posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 10:28 AM
How the Chip will Come
Lost of folks want to envision a future where there is great unrest and suddenly the chipping of Americans will begin with great fear and
Well no, actually it will happen differently than that:
First, there will be a reason to get it. Celebs and powerful people will become the "It" crowd due to the conveniences and generally awesome
results of their being chipped. TV will have lots of coverage in this regard, showing how easy it is for these beautiful people to just walk out the
door of a clothing shop and have their items automatically paid for, how they never have to think about credit cards or cash because they've "joined
with the future".
Yes, this will come upon us slowly and with great fanfare. It will be "The Solution" to identity theft and other financial woes.
Soon, regular folks will get chipped and its like overnight they become cool, just like Oprah or Tim Robbins or whatever famous anus is leading the
"chip charge" on America. It will become the new coolness and the way to escape from living in rags and hiding.
So then those who have accepted the chip, will be polarized of course, and then those who do not accept, will similarly polarize, then group A sees
group B as a threat. Now, who do you think will have the power at that point?
My advice is this: Prepare yourself for humility, poverty and opportunities to give what crust of bread you have, to the person next to you, who has
none. This is all the result of the Worship of Mammon, and even confused yet brilliant souls like Ayn Rand, have brought us to this point.
The solution is not to adopt the love of gold, like John Galt would have you do. The goal should be to survive as Eddie Willers --who never got
invited into Galt's Gulch, and got ditched by the big boys when the world of Atlas Shrugged ended.
What Would Eddie Do? This should be the question. Because once the worship of gold has failed you, and the "gods themselves" have deserted you,
and the world is collapsing around you (as Ms Rand would have it do), then you must find truth IN YOUR HEART.
It was said that Ms. Rand originally wanted to have a religious character in her novel, but could not create such a person, so powerful was her
atheistic conditioning from her childhood soviet indoctrination. This is sad. I think it's really funny to listen to Objectivists today who fail to
see that the country she loved, is becoming very much like the country she hated.
Chipping in Russia might come about as an edict, but in the US, it will be the "cool" thing to do, and your neighbors, spouse, kids will yearn to
get it, just so they can 'belong'. In the end, all you can do is be right within yourself, and have faith that your suffering is never in vain, and
that the Creator sees you in your weakest moments.
This life is not all there is, and whereas Ms Rand and her friends might say "Only escapists and fools dream about an afterlife or a soul" ...But
soon it will become a survival instinct to dream about the next world, just as the natives of America, australia and the arctic, have done for
thousands of years. Your soul, is the handle on which to cling, when things get tough. Those who have sold their soul, will cling to whatever they
got in trade for it.
Do not lose hope, for all that you need, is within you.