posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 11:21 AM
If some of the conspiracies highlighted by this community are true is it not a safe assumption that much of the msm news these last few weeks and
months could act as some sort of diversion? There have been more sightings than ever with some darn good video footage to-boot. People say the Larry
King interviews are the beginning stages of disclosure. Unfortunately, I do not think so. I think it was more of a reaction to the public interest
of the Stephenville sightings. I mean for something so large as the UFO phenomenon with such evidence obtained as was in Stephenville, don't you
think there would be followups or at least more attention given to such a large mistery?
I see it as the same way a master magician diverts your attention while he carrys out the rest of the trick unknowingly to you. If some of the
conspiracies are true about the ptb (I hate using that anacronym, because the only power they 'might' have is granted by us, the majority) then I
believe they are doing just that. Diverting our attention while something obvious is going on under our noses regarding the mysterious lights in the
What that could be, I have no idea. What I do know is I have always found it interesting that any msm "documentary" has always described the ufo
phenomena as extraterrestrial or out of this world or 'outer space' beings, when first of all most every sighting is actually "in" this
world or very close to it. And second, there has been sightings going back thousands of years on this very earth.
That may not add up to a whole lot, but how come the msm has never speculated these craft just may be of earthly origin?
Also, lets not forget the manipulative media has been utilized in this fashion for many many years. Lets not forget.