posted on Sep, 27 2008 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by The Revealer
"Live free or Die".
"Don't tread on me".
Most Americans live by the creed above.
One can't enslave a 'free' society.
Once people are free, they don't go backward into repression.
Some may learn this the hard way.
There are so many highly trained ex-military folk here in America that is aware of what has gone down and would never allow this to happen. Besides,
are we to believe that our current military would kill their own people? Of course not. Enligtened members within the units would enlighten the
others of their ignorance when necessary.
The NWO may have to learn this the hard way. They may very well have to learn what its like to be at the 'other' end of the barrel. Some never get
to experience the horrors of their actions, some end up wishing they did.
We don't live in a Feudalist world anymore. The world has changed. It is much different now and peoples are waking up to the 'divide and conquer'
techniques used throughout history to conquer and indebt nations to perpetual servitude.