posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 02:40 AM
Riiiight. Sounds like BS to me. Something like what you described would stick in your memory so well, you would be able to access all of the
information at will, remembering the most miniscule detail.
So, let's think about this...
"It's jet-stream was zig-zaggy."
Sounds like kid talk to me. "Zig-Zaggy" doesn't really describe anything. My guess is that it was windy out, and the vapor disbursed rapidly
because of this. ?
"but upon looking at it further I saw that it wasn't"
Ok, what was it then? You obviously made a distinction between it being a plane or otherwise, so you had to of identified it. Right? Soooo.....
"One pulled out after Getting within a mile and then the other did something else."
What did the other one do? You had to of seen what it did, otherwise you would not have stated that it didn't pull out.
"I swear on all that is holy this is not joke."
Obviously it is, because if it really happened to you, you would have confidence in yourself and the information you obtained. You would
not have to try to "convince" other people of the truth you profess. That's ok though, we all make mistakes. Just remember this; next time you
post something that you would like opinions on and answers to, at least make up a credible story with an adequate amount of research conducted
beforehand to maintain a sufficient level of credibility.
Mr. M