This is an article one man wrote on the issues of today, and hit me in the heart. This piece really brought alot of my sanity back home. He's a good
writer, and speaks from the heart. I can tell he is angry at alot of these issues, so I related to him.
I want to share this with you and hear what you have to say from your own heart and mind. We talk about this stuff everyday on here. Especially in the
mud pit.
Let's keep an open mind and don't be too quick to judge this man. This guy isn't pc so if you are and believe in the pc thing all the time, I
strongly suggest you don't read this. He is very "passionate".
Here is PART of what he said (Link below):
Afterwards, other questions arose in my mind. If we�re a democracy, then why is it that the important decisions of running this country and how our
tax dollars are spent, are rarely a matter of public knowledge, let alone votes? Do we really live in a free country or a police state? Are we
really promoting democracy around the world as the television claims we are, or are we just installing puppets who do our economic bidding? I thought
of recent police suppression of demonstrations in Seattle, Portland and elsewhere. Images of pepper spray, riot gear, Nazi insignias, and countless
people in prison cells filled my mind. I thought about how the Justice Department locks people up indefinitely now, without charges, even if they are
American citizens.
We all sit in front of television sets like zombies. Televisions have become our closest companions, instead of other people. And people will watch
anything, as an �escape�. If we�re so �successful� then why is it that all we want to do is escape? Our mental lives are like those of soap opera
characters concerned only with game show trivia. Our intellectual standards have sunk to a point where no one even asks �Why�? any more, and no one
questions anything. The words �truth�, �logic� �honesty� and �reality� aren�t even in our vocabulary. No one dares speak them because of the
responsibility they might imply..
I remembered hearing how the CIA meddles in governments the world over, staging armed rebellions and the like, yet without a single vote from the
people involved. How does one establish a democracy by installing puppet dictators who are on the CIA payroll? I thought about the �Patriot Act� which
makes wire taps, e-mail interception and house searches without warrants �legal�. So much for the Bill of Rights. I considered how it�s becoming
more and more accepted that neighbors report each other to the government for �suspicious behavior�. What is �suspicious� behavior anyway, not
wearing green on St. Patrick�s Day?? How will this new �Homeland Security� office be used against our citizens? Perhaps it should be called �The
Office of Suspicious Behavior�. I thought about college professors being fired and receiving death threats, for teaching that we should critically
examine how our Bill of Rights and Constitution are being trampled on by recent legislation. We�re told, �we have to give up our liberties for the
sake of our protection�. How is giving up our sovereignty and freedoms protecting us from anything, and why does one have to come at the cost of the
I�ve noticed that such topics are considered impolite. People react to such subjects like they would the plague. We�ve become the tyranny and war
mongering imperialist which the writers of our Constitution sought to change.
The Revolutionary War was fought over such issues, but the people have forgotten what freedom really is. They�ve traded their responsibility and
freedom for a false sense of �security�. To quote a famous dictator;
�Beware the leader who bangs the drum of war,
In order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor,
for patriotism is indeed a double edged sword.
It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.
And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch
And the blood boils with hate
And the mind has closed, the leader will have no need of seizing
the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism,
will offer up all of their rights unto the leader, and gladly so.
How do I know? For this is what I have done.
And I am Caesar."
[Edited on 22-3-2004 by TrueLies]