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New F22 Raptor

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posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 05:25 PM
just a couple of days ago, me and a couple of friends were in Edmonton and well while driving up, there is an air force base just outside the city and we spotted an F22 Raptor, except this one was different from the American one, same shape and everything, but just slimmer faster and more weird looking, does anybody know about this.

Note; when i went to pull out the camera, it was too late as it just whooshed by at alarming speeds

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 05:30 PM
Are you able to find an image or video online of a similar looking or of a matching plane? I'd be very interested in seeing it, but I unfortunately don't have much to offer.

Were there any visible badges on markings on the craft?
What was the color of it?
And lastly what made it appear to be 'more weird looking' to you?

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 05:46 PM
Did you notice if it has an Australian flag on the fuselage



raptor rival...


[edit on 18/9/08 by ROO-meh]

[edit on 18/9/08 by ROO-meh]

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 05:49 PM
It could be a F-35 test plane, which looks similar, but not quite the same as a F22.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 05:57 PM
i tried finding but nothing some noticeable differences we were able to see was that the rear tail fins were swept up like the f117 and there was a skull on each tail fins but thats about it

and no it wasn't the f 35, we were able to notice that it was an actual f22 raptor

[edit on 18-9-2008 by SauberBMW]

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 06:33 PM


posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by jokerdazey2

What are you talking about?

Second line.

posted on Sep, 18 2008 @ 09:32 PM
its the f 35 its getting upgraded engines that will push the plane to speeds up to mach 2.5 plus , check out for images and videos.

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 05:33 AM
The only "skulls" that I know of are from this squadron:


They fly the F/A 18... which may look a bit like what you are thinking.....

This link is the "Jolly Roger" F/A-18:


posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by ROO-meh

Australia is not getting the F-22.

See Here

[edit on 20/9/2008 by C0bzz]

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 05:44 AM
Just a quick update for the OP.

My friend who is joining the RAF said that the UK is getting a new version of the F-22...

So maybe its something to do with this? If that's any help

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by shujinko90
Just a quick update for the OP.

My friend who is joining the RAF said that the UK is getting a new version of the F-22...

So maybe its something to do with this? If that's any help

The RAF is getting a variant of the F-35, we are not getting anything related to the F-22.

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 03:33 PM
I called the Airbase and the response was truly shocking. i spoke with the main base commander and this is how it went.

M = Me
G = General

M = Hi, i am doing a project for my class and i was wondering if you can give me some info on some jets i am researching
G = Yes, although some information is classified, i will tell you the bet i can.
M = Thank you, the first one is the F-16
G = (tells me about jet)
M = thanks a lot, the next one is the FA-18
G = (tells me about FA-18)
M = Thank you,
G = anything else i can do for you
M = yes, actually a couple of days ago i saw what seemed to be an f-22, do you have an information on it
G = An F-22???
M = Yes
G = Son, the only jets we have here are the F-16, FA-18, and one Joint Strike Fighter that doesn't leave the ground.
M = i think i can tell the difference between... Hello??

after that, i tried calling but the number said it wasn't being used.. any ones thought

posted on Sep, 21 2008 @ 04:21 PM
He's right, they don't have any F-22's.
Though, he may have been incorrect about his statement of the "JSF not leaving the ground." Guaranteed though, it wasn't a Canadian F-22, or Canadian variant.

I don't know what JSF the canadians have though...that's news to me.

I should add, that the raptor's speeds likely exceed Mach 2, that's quite alarming in itself, so to say it's faster than the raptor isn't really a guess that has any purpose in this case.

[edit on 21.9.2008 by Shugo]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by SauberBMW
I called the Airbase and the response was truly shocking. i spoke with the main base commander and this is how it went.
after that, i tried calling but the number said it wasn't being used.. any ones thought

Thoughts? How about, and while I think this a lot on ATS I don't say it a lot: bull.

Firstly, you wouldn't get anywhere near the 'main base commander', you would be stuck with a press liaison or community liaison officer, or a low level staffer. Theres no way in hell the 'main base commander' would get on the phone with a random person calling in...

Secondly, the number 'going out of use' mysteriously after you got hung up on is a massive cliche. It also isn't hard to do if you own the PBX, which most places with multiple lines will do - taking a number out of use on your local PBX is 5 seconds work, no conspiracy involved. Nothing more than a cliche.

Thirdly, the number you called must have been publicly accessible in some way for you to have found it to call - so an advertised number for the airbase mysteriously stops working? People are going to notice that, fast.

Fourthly, if anywhere is disconnecting numbers on the basis of a school kid calling and asking mildly invasive questions that can, quite frankly, simply be ignored, then they are going to run out of numbers very very very fast and someone would notice that very quickly.

So, while your story is truly shocking, its not for the reasons you imply...

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 08:16 AM
Hahaha You leave for the weekend and suddenly the CF is flying the most advance fighter in north america
I never thought the DND would ever move that fast. Let me give you a hand Richard in denying some ignorance

Originally posted by Shugo
Though, he may have been incorrect about his statement of the "JSF not leaving the ground."

The "base commander" could be referring to a mock-up of a F-35 to be used for testing purposes for the CF in preparing the air-base for use by the CF with the F-35 when it comes on strength in 2012 no sooner I can assure then that with current testing and information.

I don't know what JSF the canadians have though...that's news to me.

The JSF that the CF is planing on isn't decided yet but it will be between a modified A version or the C version. There are positives with going to either airframe and since the CF has the CF-188 at this point which is a carrier plane thats why I don't rule out the C version. Most export customers though in the EU will be going with the A version.

I should add, that the raptor's speeds likely exceed Mach 2, that's quite alarming in itself, so to say it's faster than the raptor isn't really a guess that doesn't have any purpose in this case.

I fixed the bolded word to be clear as I think this was your point that the speed has nothing to do with this story and I agree with that if thats you point.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by SauberBMW

SauberBMW can you name the base you saw this plane at? As I'm only aware of US F-16 planes flying out of CFB Cold Lake (much above Edmonton) for training reasons with the USAF.

CFB Edmonton as I understand it is a base for 408 squadron which flies Griffon helicopters as I understand it.

[edit on 22-9-2008 by Canada_EH]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 12:03 PM
I call total bull. This guy is pulling your leg. I'm calling bull simply on the fact that he said "seems faster". You can eyeball this difference? And the discussion with a "general"?? wtf people.

Does anybody know where I can find real, intelligent discussion of advanced aircraft? Hell, even has better threads.

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by HatTrick

How about you reply to threads that are proper ones posted by good members. Or even start ones on subjects that you think are worth time spent on in these forums. Seriously if you can't find them then I can help you out just ask. Sure there is fluff but there is everywhere and I put up with it as do many others. But others that may not know any better could assume what BMW is posting is true and for those posters I still call foul and explain why.

[edit on 22-9-2008 by Canada_EH]

posted on Sep, 22 2008 @ 10:25 PM
the guy i talked seemed to be the general, i don't know if he was. i was saying because he seems to know a lot about the base. so sorry if i offended anybody by saying if it was the commander. that's what i thought.

2. when i say faster, i mean it looks more streamlined than the f-22. of course you cant tell the difference in speed in the air

3. as for the line, every time i call the # it doesn't work, then again i'm with telus so that may affect it, the lines were down in my area

like i said i don't know. the airbase is in Edmonton, and the person i spoke with seems to know what hes talking about.

if you don't believe me fine, don't waste your time here. like i said, this is to my best of my abilities of remembering.

any why could it be impossible, we all know Harper is Bush's puppet so an F-22 or f-35 or what ever plane that was could be here.

As for the F-35, i dont know why he said he never leaves the ground. it could be for mechanical or studying purposes i dont know.

[edit on 22-9-2008 by SauberBMW]

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