Originally posted by Wise Dome
These men are evil. It's not just greed, they have enough money to live a thousand lifetimes. They desire to control resources and control the souls
of men.
They should consider that many Americans will eventually take action against them and their protectors, not that I am advocating anything, it is just
a matter of social recourse that when you have nothing left you either fight or you surrender and live on skid row. The American government has
trained hundreds of thousands of American citizens over the years in combat tactics, the use of weapons of war and many other skills. Book sellers and
online resources have made available many publications directly from the Armed Forces on improvised warfare. I watched a demonstration years ago that
showed how ineffective that plastic wall is at the bank or in a vehicle if you have the right tool to get through it, bullet-proofing is a sham.
Television, Film and media have familiarized and trained the average American child to anticipate a state of war and how to conduct such actions. I
see these behaviors daily with children and adolescents, who now have a working knowledge of various weapons systems due to realistic Video Games and
paint-ball, they know what the Safety/Fire tab does, they know how to Lock and Load, they know how to aim and fire.
If the American republic fails due to the actions of these ultra-wealthy individuals they need to think about this. They need to understand that when
the American populace gets hungry, like the French, they will not eat cake. The wealthy have executed a financial plan against the world in order to
dominate it for their own personal sociopathic needs. Should the economy in the United States fail completely and people begin to fight each other for
resources, the Wealthy will have no place to hide in the United States as it is readily apparent to even the most uneducated that the fall of the
economy was the fault of the Wealthy. They will have no place to call home in the United States, nor will they have anything left to call 'property'
or 'holdings', that will all belong to The People. The Wealthy will be hunted down and executed with or without summary trials. No matter what
country they run as King or Queen or President, no matter their force of command over their own military forces.
The American Military will not commit suicide for the wealthy, nor will it commit Fratricide, Patricide, Matricide or
any other form of killing
their own for the wealthy. The American fighting machine is the premiere fighting machine on this planet, and if it becomes necessary to retain
the American Peoples freedom from domination, be it from other nations, corporations or persons it shall do as directed and terminate the enemy with
extreme prejudice.
As I said, I am not advocating anything, I am merely telling it like it is, the way events happen when countries collapse. There is one big difference
though with regard to the United States, it is that the citizens of the United States are extremely well armed and knowledgable of warfighting
techniques. They will not accept dominion at the hands of foreign nationals and they will not allow the misdeeds of the ultra-wealthy globalists to go