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Confessions of an American Ex-Patriot

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posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 03:03 PM
This is an article one man wrote on the issues of today, and hit me in the heart. This piece really brought alot of my sanity back home. He's a good writer, and speaks from the heart. I can tell he is angry at alot of these issues, so I related to him.

I want to share this with you and hear what you have to say from your own heart and mind. We talk about this stuff everyday on here. Especially in the mud pit.
Let's keep an open mind and don't be too quick to judge this man. This guy isn't pc so if you are and believe in the pc thing all the time, I strongly suggest you don't read this. He is very "passionate".

Here is PART of what he said (Link below):

Afterwards, other questions arose in my mind. If we�re a democracy, then why is it that the important decisions of running this country and how our tax dollars are spent, are rarely a matter of public knowledge, let alone votes? Do we really live in a free country or a police state? Are we really promoting democracy around the world as the television claims we are, or are we just installing puppets who do our economic bidding? I thought of recent police suppression of demonstrations in Seattle, Portland and elsewhere. Images of pepper spray, riot gear, Nazi insignias, and countless people in prison cells filled my mind. I thought about how the Justice Department locks people up indefinitely now, without charges, even if they are American citizens.

We all sit in front of television sets like zombies. Televisions have become our closest companions, instead of other people. And people will watch anything, as an �escape�. If we�re so �successful� then why is it that all we want to do is escape? Our mental lives are like those of soap opera characters concerned only with game show trivia. Our intellectual standards have sunk to a point where no one even asks �Why�? any more, and no one questions anything. The words �truth�, �logic� �honesty� and �reality� aren�t even in our vocabulary. No one dares speak them because of the responsibility they might imply..

I remembered hearing how the CIA meddles in governments the world over, staging armed rebellions and the like, yet without a single vote from the people involved. How does one establish a democracy by installing puppet dictators who are on the CIA payroll? I thought about the �Patriot Act� which makes wire taps, e-mail interception and house searches without warrants �legal�. So much for the Bill of Rights. I considered how it�s becoming more and more accepted that neighbors report each other to the government for �suspicious behavior�. What is �suspicious� behavior anyway, not wearing green on St. Patrick�s Day?? How will this new �Homeland Security� office be used against our citizens? Perhaps it should be called �The Office of Suspicious Behavior�. I thought about college professors being fired and receiving death threats, for teaching that we should critically examine how our Bill of Rights and Constitution are being trampled on by recent legislation. We�re told, �we have to give up our liberties for the sake of our protection�. How is giving up our sovereignty and freedoms protecting us from anything, and why does one have to come at the cost of the other?

I�ve noticed that such topics are considered impolite. People react to such subjects like they would the plague. We�ve become the tyranny and war mongering imperialist which the writers of our Constitution sought to change.

The Revolutionary War was fought over such issues, but the people have forgotten what freedom really is. They�ve traded their responsibility and freedom for a false sense of �security�. To quote a famous dictator;

�Beware the leader who bangs the drum of war,
In order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor,
for patriotism is indeed a double edged sword.
It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.
And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch
And the blood boils with hate
And the mind has closed, the leader will have no need of seizing
the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism,
will offer up all of their rights unto the leader, and gladly so.
How do I know? For this is what I have done.
And I am Caesar."

[Edited on 22-3-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 03:17 PM
The USA is like this because of The Illumiti and people like George Bush who is with the skull and bones and he does nothing about it .

[Edited on 22-3-2004 by Chronic7]

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 03:48 PM
I agree with you half way on that.

True the US is like that because of them, but let's not forget common people. It's easier to put all the blame on the US gov but realistically common man is to blame for being so blinded. On the contrary, those criminals in the gov are professional con men, liars, coveruppers, creators..... they have criminal minds and our tax money to support their wants.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 04:23 PM
I agree with the wrighter 100% there is another GREAT website out there with the exact same message, but about 50x as in-depth.

All about how the Rev. war was all about getting away from, basicially the industrialliasts in Europe, and now we are the industrialliasts.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 04:41 PM
Well it's always good to see someone finally waking up. Wish more could do the same.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 04:44 PM
unfortunately the majority won't realize this, until the media stops putting their spin on things and hiding all the facts from us. It is the media that controls what we think of on a day to day to basis.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 06:29 PM

The USA is like this because of The Illumiti and people like George Bush who is with the skull and bones and he does nothing about it .

Wrong buddy the USA is like that Because of YOU.

And Me.

And True lies

And worldwatcher

And all the rest of us that are just sitting on our collictive asses and LETTING them do it.

We dont need the reptiles or the illumnia or who the hell ever putting us in chains hell we would fight to STAY in chains

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Amuk

The USA is like this because of The Illumiti and people like George Bush who is with the skull and bones and he does nothing about it .

Wrong buddy the USA is like that Because of YOU.

And Me.

And True lies

And worldwatcher

And all the rest of us that are just sitting on our collictive asses and LETTING them do it.

We dont need the reptiles or the illumnia or who the hell ever putting us in chains hell we would fight to STAY in chains

Dont forget me and my antagonizing who I deem unpatriotic.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 11:27 PM
good article....up untill about a year ago i was a true-blue, dyed-in-the-wool, american pay-tree-ot...enlisted at 17 in the gaurds, trans to reg army 2 yrs later...even tried to re-up...even worked in law-enforcement.....ready to throw down on anybody who would talk bad about MY govt and MY country! I knew the govt lied and covered up things. i would get a little angry about it but would tow the line 'cause it 'wasn't that bad' and 'there must be a good reason.' i always felt like 'something else ' was going on but job, $$, recreation and some weird aceptence that MY govt was doing things for 'the good of the people.' things changed after eye are open and i don't like what i see...and i can never go back to the american dream,or should i say the american ignorance.

after reading the article and just having watched the last samurai...what does 'proud to be american' mean? what have we brought to the world? what is america bringing to the world? the founding fathers came to america to escape the british govt...then to form the rest of america, we kill off all the indiginous people and take over the land. Americans are not well liked around the world because of the action of the america leaders over the years....america has done some good things but now america is back on the road it was on after the begining...killing off the indiginous people, setting up puppet govts and taking over the land. it is not bush but those he works for and those that have been in charge for many many years..
it is not MY is 'their' country..america is not the good guy anymore, america is now the tool of those that wish to rule...using our technology and capacity to aquire resources as the sword........
america is in store for big changes iin the next few years...the question is not if it will happen but, what side will you be on ??

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 12:07 AM
Hi, like clearmind, I've been kinda the same way. I'm realizing a few things about the state of our nation now, and what it was, or envisioned to be. And they don't match. You know what though?!!! A TRUE patriot is to do what our founding fathers would be proud of. A TRUE patriot is to be not someone who always defends the gov., but defends the PEOPLE because the gov. may (and has) gotten to a point where they DON'T represent us! So we can still be patriots and fight some trends that aren't looking too good.

I've been observing, analyzing, pondering, theorizing and predicting on what course we're headed down as a nation. Well, I'm sure you would agree that we're slowly losing our freedoms and control of our country. I have a whole view on the specifics and actual reasons of why, but I'm not going to go into that now.

I truly believe that the time for us to stop the suction of power out of our hands and into the government officials is growing very VERY thin. I believe that we still can reverse some things. But we have to do it now, or else we will be past the point of no return. I've firmly decided that I'm going to do something. I'm not sure exactly what (don't laugh) but I know where to start at least. I'm going to make all aware who are ignorant of what we've lost, and what we're losing in terms of control and knowledge of what our government does "in our name." After all, if people don't know what we've lost and are losing, they can't get mad can they? And they can't do anything?

This country means a lot to me. And despite the weakening inner workings, it's STILL an awesome place. That's a true testament to our founding fathers and their intellect, and just how strong this country has been. I'm going to be a patriot and at least try to help to restore things. Maybe I'm going against aliens/fate/illuminati/masons/shadow gov/CIA/Revelation/satan himself. Maybe our country crumbling is plain GOING to happen, but that's no excuse to just LET it happen like a bunch of impotent and passive fools.

posted on Mar, 23 2004 @ 12:46 AM
A solution?

Here's a possible solution to this problem "selfishness."

Don't be selfish. Turn from the self and focus on everyone but you. You don't have to do it all at once, but you can.
Simply remind yourself that every thought determines the reality you experience.

Want more love in the world? ... Be more loving. Love yourself and accept yourself as you are. Love others, not as you want them to be, but as they are complete with all their faullts as well as their gifts. Live IN Grace.

Want more freedom in the world? ... Release yourself from the bonds of materialism by letting "stuff" go. Don't identify yourself as what you drive or where you live, where you work or how much money you have in the bank.

Want more peace in the world? ... Seek peaceful things and be peaceful to all living things. Become a vegetarian if you feel inclined. Eating meat is exponentially wasteful of energy.

Want to be healthy? Start living healthy. Don't just change your diet. Change your respect for your food and your relationship to it.

There is no "path" to happiness. Happiness IS the path.
There is no "path" to peace. Peace IS the path.
There is no "path" to God. God IS the path.

God's Peace to ALL of You!


posted on Mar, 24 2004 @ 02:27 AM
Television is the opiate of the masses, I have friends who refuse to read best selling books and wait for them to become movies... what is wrong with that?

I have young cousins who know the latest Eminem song by heart, but can't quote 4 stanzas from a Shakespeare play, who don't know who Jules Verne is, who can't explain but the most basic science stuff (stuff that interested half of us as teens to further investigate things).

something is really wrong here

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