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Christopher Story is Right

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posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:03 AM
For a long time now, years in fact, there has been this conspiracy called "Wantagate", which has been 'perpetuated' by two people. One of these is a fellow in the U.K. named Christopher Story. You can read his webpage at the link below, where he describes our current situation.

...The experts at ATS are sure he's lying and making it up, but his website has been the only one to correctly predict what is now unfolding. He mentions "The Paulson Plan" a while back.

His whole theory, has been criticized because it involves trillions of dollars, supposedly under the control of Leo Wanta, who appears on the surface, to be some sort of bumbling buffoon, from what I can see. But if you follow Mr. Story's ..uh, story, you will see that he has now figured out that Leo Emil Wanta was just another economic hitman/agent of the powers currently wrecking the US.

I have found it interesting to read his site and follow this story of his, because as it comes into focus now, he seems to be the only one aware of the post-WW2 Nazis who control the US right now. He makes it very clear that the agents of Hitler simply went underground and have been working to wreck the US as per Hitler's plans.

We will reveal in this report the extent to which the world’s problems are attributable to the pan-German Nazi Continuum based in Dachau, near Munich, where we have also separately identified an occult 'Black' centre in the Dachau area at a spot where 8,000 Soviet prisoners were shot dead.

The de facto head or controller of DVD, at least in the Western Hemisphere, is the world’s most wanted arch-criminal, former President George H. W. Bush (Sr.), the man who has held the whole world to ransom for years. This criminalist operative controls the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its associated US intelligence community entities, which the Bushes call ‘the enterprise’.

In a stupendous coup, Bush Sr. procured the naming of the CIA’s Langley complex the ‘George Bush Center for Intelligence’. We have renamed this foreign-controlled Fifth Column subversion engine the 'George Bush Center for Intelligence and Terrorism'.

One consequence of Bush's coup is that it makes it much harder for the CIA to ‘clean up its act’, which is a prerequisite for the survival of the United States as a viable Republic.

It is bad enough for a country to allow a ‘State within the State’ to develop: but when it transpires that the ‘enterprise’ in question is a corrupted, self-financing criminal organisation, protected by Statute, and which is permanently engaged in every ‘Black’ activity that modern depraved humanity can invent, the country’s citizens have a serious problem. Most do not yet seem to 'get' this.

Anyway, I wanted to post a snippet from his latest update because his website is a great read, and he's the only one talking about the truth regarding Putin and the BTC pipeline and world events. Plus he's the only one who seems to understand that something like the Third Reich does not just go away.

I am sure there are people who will debunk him here, as usually happens on ATS and has happened before, but really, he seems to be the only one who understands the depth and the height of what is happening. I recommend his site as reading for any American. I'm sure others can tack on some threads on ATS which have gone over this before in years previous. I expect some of those moldy old threads will read quite differently this weekend.


posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 09:52 AM
That's right, this is the best and most salient thread on ATS. I am right, and you are allllll wrong. It feels good, ya know?

Anybody want to step up here and discuss how this whole Wanta issue has been ignored?

Exactly what is the quality of a message board when it gets "blindsided" by news that's been on other websites for YEARS?

It is one thing to be unoriginal and to vomit forth what other facts people on other websites find out, but to fail to investigate another site and its facts when obviously that person (Christopher Story) has totally rendered your whole website irrelevant, is very telling indeed.

Wait, I can't stand it. I'm gonna predict what the next reply to this thread will be:

Oh yeah, I remeber hearing about that guy somewhere in some other ATS thread. I remember when reading it, I thought it was really interesting, but since not a single ATS high-up has mentioned it, I figured it was just another lying website trying to steal me away from ATS.

What's it all about again? can you give us users a thumbnail sketch of the issue?


Ima DuMass

Anyway, when all the ATS history is looked over, you'll find my thread here to be true. Why is this user community encouraged to discuss all these other topics when the rails to the future are already laid and the people at the top know this?

Well, don't let my attitude prevent you. Respond here please if you have any interest in discussing our deacades long resistance to Basel-II and election of Bush/Clintonian criminals who sold us out. Even though it hurts, the pain isn't going away.

[edit on 7-1-2009 by smallpeeps]

posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by smallpeeps

Im going to have a read of all this info and see what I make of it before I say anything else.

I have always wondered as I knew a lot of Nazi scientist etc were moved to the US and given a pardon.

There is a lot that our commercialised history leaves out.


posted on Jan, 7 2009 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by XXXN3O
Im going to have a read of all this info and see what I make of it before I say anything else.

Volkswagon and Porsche are almost scientific, aren't they? The auto war has been won, hasn't it?

You are on your way to waking up, Neo. Do not be afraid.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:35 PM

I haven't babysat this thread of of course it is not the place of any moderator (at all) to do that, or they would have done so.

Suggest new title: Christopher Story is Dead

ON TOPIC: check

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:44 PM
the best way to hide a conspiracy is to make it SO big SO massive
that anyone uncovering it will be unable to explain it without people
its just a story

funney thing is if you have followed the whole story
what wanta did to the ussr is exactly what is being done to the usa

diferent economic hit men
but exactly the same plan

why is the usa selling gold to the imf BELOW cost?

is this the exact same mechanism that took down the ussr?

how can anyone comprehend how far up this goes when the answer is so scary
most turn their head and pretend they never heard nothing.

good luck with explaining something so massive its almost beyond comprehension


posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 09:13 AM
XPLodER you da man!

Originally posted by XPLodER
the best way to hide a conspiracy is to make it SO big SO massive
that anyone uncovering it will be unable to explain it without people
its just a story

Haha, so well said. Even if it is just a Story, nobody wants to find out if it's true! Hence, they are in a trance state! It is like the schoolchildren who sit in the classroom and leave one boy to determine if there are wolves outside, as in the story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" ...The real purpose of that story, is a hidden purpose. That hidden purpose is to condition the child who receives that story. In what way are they conditioned? It is done by the context of the story, which is NEVER QUESTIONED and that context is: "Children sit obediently and do not verify for themselves, if there truly is a wolf, and if they are in personal danger." ...To hear the story, is to receive a programmatic meme and never even realize it. We become conditioned each time we think of or repeat the (fake) moral of the story which is about false warnings. In reality, the fake story is meaningless, it is reactive entirely. The real purpose of a story, is to create a hypnotic trance and that means critical thought is halted.

Originally posted by XPLodER
funney thing is if you have followed the whole story
what wanta did to the ussr is exactly what is being done to the usa

diferent economic hit men
but exactly the same plan

Truth above. BUT Russia had several types of ruble, so it made it easier to debauch their currency as they had already established a pattern of that, officially. Whereas the Dollar is mighty, and so many paper instruments like debt vehicles are required to be invented, to accomplish a debauchery of a fiscally epic scale.

Debauch anything and you lower its value. Yet, as I have explained in the "goverrments" thread on another domain in the ICANN DoD gamespace, value derives from judgment of the valuer.

In what way does the 1989 Russian Citizen's valuation of their paper currency, differ with the 2011 US Citizen's valuation of same? In this case, we have had the dollar unspoilt or spoilt massively since Woody Wilson era? Hmm, that is the key argument: Did the Fed Banks help us or hurt us when they began to have coitus with out country?

Originally posted by XPLodER
why is the usa selling gold to the imf BELOW cost?

is this the exact same mechanism that took down the ussr?

One hand washes the other? I refer to my work in the "goverrments" thread.

Originally posted by XPLodER
how can anyone comprehend how far up this goes when the answer is so scary
most turn their head and pretend they never heard nothing.

good luck with explaining something so massive its almost beyond comprehension

Thanks for your help.

Yes, it is massive in scale, and the mind runs from that.

Well, when we say "the mind runs from that" what we mean is "dissociative response" which always happens in humans when they get stimuli of a certain type.

Dissociative response is actually volitional, so when people realize they are being weak and chump-like, they can snap out of it in an instant.

The problem is that when you move out of old paradigms, there is a grieving or loss associated with that. So when we move to a higher paradigm, we need help post-move, meaning that really, we humans should be helping each other deal with the struggles of life far more than we do creating those very same struggles in life.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:11 AM
Seems like this "Dragon Family" and "Keenan filing" thing, is connected back to this epically ignored thread. I needn't rouse old ghosts, especially when those ghosts are so feeble in their skills.

But is bumping a classic thread from the seabottom, the same as rousing old ghosts?

Anyway, Chris Story, may be dead, probably is. And in the final days of his IP truth-out, he explained how people like Leo Emil Wanta, use fake countries, fake names, etc.

What I mean is that, Leo Emil Wanta, may as well be in the same group as these other people who are never taken seriously. Yet Mr. Story is dead.

So since the admins and TV networks can only pump up the absurdity, it seems to equate, logically, to the sad truth which is that, Christopher Story was telling the truth. His crazy story about German/Communist/Sabbateans seems to be the #1 crazy weird story of the IP network in its short existence from say 1995 to now.

So I'm comfortable with this thread languishing on the seabottom for another ten years, it makes no difference to me. But what is very telling, is that no admin or TV person will even pull back the blanket and try to look closer. The fact that their little knuckles are white from fear, and they won't even pull back the blanket because "there may be spiders!". So the fact that the blanket does not get pulled back, is the real sign. Those who have the responsibility to pull back blankets and look for spiders, are lock-step in their fear, and their failure.

posted on Jan, 15 2012 @ 10:05 AM
Chumps ignore this thread. Keep on being what you are: Cowards who contribute to the death of the USA.

Anyway, this recent development in regards to the Keenen filing and the Chiasso Incident, has an interesting connection to Leo Emil Wanta, still protected in some US jail??

I recall how the mobsters of the 1970s, when sent to "prison" actually just took over a hospital ward and lived quite well with staff bringing them meals and such. Good for them, you know, the gangsters do a lot of work that is not appreciated. Salud!

It's wrong for the admins of IP domains to look down on the gangsters so much and mock them as has been done in my efforts to mention Wanta and his chums here at ATS. I get mocked by the owners of this site.

But really, gangs run this world, and they run every ICANN registered domain on ye Internetes. Well, some gangs are smaller and more chumplike than other gangs but you know, in the end, it's kinda like the US Army slogan "I am an Army of one." ...Haha, what a great slogan. I'm stocking up on "Army of One" t shirts cause I am sure they'll be collector's items in 20 years.

The Church Of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints ( Mormon Church - Salt Lake City, Utah, USA ) gold transaction notes ( for a period of 6-months during 1985 ) claimed by Daniel V. Hughes Jr. (aka) Daniel Hughes who was mentioned by Earle Cocke during his 2000 sworn testimony deposition ( see 5-pages selected from many pages of transcripts - further below ) identifying, amongst much more, Hughes' uncle, a New Jersey resident Congressman believed to have held - in his residence safe - copies of multiple foreign bank wire transfers involving 'billion dollar single transfers' between multiple international business companies documented amongst other secret documents submitted before United States Senate Hearings surrounding the Iran - Contra affair that reviewed these and other foreign financial institution wire transfer records claimed forensically reviewed by Leo Emil Wanta, a believed 'former underworld information asset' believed relied upon by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) for more.

Documents ( further below ) reveal, amongst other things, mentions of Gary Patterson Esq. ( believed U.S. lawyer ) and Jerry Pyers ( believed collateral trader ) involved in transactional handlings of World War II gold bullion transfers naming CITI BANK N.A. ( New York, New York, USA ), UNION BANK OF SWITZERLAND ( UBS AG ), and more.

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