posted on Sep, 25 2008 @ 06:51 AM
I always thought that there was something so engaging about Biden's very friendly, open smile--even though a repub. I wondered if that smile of his
was genuine, or simply the smile that the Cheshire smiled at 'Alice', full of hidden mischief, and also deception---now, I'm wondering if the man
isn't suffering from something like Alzheimer's, due to the many 'gaffs' that have left his lips of late--such oddities as the one about FDR
telling the country about what happened to cause the Great Depression of 1929, over the television--not only was FDR not president then, there
actually was NO television then, either--whoa! What's up with Mr. Biden, then?!
I would really like to like some of our politicians--really--but, thanks to little things, such as the now-invented tv, and also radio, not to mention
the wealth of info one can find on the internet right now, the more I learn about most of them, the less it appears likely that I'll ever find myself
truly liking any of them, any time soon.
Out of disgust over Iraq, and this administration, I left the repub party--and, 'accidentally'[it's true!] told the lady at the election site on
Primary election day this year--[when she told me I had to be one or the other--either a dem, or a repub--in order to vote that day] to put me down as
a democrat[oops!]--I thought my husband was about to have a stroke, he was so upset with me for that! I don't know--I had wanted to be an
Independant!--so, maybe I need to be checked out, to be sure I don't have something like Alzheimer's, myself!
Personally, though--if Sen. Biden isn't suffering from dementia, or something simliar, that might be the cause for some of his bigger goofs of
late--then, I have to think that maybe he isn't constructing the grounds on which he might bow-out with some honor still in tact[if that's even
possible!] in order to allow Hillary onto the Obam ticket. Otherwise, I have no idea what's behind Biden's constant 'slips of the lip', that are
only growing worse over time!