i'm in orange county in california and a few minutes ago there were sounds of distant explosions coming from the north of where i live, it lasted for
about 15 minutes. it went off randomly and at the same time i saw 3 objects from the west hovering in the sky, they were very bright but distant.
one was like sparkly, switching between reddish and yellow colors, it was on the horizon above the houses. it started moving north east after the
explosions ended, it didnt move fast so i figured it might be helicopters, now theres a smell outside, a smell of like burnt cake/bread. anyone else
living in this area experiencing this?!?!
the lights were gone for a few moment and now its back i got some footage of it this time!
heres the first video, sorry i dont have a video camera, had to use my still camera cannon sd600, disregard the 4 or so bright lights they are
streetlights (and the blue dot, my cameras messed up), i had to brighten this 3 times so the object can be seen and i was having a hard time trying to
focus it, there was a second object on the lower left of it but it's hard to make out in the video, there were just hovering
here's the other video, i was trying to move around, the objects are moving this time slowly towards the source of the explosion, so i concluded that
they might be helicopters, they were too close and moved to slow to be a jet