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Video footage of "simulation" of Denosees (alien humanoids)

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posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by inthemistandfog

You cant be serious.

It is clearly a video showing DUMMIES.
Gosh, i see just how gullible people are!

I happen to be a believer of UFOs and aliens, but PEOPLE COME ON!

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 03:02 PM
this whole web-site is getting to be a joke .. just like this thread.. I think that is a one liner.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by inthemistandfog

Listen. You tube videos don't even need "debunking". They can be posted from anyone anytime without regulation.

The video is fake. You can believe in it all you want. Please waste your time doing so, it'll make me feel better about being sane.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 03:42 PM
That is without a doubt the absolute WORST 3d work I've seen in a hoax video. I feel like I've had 100 points knocked off my IQ just by watching it.



Look at that still and tell me with a straight face thats a real being? Forgoing even the fact the damn things dont move one millimetre and seem to be frozen so still they must be camera shy, that the lighting is ...well rubbish...that living things do not have skin that behaves like a lambert material in 3d max....that there is no evidence of anything at all surrounding those beings except 'black void' (which says 'viewport in a 3d app to me)...that the feet look like the model is being viewed from a default perspective camera (which has exagerated perspective to aid modelling.... need anything else in the list?

Before anyone says..yeah I am being nasty...but since when do I have to be nice to someone who wastes everyone ones time with probably the worst hoax in recent memory. At least if there had been a bit of skill and effort go into it I could have been 'nice' about that aspect. Oh and by the way..when doig the anatomy of any humanoid alien ....make sure you have at least some viable refences from human or ape anatomy..... thats the biggest giveaway of all..the anatomy is terrible. Did the person responsible for this REALLY think anyone wiht half a mind would belive it to be real?


[edit on 22/9/2008 by the secret web]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 03:42 PM
reply to post by philjwolf

I agree. This place is no longer for research. It is now just about posting ridiculous topics and seeing how much attention your post gets.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 04:01 PM
What's with the Steven Hawking voice effect?

You'd think the hoaxers would have used something rather then Windows Voice to create the narration.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by Tomis_Nexis

Why do people even post this crap? Watch what you say though before you know it you'll have 1000 more negative points while the OP racks up stars and points.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 06:34 PM
i cannot believe this thread exsists, no wonder the u.f.o/alien subject is laughed at by some. i cannot believe someone thought this was real, it seems like somebody is looking for reasons to believe and seeing things where there are none, just hoping they find something, anything, to prove it.

and all that happens is the opposite, we are provided with drivel to turn heads away from the subject altogether. i believe there is more to u.f.o's and it warrents serious consideration and research, however after threads like this one don't expect to many people to take anybody or the subject seriously.

maybe thats the point of the thread, who knows.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 08:01 PM
Everyone just calm the........ down....

Fake or not, this video can still be investigated, put to the test, and then debunked or confirmed.

Screaming fake has never solved anything here, so let's end this by solving it, okay? ^_^

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 08:45 PM
this video reminds me of the GFL videos that have the computer model speaking in a female computer voice.... just like thsi video, with the planet earth in the background..

load of poop!, most likely made by the same person that made the videos i talked about last paragraph.

how come all these aliens can speak perfect english ? dont they ever have words that are untranslatable..?

EDIT : 2mins 37, YOU CAN SEE F'ing Strings behind the toys head!

[edit on 22-9-2008 by boaby_phet]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 09:31 PM
reply to post by inthemistandfog

The other ones head appears to be tilted because he filmed it at an angle where the "toy" is on the left of a tilted mirror. But seriously, I think my eight year old brother can make something more creative than this.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 07:04 AM
This reminds me of a video from a rock festival in austria called frequency. The video is about the securtiy of the festival and has nothing to do with the topic. But if you observer the sky there are also very fast disc shaped obejct flying a strait line (at 01:30 and 03:01). Likely these are just bird or fresbees but it looks very similar to the other video.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 11:41 AM
I don't understand why people post this on here. It is such a waste of time. Did the OP genuinely believe that this "footage" was real or needed official debunking?

Clearly this was CGI, and not even good least a professional would have added some slight movements, physical differences between the models and not have them both stand there like Gummi Bears.

In reality, how many everyday folk go to sleep with a camera next to their bed. I suppose if I had an feeling I was being watched at night, or if I was being abducted, I would set up AV equipment.

Regardless, I want my 4minutes back!!!

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by rocksarerocks
reply to post by Tomis_Nexis

Why do people even post this crap? Watch what you say though before you know it you'll have 1000 more negative points while the OP racks up stars and points.

I'm not here to gain points and stars because of my thoughts and opinions, but you know me Rock.

[edit on 23-9-2008 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 01:01 PM
To stress:

My intent was not to gather any points or to see how much attention I can get. If you want to separately and personally post how people can post this 'crap', waste people's time, and so on, it will give this thread the attention you did not wish. To not irritate yourself more, I hope you are able to see the above-mentioned statement and would stop bringing this thread on top of first page, because it just feeds this thread more activity. However if the temptation is invincible, you can unload all you got. Actually it may even help future OPs to see what would happen, if they posted something similar. In the OPs position I can say that it doesn't give you any special good feeling, so my suggestion is to avoid what happened here ^^ And yes, I have seen this happening before, but, this got me by surprise.

So the consensus here is that this is a fake, so I would leave it at that, unless someone wants to provide some new perspectives. I humbly apologize choosing this forum to investigate this message and the video, and will take your way of approaching into account, when I encounter other similar material next time.

Now one more reply:

reply to post by SciDoc

I don't think it is 'clearly' a CGI for the reasons you described, I only think that it could likely be a CGI for these reasons.

Unlike most of you, I still cannot presume that beings (who wants to emphasize for not probably having even a physical body), will particularly adjust to the expected stereotypical model humans have, and debunk it if it just "looks" fake, how ever strong the indications were.

It may sound like I just want to believe it to be real, but I cannot make definitive calls to a direction or another without something more.. definite.


[edit on 23-9-2008 by inthemistandfog]

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 01:11 PM
Four minutes of poop.

They aren't even trying, anymore.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by inthemistandfog
To stress:

My intent was not to gather any points or to see how much attention I can get. If you want to separately and personally post how people can post this 'crap', waste people's time, and so on, it will give this thread the attention you did not wish. To not irritate yourself more, I hope you are able to see the above-mentioned statement and would stop bringing this thread on top of first page, because it just feeds this thread more activity. However if the temptation is invincible, you can unload all you got. Actually it may even help future OPs to see what would happen, if they posted something similar. In the OPs position I can say that it doesn't give you any special good feeling, so my suggestion is to avoid what happened here ^^ And yes, I have seen this happening before, but, this got me by surprise.

So the consensus here is that this is a fake, so I would leave it at that, unless someone wants to provide some new perspectives. I humbly apologize choosing this forum to investigate this message and the video, and will take your way of approaching into account, when I encounter other similar material next time.

Now one more reply:

reply to post by SciDoc

I don't think it is 'clearly' a CGI for the reasons you described, I only think that it could likely be a CGI for these reasons.

Unlike most of you, I still cannot presume that beings (who wants to emphasize for not probably having even a physical body), will particularly adjust to the expected stereotypical model humans have, and debunk it if it just "looks" fake, how ever strong the indications were.

It may sound like I just want to believe it to be real, but I cannot make definitive calls to a direction or another without something more.. definite.


[edit on 23-9-2008 by inthemistandfog]

well another poster(above) made that point that there is nothing wrong with investigating it, and i have to agree. but i think peoples responses will always reflect the quailty of the discussion point. in this case a 4 minute video that looks worse than something from DR WHO(the 70's version).

even if they were real aliens(which i doubt) it can be so easily recreated and looks so unreal that i doubt anyone would believe it or use it as credible evidence for aliens exsisting. there are better fakes outthere even if this video was real aliens.

don't be offened by responses, i think people are just calling it how it stands or looks. i certainly did. my response was my reaction to it, nothing more.

it was disapointing because there are many many many more videos that could of been discussed that are more convincing fakes or have a geniune unknown factor to them. of course people have differing opinions on those video's, but this video dos'nt even come close to have people disageeing and debating about the possibilities. i think most would agree its fake 100%, even if it was real, simple because it dos'nt look real.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 11:26 PM
I know you guys love videos, so here's my take on it:

Sorry for the crappy mic.

[edit on 23-9-2008 by davion]

posted on Sep, 24 2008 @ 01:18 AM
I guess because the message was disturbing/contradicting and I got pretty obsessed with the GFL boom that is flourishing, I wanted to leave it hanging until it is 100% debunked.

Now that I stayed so insistent and practically only one here to not see the obvious, I'll just conclude my part:

Davion's video proves things that makes the likelyhood drop so much, that I don't expect anyone to believe the only possibilities that would keep it alive(because even I don't believe,
.. and thanks for the video, clear narration!

So those earlier speculated symmetrical bodies are very close to symmetrical. It is almost evident that there is no two separate physical bodies demonstrated, because even if they had used a cloning technology and they were physically exact copies of each other, it is very unlikely that they would stand in an exact same body posture but mirrored.

The argument, that they would create this high-technology projection, but within it use average level "computer graphics" for even humans is more like that they are using a low level computer graphics editing for that.. :thumbdown

[edit on 24-9-2008 by inthemistandfog]

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