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blast proof glass?

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posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 11:40 AM
just wondering is there anything like blast proof glass
i mean like you could set off a HE grenade next to it and it wouldnt damage the glass just leave a big mark

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 11:46 AM
Oh Iam sure there is, I would imagine that you are talking about a relativly thin peice of glass though, as in maybe to put in a house or create a structure. Obviously they could create glass that is extremly strong (and thick) to withstand a blast but the question is could they create a "normal" sized(thickness) peice of glass to do the same.

[Edited on 22-3-2004 by HumptyDumpty]

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 12:02 PM
Below is an article on the topic, but it also includes some links to specific projects/products. Be sure to check out the link to Dupont's laminated glass page.

HumptyDumpty is right. The commercial products are all going to be laminates that are significantly thicker than standard window material. In a previous job I had need to evaluate some impact and shatter resistant 'glass'; a Dupont representative showed me a sample of their offering. It was two-ply 3/4 inch polycarbonate with a plastic sheet between the layers ...and it had a .308 rifle bullet stuck in it with nary a spiderweb showing, just a round entry hole. Pretty impressive and that was back in 1994.

Blast Resistant Glass Links

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 12:03 PM
The one place I worked had 'armourglass' windows. There had been a warning about a possible riot and the company decided to get it installed to protect the computer suite. It was one-way black glass and supposed to be able to withstand small arms fire. One morning we saw a slight dent on one of the windows and a half end brick on the floor. It looked like some drunken arsehole had decided to try to break the window. I just wish I had been there to see the brick bounce back. Hopefully it removed some of his teeth at the same time

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 12:16 PM
thanks you lot !
nice story i always wanted 2 see something like that
wouldnt that be great to have that some 1 tries 2 brick ur window and bang right back at im

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 12:20 PM
if it's anywhere, it would be in detroit. bullet proof glass is in every store possible. i wouldn't doubt that in the federal, state, and city buildings that they had some form of explosive proof glass. it would be really awesome to find out how thick it would ahve to be to stop a HE grenade though.

posted on Mar, 22 2004 @ 12:22 PM
lol, yES! I used to work with temped glass too. I was able to test how strong these sheets were with my own expariments, hitting it with a sledge hammer! These sheets wouldnt break at all if hit in the middle area of the glass, but if you hit the egde of the glass the whole thing would pop and shatter to peices. A little different than laminates but some what of the same effect in strength. But as far as a bomb, I would imagine the energy that it would have to absorb with out breaking would be huge. It would also matter what type of blast and how hot it was, as we know Nukes turn sand into glass, but i dont know how these laminates would react to high amounts of heat and pressure. I bet they would melt in a big blast, but could definatly take a frag blast. Just my theory though.

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