettering themselves, and staying out of trouble. In fact, if you are smarter than average you are likely to have a harder time at school because the emphasis in schools today is teaching at the pace of the slowest and dullest learners; the mentally challenged and the children on mind altering drugs. More money and emphasis is put into special education than honors classes, if the school even has an honors program at all!

Because of my experience in public education(and subsequently in independent study), I am definitely going to homeschool my children. I want my children to learn quickly, feel motivated to learn, and have the social support that lets them feel that it is ok to learn and apply what they've learned creatively to solve problems in their environment. Public school would just demoralize them and reiterate elementary school education from middle school on and would be a horrible and traumatic waste of their lives.

[edit on 24-9-2008 by Epinephrine]

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 02:27 PM
So they can brainwash poor innocent Californian Kids too! :\

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity


More bad news about how the "state" bully who told itself it knows better,encroaching into an area it does not belong...

I'm glad I don't have kids, because they wouldn't attend the current socialistic , and politically correct camps who want to brainwash youngsters with details on alternative lifestyles as well as this crap.

The socialists are spreading all over, like a cancer.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Jadette
So under the logic that some are defending, would it be okay for your children to go to a school where none of the teachers were qualified to teach?

Oy :shk: Try to understand .... Parents ARE QUALIFIED to teach.
A parent, either with a high school education or even a college education, does NOT need a teaching degree to know how to teach his/her child how to read, write, and do math.

If parents were not able to teach their children then why are home schooled children OUT SCORING public schooled children in EVERY SUBJECT???

You all realise of course, your children are not possessions. They do not, in any meaning of the word, belong to you. You are merely guardians while they are juveniles.

You spelled realize wrong. Public schooling?
You misused the comma. Public schooling?

You realize, of course, that OUR CHILDREN are just that - OUR children. We are not 'merely' guardians while they are juveniles. :shk:
It is our god-given right and duty (and right and duty by law as well) to make sure they are safe spiritually, emotionally, and physically. We are to give them the best education available. In many cases, public schools are NOT able to perform that task.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by ANoNyMiKE

There are no wrong things, you helpless dependent little twit.

There are only broken or inadequate things to teach.

Students are getting degrees because they went to school at home while their peers can't find Iraq on a map and can't decide which boy band to care about.

If universities want to go out of business, that's fine by me. Pretty soon we'll have home colleges.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 03:26 PM
Great idea let's send them to public schools so they can learn to swear, learn to fight, or better yet get shot. I personally don't want my 8 year old to learn what homosexuality is until he is the right age.

Now they have video cameras and metal detectors in schools that sure sounds to much like a prison.

Has anyone ever considered that school is for dumbing down children so the masters can have people work for them? You have to wonder why the richest contry in the world has the worst school system.

My son was reading at 6 and comprehending better than most 9 year old school children. He has several friends that cant even read at 8.

If you think that this is the kind of place you want babysitting your children go for it. My family will take advantage of a real education for our children and if we can't homeschool we will simply leave the country!!!!

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 03:44 PM
There is always one stupid so-called law that pushes people into saying the gov't needs no more tea. This may not be that law, but its just one more reason why its time to remake gov't starting with a blank page following the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Infinite power corrupts. Infinitely.

Just say no to arrogant power.

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by Jadette

You all realise of course, your children are not possessions.

You spelled realize wrong. Public schooling?

You realise that in many places on this planet, the word realise is spelt realise.

Try this for some self-education: Open up Microsoft Word, deliberately type in a word that's spelt wrong. Right click that word and take a look at the menu, which will allow you to select the Language option. You mind find another whole world exists outside of the USA.

[edit on 24-9-2008 by tezzajw]

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 05:58 PM

On August 8, 2008 the Appeals Court reversed its earlier decision on home schooling by un-credentialed tutors, reestablishing the legal right for parents to home school.

It appears that this information is being ignored, or not read by those posting, as this is the third post relating to the subject.

On the other hand in regards to what is being discussed, I believe that I read here on ATF information relating that once a birth certificate is issued to our children, they become "property of the state", sadly from the governments pov relieving parents of their natural rights. Something, btw I do not agree with from the core of my being.

I home schooled my daughter, who is now 19. She was taught the three "R's" (per the state's required curriculum , she was taught as well thru cyber-school, sanctioned by the states requirements (state of Ohio). In her junior year she made a choice to not do it anymore. We sat down and discussed the reasons "why" she made this decision and the alternatives if she didn't continue. Her choice was to give herself a "break" and get her G.E.D. which she is doing now.

Long story short, we are dealing with an above average teenager who at the age of 17 could see the control used on her even thru state accredited online
learning and just shut down. Some of the classes were totally unnecessary for existance in the day to day world. She taught herself the keyboard at age 10 and has been working on building web sites since she was 12. She types well over 100 words a minute and knows the latest in computer coding.

Granted, she is not the best at math, as she was taught how to use a calculator from grade 1 thru grade 4, which is when she was removed from the public system...although, the damage had already been done. I worked with her, helped her as best I could, but she still is unable to do math without a calculator, and now is struggling with this part of the G.E.D. requirements...she just can't see why she needs to know math when the instructor in her adult math class does the problems with a calculator. (She is getting the G.E.D. in Cali)

Bottom line, I refused to register her in Ohio for her junior year of school in cyber school and public school. I wanted to continue teaching her at her own pace without interference in the manner I knew she would understand and not feel pressured as she had even with online school. I was told I was going to be arrested and at the age of 17 she was going to foster care. (She has a dad that lived with us at the time, and he didn't object to what was said, he just sat there as he never agreed with my reasons for homeschooling) It was then that I was told that she was not "my" child but a child of the state and I had no rights in how she was raised, that if the state so chose, my rights as a parent could be terminated if I didn't follow their mandates.

Needless to say, my daughter and I were packed and left Ohio in less than 12 hours and started over in a state that allowed kids to not attend school if they so chose to after the age of 17...but to obtain a G.E.D. before the age of 21.

What was attempted in Cali, removing the parents choice to homeschool, I do not see being the end of it...but only the beginning....*note I said attempted*

One more thing, the public system in the US is based off of the German Prussian System...might have a lot to do with the way the kids are indoctrinated...


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