posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 07:38 AM
...hmm. I thought there was more or less a great deal of nationalizing going in the US at the moment.
Love it or lump it, you guys are about to be the proud owners of subprime junk bonds.
I know in Australia it's hard enough to get employers to even pay maternity leave, so I highly doubt the private sector is going to 'give away' any
money at all under any scheme.
However, if you're just talking about retirement funds being invested in the stock markets, that's something that has been part of the Australian
superannuation system since the early 90s, with the government making co-contributions dollar for dollar.
Employers are required by law to put in 9% of wages into a superannuation fund.
With an aging population, that definitely makes sense. The Australian government has made it clear that there's not going to be enough to go around
for the pension system - but it's a long term thing, it'd take a while to see the results.