posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 06:54 AM
Predictions are usually negative because there is no point in warning others about positive things =)
But I write here to tell you all of a strange dream I recently had, I do not wish to scare but prepare should it become a reality.
I was walking down a street, feeling kinda anxious, all around people were talking, but more than what I was hearing I remember more the feelings of
people, it was like they were in denial, and I was kinda in it myself.
It was then that a light flew above the city ( Idont know what city) and as soon as I saw this I froze for a second and thought "o crap". I knew
what flew over was really bad news and a missile of some sort, after that second of realisation that this event was real I just took off as fast as I
could with a "it really is happening" feeling, I didnt look back just made my way to an underground area, what I would guess is a subway station.
I dont know what the place was because whilst I ran down the steps jumping some on my way down the dream ended, it didnt end end with suffering, I
didnt wake up with a huge fright, its as if everything went white and it was over, just like that.
The reason for e posting this is just to tell people that if a huge attack or event is announced, do not stay in denial, no matter how unbelievable
the circumstances take it seriously because it really is happening.