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What changed your mind about 9/11

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posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 08:06 PM
What changed your mind about 9/11? I know some people felt it was a conspiracy the moment the first plane crash was announced. I also know that some people still believe what they did that day and that is what we were all told. Fine, if nothing has changed, then that would be different. For anyone who believed the "official" story to a point and something changed that, or for anyone that believed a conspiracy theory and has since changed your mind. What did it? Was it one piece of evidence? Was it a long series of events or things you came across? I am not going to troll this thread and argue about it with anyone and I do not care which way you lean. I am just curious what it is that changed peoples minds. I am also curious to see if any trend emerges from that.

Please be respectful. There is no reason to argue with anyone in here since this is not about debating or right and wrong. Just a place to collect stories of people that have changed their mind about what they believe really happend.

I will say what I think since it would be unfair of me to even ask without putting myself out there. I am just not putting it here in the OP. I would like people to try to read this as neutral and not be enflamed when they decide to post their story. Thanks in advance.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 08:44 PM
My first impression was a state of disbelief/shock.
There was something surreal/unbelievable about everything that had taken place.
I don't know how much of the official story sunk in.
I was in such a state of bewilderment over what happened that i think i just took everything dished at me with a grain of salt... much like i do when i review the weather channel forecast.

Being a real documentary buff... i recall seeing some of the very first 911 docs that came out and thinking to myself how the 911 truthers story made more sense then the "official story". Starting with the task of double checking every claim/fact made from both theories, this endless process continues to fuel my desire to know everything possible about that day and all that was attached to that day prior and after.

In conclusion, absolutely without a doubt the biggest lie that has ever been sold to the american people... and i am deeply ashamed of my fellow wo/man for buying it.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 08:46 PM
When I heard Bush say he saw the first plane hit on TV, before going into that classroom. He said "the TV was on, naturally and I thought to myself, that is one bad pilot." Of course you could argue that he is mistaken or even delusional, but this was only 3 months after the attacks. I still remember the details of that morning and it is 8 years later.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 09:18 PM
I realised that someting was not right
(1)when the buildings collapsed at free fall speed - basically against all established law of physics.
(2) The stand down of NORAD was too much of a coindence
(3) The claim that a Boeing 737 went into the Pentagon is ludicrous - the hole was 14 feet wide. Where did the two 17 tonne engines go? There was no wreckage that you see after airplane crashes. Many pilots have stated
that it was an impossibility for anyone to have controlled the aircraft on the glidepath that was established

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 12:21 AM
This isn't a man issue or an ego thing with me. I have changed my mind on occasions for various reason. People who know me always have considered me fair and willing to listen. With this said:

I have some people who's opinion I seek and I find very useful at times. Who they are doesn't matter to anyone else. But when I ask them about some other off topic stuff and then a light come on, a "revelation" moment; you just know something isn't right.

I've had that moment in the last 10 days.

What we were talking about doesn't matter. What does matter is many of the peripheral issues and coincidences about any number of things.

Do I think the buildings had bombs planted, hardly. That was plane damage and even Osama was surprised the buildings fell. The plane crashes in general are nothing more than smoke to hide other information.

This is were I'm focused at. Yeah, I'm finding some problems.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 12:28 AM
Good question, OP.

From the moment I woke up that day, to this very second.

I believe it was a flashpoint to achieve certain goals in the Global Elite/Military Industrial Complex checklist for power.

If it wasn't rigged, it was very, very handy.


posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 06:09 AM

(3) The claim that a Boeing 737 went into the Pentagon is ludicrous - the hole was 14 feet wide. Where did the two 17 tonne engines go? There was no wreckage that you see after airplane crashes.

Below are pictures of the engine parts - after ploughing through building

Can also see lots of aircraft parts scattered around

Hole in Pentagon - wings left hole over 75 ft wide in ground floor

Amazing what one can find if one simply looks

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 06:12 AM
For me no one should go any further than they let it happen, anything else is just speculation. That is something they even said and is a fact.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 04:56 PM
Perhaps my response here is inappropriate, for I suspected it was an inside job when it initially happened. As the day went on and Bin Laden was not only mentioned as a suspect, but was accused, tried and convicted in the media, I was more certain.

But I figured that the reason they would have done this in the first place would be to promp us into giving up rights. I had expected Bush to be out in the media whipping up a "git 'er done!" sentiment to pass laws that cut our liberties, and after a month went by and nothing like that really happened, I was beginning to relax and think maybe I had been wrong.

And then...

Down onto the desks of Congress plopped a 900+ page "Patriot" Act, with a "rush, rush, don't read, just sign!" attitude, which eliminated exactly the things I expected, gave powers to the "Prez" that I expected, and had to have taken at least 2 years to prepare. In less than two MONTHS after 9/11.

I looked at the freefall speed at which all three buildings fell and knew they had had explosives/incendiaries, because gravity alone would have had resistance in an intact building and there was no resistance to be seen.

I heard a story of some people at a gas station or convenience store that had reviewed the footage at the Pentagon in the camera there - just before the FBI showed up and took the footage away - with threats! - and a missile was said to be seen. Can't find that story on the web now...

I discovered that the FBI rounded up all civilian footage of the Pentagon within a few hours after the Pentagon incident - that they knew where to look for all that footage was intriguing to begin with...someone must have cased the city beforehand (why do you suppose?) - and then would not release ANY of it. Since it could not show anything we did not see of the Pentagon in pictures taken of the inside (and likely far less!) there is no logical reason not to release the footage - IF the OCT (Official Conspiracy Theory) is true. If it is NOT true, THEN the refusal to release the footage makes sense.

The way the Jersey Girls (wives of four of the dead from the Towers) were treated - as if THEY were criminals - made me ill, and all the more made me think it was an inside job.

The small amount of debris that was handed over to forensics for examination sure looked odd... Forensics had virtually nothing to work with, and it was disturbed evidence at that! Uyup. I was sure.

The refusal to have an official investigation for 14 months was downright weird! The most heinous crime in centuries and we didn't want an investigation??? If I was in charge, and the OCT was true and unexpected, I would be clamoring for an investigation. The deflection of any investigation is what I would do if I was guilty.

The stacking of the deck of the 9/11 Commission was odd...along with the many pieces of evidence and testimony that were not even considered...

And the coup de gras... The "Prez" and the VP refusing to testify unless...they did not have to testify under oath (what innocent one would demand THAT!?!) and they had to be together (why else but to be sure their stories matched?) and it had to be... Off the record!!!

Ah, geez. There is much more, but I am tired of typing.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 05:09 PM


posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 05:29 PM
I remember thinking that the world came to an end on that day. Nothing would ever be the same again.

I believed the official story until it was invoked to wage war on Iraq. At that moment I realized that something was very wrong. When I started looking to find out more, the amount of questions I had which remain unanswered was staggering. A whole lot of what happened on, before, and after that day has been covered up. A whole lot of lies has been fed as truth and the 9/11 tragedy has been abused to attain power and to erode rights.

We will never know the complete truth as so much distrust, disinformation and outright lies has been put about by Government and conspiracy believers alike that we would not know truth if it bit us in the behind.

[edit on 22/9/08 by Lebowski achiever]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 06:03 PM
I remember exactly where I was when the towers fell. It is seared in my mind. I bought the whole story of how everything happened, hook-line-and-sinker. I enlisted in the Army a month later to defend this great country of mine. I always was appalled by those saying that 9/11 was a conspiracy. It sickened me. But after almost 7 years, these people had not gone away. I had started looking more and more at this site and came across WTC7 was the keystone for me to believe that this was not only a conspiracy but the crime of the century. A crime against the American people by the American government. There is a slide show there at it very long but very thorough. Decide for yourself whether these people are wackos or have done scientific research and debunked the official 9/11 story.

I am outraged. I feel betrayed. Everyone should.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 06:28 PM
I only buy into the facts, not the speculations from either side. I have questions, but the fact that the planes were hijacked and used as weapons is not something I question anymore after looking into the evidence myself.

I guess what made me finally start investigating it for myself is that I saw many "truthers" who were 100% wrong and yet they would say things like "I don't care" or they would deny the evidence in front of them. That would be when I realized that I could not take someone's word from either side of the spectrum.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 07:00 PM

Originally posted by justamomma

I guess what made me finally start investigating it for myself is that I saw many "truthers" who were 100% wrong and yet they would say things like "I don't care" or they would deny the evidence in front of them. That would be when I realized that I could not take someone's word from either side of the spectrum.

yep.. same here..
I initially believed every CT out there.. basically because I wanted to.. I had given up on our "blessed" leaders and just knew that they were somehow responsible.. their complicity is still in question as far as I'm concerned.. but the evidence that CT'rs kept twisting, and editing.. the quotes taken far out of context.. the videos that are used to "prove" the CT's, are usually clipped to not show anything besides what "they" want to present.. I found that those who would patiently try to explain the events from an "official story" point of view always.. and I mean always, presented the better, more logical argument..
so when I saw the engine parts identified as coming from a Rolls Royce RB211-535, which is what it would have had to be, to be from AA77, when all the so called experts, stated that there was either no plane wreckage.. or that it was the wrong engine.. I decided that I would start looking at the evidence myself and not depend on what someone else said.. so now when I read something, I check it out.. I get corroberation from more than one source and I look at the arguments made too.. "truthers" as a group, are just not very thorough when it comes to checking the facts.. and are unbelievably stubborn when it comes to accepting the evidence..
I gradually became embarrassed to be a truther..
I became objective..

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 08:12 PM
Nothing. 19 hijackers took control of the aircraft, killed the pilots and flew the planes into the WTC, the Pentagon and crashed in a field in Pennsylvania.

Nothing changed my mind about that.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 10:57 PM
Lack of plane in the crater in Pennsylvania. Yet there was debris scattered for "3 to 4 miles"

Side note: this is one aspect of the conspiracy that actually looks like a cover up more than an inside job. Rumsfeld slipped up and said that flight 913 was “shot down.” Maybe it wasn’t a mistake.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 12:19 AM

Originally posted by thedman
...Hole in Pentagon - wings left hole over 75 ft wide in ground floor

Amazing what one can find if one simply looks

Isn't it amazing that a 767, doing over 450 mph at impact, left those MOSTLY EMPTY wooden wire-spools right where they were?

I will say this: When I first saw it on video (having heard about it about 30 minutes beforehand), I said "Man, they fell straight down like they were demolished. We got REALLY, REALLY lucky!"
Yeah, if I had only known!

It came to me slowly, and bit by bit. But then again, I approach ANY conspiracy theory with an open mind. Meaning I am of the attitude "Ok, I'll listen, but you have to show me the proof."

What first made my hair REALLY stand up was that Air Force General saying that the F-16s flew at 500+ miles per hour, and referred to it as "flying like scalded dogs". I went "WTF?! An F-16 Can do over 2,000 miles per hour! Commercial AIRLINERS do over 450+ miles per hour!" (I've seen this with my own eyes using MS Streets & Trips with a GPS stuck to the window!)

It wasn't a quick thing, but more and more evidence until finally there was the straw that broke the camel's back.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 12:42 AM
I just wanted to say good posts from post sides. I am glad that some 'former truthers' have spoken up too. I appreciate all the posts so far, except for the one that apparently could not be bothered to read what this thread was about or what the short OP stated about people who have not changed the way they think about anything. It is really interesting to see what it is that has changed people's ways of thinking and I really hope to hear from more of both sides. Thanks!

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by Amaterasu

But where in all of that stuff that made you so suspicious was the initial turning point? When you saw the very first news footage live in NY that morning or somewhere along that line of things that make you feel this way. I understand how they all make you question, I just wonder at what point exactly did you feel something was suspicious or did you feel that the second you saw the news cut to NY in the morning. I am just guessing here but from that long list of things, it seems like SOMETHING specific was bothering you all over the place but if you woke up that day believing it was all a conspiracy then I am not sure that is any more interesting than anyone else who did not change their mind from one reaction to another at some point. Just curious.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Lack of plane in the crater in Pennsylvania. Yet there was debris scattered for "3 to 4 miles"

Side note: this is one aspect of the conspiracy that actually looks like a cover up more than an inside job. Rumsfeld slipped up and said that flight 913 was “shot down.” Maybe it wasn’t a mistake.

All of 93 is in the crater and the immediate area. No cover up, the FDR shows, proves, 93 was not shot down. You can down load the FDR information and see for yourself.

Please post your evidence. The debris as not spread out over miles. Only things that could be carried on the wind, 298 at 26 knots at 1000 feet that day, were miles away. There must be evidence to change your mind, not hearsay.

All debris was south of the impact crater when 93 impacted, this also proves 93 was not shot down.

This is from the FDR, in less than a second 93 will be in the ground some parts and people buried 50 feet deep. Other parts ejected for hundreds of feet.
All debris south of impact, no shoot down!

Plane parts in crater.

Nothing changed my mind; 19 terrorist took 4 planes and failed when the Passengers on Flight 93 figured out 9/11 in minutes, and took action.

When will the truth movement catch up to the Passengers of Flight 93, who figured out 9/11 in minutes. What actions has the truth movement taken to figure out 9/11, with the clarity to take action, like the passengers on flight 93 did?

Nothing changed my mind; 19 terrorist took 4 planes and failed when the Passengers on Flight 93 figured out 9/11 in minutes, and took action.

When will the truth movement catch up to the Passengers of Flight 93, who figured out 9/11 in minutes. What actions has the truth movement taken to figure out 9/11, with the clarity to take action, like the passengers on flight 93 did?

I can't seem to fall for the false information of the truth movement. The turning point, the truth movement never presented evidence to support the fantasy, false information and implications of lies. That is the turning point. Simple research prevents falling for false information. That must be the turning point, or road block; the lack of evidence.

There must be evidence to change my mind, not hearsay; 7 years, evidence stands against the terrorist.

[edit on 23-9-2008 by beachnut]

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