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Secret eco-village tribe living off the grid in wales

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posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 02:04 AM
If you think you cannot live without technology, then this is not for you. You would be much too busy gathering firewood, food, gardening your food, fetching water, cleaning clothes and bedlinens, bathing at the creek, and preparing for coming seasons to ever enjoy your technology. However you would enjoy life so much more without it, and instead being fullfilled by a much more rewarding lifestyle.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:12 AM
Interesting.. Good to see that a few people found a viable solution there..
As to a few other comments..
Regarding life in a tribal environment. Not speaking for all tribes .. But from experience with the hmong villagers here in s.e asia (theyre an indiginous people who live in small villages from s. china down through laos, vietnam, cambodia, n. thailand fiercely independent the govts of china and vietnam wont even mess with them last time one did they got their heads handed to them by the hmong tough but good people) the oldest in the local village near me is 91 and still going strong . The all are quite healthy and clean as yes people here do bathe (often more than most westerners do) there is no tyranny or barbarism among the hmong usually if a dispute occurs (rare) the elders mediate and settle it in a civil manner. Many follow either their own belief or buddhism often a unique mixture. No witch hunts theyre far more tolerant than the "good christians" there in the west. So keep your christianity there its neither wanted or needed here. And yes they do trade with the outside world at times for things they need but its on theyre terms.
Back to topic.. Apologies for rambling..
Good luck to the people in the community in wales hope the crown will let them be. To those who want to live free take the chance and give it a go better to try than to do nothing. Life is meant to be lived so learn to live and enjoy.. Walked away from western civilisation nearly 30 years ago and havent regretted a moment of it.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 08:15 AM
The really disturbing aspect of this article is that we are even hearing about it. Something strikes me as odd that there is a "spy plane" looking for people to harass. I see no other reason for that plane to have been looking for individual settlements other then big brother being big brother -.-. It's mind boggling really, these people are trying to live off the grid and away from a backwards society. Yet they need to be "official" and incorporated to the UK Inc. to be allowed to live like that. The suits can take a long walk off a short pier.

[edit on 26-7-2010 by LurkingSleipner]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 08:32 AM
That's fantastic! And is precisely what we should all be doing. IMO

I wish them all the joy and happiness they can take.

And exactly who dictated that a government owns all the land?

It infuriates me that we have to purchase land, when land is a fundamental right of existence!
No man should ever be allowed to "own" the land beneath their feet, and no government should ever have the power to control who has this basic fundamental right and who doesn't

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 08:32 AM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by MischeviousElf

reply to post by rusethorcain

Modern society is a stoic society to be honest. The sad fact is that inevitable such things fail. But villages fail faster than cities. Even the Bible, for example, required a civilization with opposing leadership in order to secure oral deviation.

Personally I am not a fan of "ancient knowledge" what not. Those Gauls were known to sacrifice people and do horrible things. Sure they had good medicines and songs. But that would be about it. Sub-Saharan culture and Gaulish culture is virtually identical in its ways. The animals may be different, but their ways are not. So if you want to know what those Gauls acted like, take a trip with a Bushman. You'll find crazy dream-inducing roots and great tunes. But you will not find ancient knowledge that is useful.

[edit on 26-7-2010 by Gorman91]

There is that group and worse out there but some people, evolved educated people...have gone another route, city life or suburbia and seen the dangers that lay there, the quality of everyday life, what you see, experience, how you eat, what you touch.
Think about it. Metal, plaster, artificial lights, concrete and tar...all day. Until home where you are encased in another artificial world created to entertain you.

I lived on an island with no traffic lights and the islanders quickly tore down the only stop sign ever erected and threw it on the roof of the school.
After three times it never went back up - people still knew to stop in front of Miss Hatties, before you hung a left for the Post Office or barreled through to the produce stand.

Remember watching scientist observe a tribe of primates (Jane & chimps or Diane and apes) and the baboons lived quite happily and peacefully without argument until there was an abundance of banana's presented to the group ARTIFICIALLY introduced by the researchers.

Then all hell broke lose....fighting over the banana's.

On the island rich people had simplified their life, and streamlined it to need very little that anyone would want to steal. Huge homes overhanging oceans with little other than bath, bedrooms and a kitchen, the rest deck.
Once in a while they'd lose a TV or a computer.

Rich and poor on that island had access to the same exact lifestyle.

The opposite of greed is not satisfaction with what you have, it is not even contentment. The opposite of greed is benevolence. Admittedly, to repair our huge mess of a societal system, we have a ways to go.

Though it may not be for everybody...
I think we were intended to sleep under the stars and wake to spectacular sunrises.

Instead we are gently and deviously incentivized to run around a track.

We are inundated with garbage and starved of "life."

[edit on 26-7-2010 by rusethorcain]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by Gorman91

Villagers can't run modern society.

What is modern society? In a 100 years from now people will look back and say that you were leading a primitive life just as you are saying right now about villagers living hundreds of years back.

Modern is now at this moment in time

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Fett Pinkus

Precisely. That does not change my point. Villagers cannot run modern society just as we could not run a society 200 years from now without being born there.

reply to post by rusethorcain

That's a great opinion and the romanticism is there and all, but it's an opinion not for me. SUre I like trees and sunrises and sunsets. But I love the tare and concrete and glass of the city. I like it here. Maybe I'm immune to the poisons. I am not sure. I can honestly say I like the smell of gasoline, Most certainly the sewers and what not do NOT smell good and a cleaner city is a better city. But looking out to the grandness of nature, I cannot help but see a big fat copy paste machine. As a Christian I appreciate all of Nature's glory. But once you realize that there's over a gazillion Earths just like this one out there, it looses value. I need to create in this world. Not just observe. If all I did was observe, there would be no point to livings. The stars are there so we can reach them. The sunrise and sunset are there to be used and controlled even perhaps. There's a whole universe out there and I don't want to die having done nothing by wake up and go to sleep to the same old sight.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 03:36 PM
so what is not redundant with this 'up-to-the-minute' spin on eco-villages??

a cursery look at the (recent) archives would show that these intentional communities are abundant, all across the globe=============

regardless of the sensationalism- with the word 'secret' as in underground/off grid/community

hey Bo....
even if this particular intentional community was not listed in the index of world-wide eco-villages, i posted the hot-link to several weeks ago...

right now with your Publicity of the secret, off grid colony --

you have potentially targeted these peace loving settlers as a pantry to be raided by armed thugs that never gave any planning to stashing their own food-stuffs before a catylclysmic event occurs- [i.e. economic breakdown/environmental collapse/military occupation/biological disaster]

thanks... i might (if i can rationalize enough) to tell or sell or engage in stealing or pirating these peoples foodstuffs...because i now know they exist, & where they are....

(Dr Evil photo here)

~no wonder i keep lots of info/data to myself....
because 'loose-lips-sink-ships' as the saying goes

[edit on 26-7-2010 by St Udio]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

If you were to look down from space and view earth as a living organism, modern society, with it's sprawling city's, would be considered a parasite or a cancer. Spreading over the face of the globe until all natural resources are consumed?

These people are leading the way back to sustainable living. How much longer can earth sustain the modern way of living?

Did you really just say we should control the sunset/sunrise? A natural rythm that has been occuring for billions of years? Yeah let's mess with that to suit our needs and hope everything doesn't blow up.


posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by bringthelight

Sustainable living? A man with a fishing rod and a sex slave can be considered sustainable. Is it good? no. Is it right? no.

As an architect, sustainable design is nothing like what you are talking about.

We can build glorious spiraling designs of man made cities and still have all the glories of modern technology without going back to the shire, my good sir. If you enjoy the shire, go ahead. But I could hardly care for it. The question is if you're willing to pay a little more for it. Because it is expensive.

Sentience is a cancer. That's a simple fact of life. Sentience and nature are not one. They control each other. And in time, sentience wins.

Yes, we should control even the sunset and sunrise. I am a big favor of taking the bull by the horns.

And natural rhythm? ha. Humanity is incompatible with the natural rhythm of nature. Also, it's only natural because its been that way for so long. If we were to change it, in a billion years it would be natural.

The simple fact is that we are a cancer. We always will be. We always were. This will never change. The question you have to ask is not how do we fix it. It's how fast can we get off this rock and cure it?

Anything mankind makes is a cancer. Hydro cars give off water vapors that warm the planet. Oil gives of toxic chemicals that warm the planet. Electric comes form batteries that have toxic chemicals. Pretty much magnetic engined are your only clean source. But we are not investing in that.

There is no such thing as something that is 100% green energy. Just something that pollutes bellow the equilibrium line of consumption and production of pollution.

In theory the Earth can sustain us forever. But it cannot sustain all life like that. Just us.

So yea, in the end, the sooner we leave the better. In order to sustain society, Earth's population would have to be reduced to some 2 billion people on current technology. 14-15 billion is the maximum with speculative technology, but no one wants to buy or invest in it, so alas.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by bringthelight

Sentience is a cancer. That's a simple fact of life. Sentience and nature are not one. They control each other. And in time, sentience wins.

There are plenty of sentient beings on this planet who live with nature instead of fighting to control it. That statement is far from a fact.

I believe a balance between what the eco-villages are doing and modern technology could be the way to the future. Everyone has the capability to change, you just have to be able to open your mind to envision it.

You being an architect could do some pretty amazing things. Take a look at what an open mind, a vision for the future, and modern tech can do.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

What say you?

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by bringthelight

There are conscious and self aware animals, but only man is sentient. There are 3 types of sentience. Multiple sentience society like us, hive mind like ants with human intelligence, and single unit, where a single brain controls many (this being a skynet-like system of total dominion). Also, sorry, but there is no way to involve the environment in humanity without controlling it.

Architecture IS controlling nature. The very nature of it is contrary to a union with nature. One can combine the two, but we will always have more than 51% of the share and control the union. We can create vertical farms and solve the world's hunger problems, or decentralize the city and make people less congested. But we still control nature.

The only pathway to advancement is control of nature. The very nature of a type one civilization is the control of nature.

Sentience controls nature to advance. That is the way it goes. There is no other way. You can be the most greenest of societies. You can have zero footprint of carbon in nature. You can be the cleanest nation on Earth. You still control nature. Man still has dominion over the chaos.

[edit on 3-8-2010 by Gorman91]

[edit on 3-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Well said Sir, and I agree. The only thing is, is that you're assuming nature has a boundry and can be controlled totally. The all mighty earthquake is the ace in the hole for Mother Nature. It trumps all but the most advanced in architecture.

As far as this community is concerned, more power to them. Personally I would have picked a little better climate for my kibbutz. Let's face it, England in the winter doesn't appeal to many living so close to the earth.

This guy has the right idea by including arguably "green" energy saving technology. Granted he has to fire up the generator if his battery bank gets low but the solar trade off should equal things out.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 11:02 PM
I think it's an awesome idea! Earth friendly technology is the way to go. Even if folks didn't want to live in a shire home, there are alternatives. Log cabins, Yerts, shipping containers...
I could be comfy in any of them, and do not mind the tribal community perspective. It's one way to sever the ties with big brother. Sure there will be harrassment by the feds and such. They're mad because they're not getting their debt bounty from you. I say yessss!

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by The Undertaker

Nope. Even Earthquakes can be controlled. "thumpers" capable of canceling out their waves, or massive "stitches" along the plates, and then of course, in the far off future, gravity generators to hold the plates together. Tat's 300 years from now maybe.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Gorman91
reply to post by The Undertaker

Nope. Even Earthquakes can be controlled. "thumpers" capable of canceling out their waves, or massive "stitches" along the plates, and then of course, in the far off future, gravity generators to hold the plates together. Tat's 300 years from now maybe.

I'm going to have to do some research on this technology. You wouldn't happen to have a source for this would you?

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by The Undertaker


Joke post but relevant:

This one says by 2040 we will be able to control it.

And of course my favorite from Doctor Who:

Watch at 4:40

[edit on 4-8-2010 by Gorman91]

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Thank you for the links. It's hard to imagine controling fluid pressure in a fault zone but hey, who am I to question the phd's. Practical application seems difficult at best.

Never took the time to watch the new Dr. Who. Kooky.

posted on Aug, 4 2010 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by The Undertaker

Well doctor who and science aren't exactly best friends, but there is the occasional truth to it.

All and all it is inevitable that within this century, we will see humanity controlling the very forces of nature. One can call this the Phase transition of society. IE, we are at a standstill in how we act while we continue to change into the next step. This is a very chaotic time and any wrong moves can cause a completely different society. At the end of the day, however, within our lives we will be a type one civilization.

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