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What if Obama loses the race?

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posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 11:24 AM
I would hope the reaction would be passionate on the part of those who care that their candidate lost, respectful on the part of those whose candidate won, and above all - short lived so we can get back to the business of living and running this country.

However, while a person is smart, people are stupid. They're proving it on all sides with baseless accusations of why skin color, age, and any other number of superficial qualities matter. Change is the theme of this election, yet how often has either Democratic or Republican side actually provided sound details and legitimate plans for all this "change"? When has either camp given anything more than the vaguest of generalities of "Tax less", "leave Iraq", and so forth.

Both sides have their people so hyped up about the superficialities that I fear mob mentality will take over. As I have mentioned in another thread, I have been told several times (by otherwise well mannered calm adults) that my fair South Eastern city will burn if Senator Obama loses. This is usually followed by enough hatred and vitrol to make me think they are serious.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 11:53 AM
Some lady in the paper said blacks should riot if obama loses so ill be sure to stay out of philly the first couple days after the election

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 11:54 AM
In the last 18 years, from 1990 to now there have been proximately 21 riots in the US.
Here is a quick list-
1. 1990 - Inglewood high school student riot, (Inglewood, California)
2. 1991 - 1991 Washington, DC riot in D.C.'s Mount Pleasant neighborhood, (Washington, D.C.)
3. 1991 - Crown Heights Riot, (Brooklyn, New York)
4. 1992 - Los Angeles riots/Rodney King riot, (Los Angeles, California
5. 1996 - St. Petersburg, Florida Riot, (St. Petersburg, Florida)
6. 1998 - Denver Super Bowl riot, (Denver, Colorado)
7. 1998 - Washington State University student riot, (Pullman, Washington)
8. 1999 - Michigan State University student riot, (East Lansing, Michigan)
9. 1999 - Woodstock 1999 concert rioting, near Rome, New York
10. 1999 - WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999, (Seattle, Washington)
11. 2000 - Los Angeles Lakers riot, (Los Angeles, California)
12. 2001 - Philadelphia Mardi Gras Riots, (Philadelphia, PA)
13. 2001 - Seattle Mardi Gras Riots, (Seattle, WA)
14. 2001 - 2001 Cincinnati Riots, (Cincinnati, Ohio)
15. 2002 - Ohio State University post Michigan football game riot, (Columbus, OH,)
16. 2002 - River Run Riot, (Laughlin, Nevada)
17. 2003 - Benton Harbor Riot, (Benton Harbor, Michigan,)
18. 2004 - VEISHEA riot, drunk Iowa State students riot, cancel 2005 VEISHEA (Ames, Iowa)
19. 2005 - 2005 Toledo Riot, (Toledo, Ohio)
20. 2006 - Santee High School student riot, (Los Angeles, California)
21. 2007 - Pacific Beach riot, (San Diego, California)

After careful evaluation of this list and examination of the proposed causes of the riots, I have determined-
Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 14, 17, 19 and 20 were all predomintaly caused and attended by African American and/or Hispanic citizens. All of which execpt 11 the 2000 - Los Angeles Lakers riot were due to belief by the Black or Hispanic community members that there was discrimation which caused serious injury (typically death) to another member of their community, usually by the police, but not always as seen in 3 the Crown Heights riot. The remainder, execpt 10 which occurred during the WTO Ministerial Conference of 1999, were predomintally instigated by White americans. The funny thing is ALL ('s 6,7,8,9,12,13,15,16,18, and 21) THE REST were involving WHITE PEOPLE WHO WERE TOO DRUNK! I guess us white peeps REALLY do have to fight for our right to PARRRTTTYYYY!

GIVE ME A BREAK!!! Look at the each incident for yourself! Why are we not capable of independant thought? I looked at this list and sighed! Shame on you all for listening to the retroic and being mindless sheep! While in many if not most of the recent cases involving BLACK rioters, even if they were wrong or mislead, at least they were fighting for SOMETHING other than the right to another beer!

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:01 PM
I think there is a very good chance that Obama will win. I think it is sick that the majority of African Americans are going to vote for him just because Obama is half black. I think it is a very poor reason to vote for someone. I wouldn't care if a candidate was purple as long as I liked what he/she stood for. I think he has a very good chance at wining because African Americans will show at the polling places in record numbers even though they are a minority of the overall population in the U.S. it will be enough to push him over the top.

I personally have heard a number of Women say that they were going to vote for Hillary just because she is a Woman. They knew nothing about what Hillary stood for. SHEEPLE

If he does not win, I do believe we will see some rioting and problems in the cities. I am preparing my self and my family to beat feet for a couple days after I vote and head up to a safe place in the Mountains.

If after reading my post and you think I am a racist, you are nothing buy stupid.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:05 PM
I have posted the above reply before, why is this coming up again??? We already discussed this!!!

Seriously, I am white (french canadian descent actually) I WILL RIOT, OH YES I WILL IF THE ELECTIONS IN 2008 ARE ANYTHING LIKE THOSE IN 2000 OR 2004!

I see lots of stuff on here about secret socities but people this is not some way out there conspiriacy here the guy making the decisions in florida over the 2000 elections was one of the canidates brothers! We should be mad we should take to the street, we need to do something!

Yeah, yeah this is not really a democracy it is a republic but come the hell on! I want my vote to count, one person one vote!!! What is wrong with this simple concept!

Now we got these bail outs, which means that the rich are going to stay rich while the remaining 99.9 % of this country is going to be even worse off than before! Why you ask, the government has shown us time and time again they are not capable of making good economic decisions! So they get all these bad loans, some of which have already been forclosed upon! So the government is going to "off load" them anyway it can driving down the home prices in the surrounding area. The only thing this deal has done for all the little people that I can see is make it easier to get a mortgage.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by N. Tesla
yes seriously why do people assume that people will riot? first of all that is a bit racist(because you are implyign that the whites wont riot if mccain loses)

It's not racist. A lot of blacks feel they have been oppressed for a very long time, and they have high hopes of things changing if Obama wins. Some will be very angry if he doesn't, and will surely riot, dwarfing the Rodney King scenario.

And then the hundreth monkey syndrome will kick in, and rest assured, some whites and others will join in too.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:12 PM
What I would be afraid of the most is if Obama does win and is able to push through his agenda. If that happens we are just going to be some other socialist country like the French. That scares the heck out of me. This is not a race thing either. If it was Hillary she would do the same thing. Its almost like they think communism is a good idea or something. On paper it is a good idea, but in reality it doesnt work. You need competition and different classes to keep people striving to be their best. At least that is my opinion. I work my butt off because I want to be successful but if I was ending up with the same as everyone else I would just coast. I would be a fool not to.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by NuclearPaul

I will join you, no kidding... When and where?

The one thing the above "black" riots lacked is direction, I will say it is pretty silly to burn down your own neighborhood! Your mad at the police so go burn down the police station or city hall, not the store a block from your house!

Just leadership, that is what is needed organization and leadership!

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by WhatTheory


posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by kupoliveson

Now we got these bail outs, which means that the rich are going to stay rich while the remaining 99.9 % of this country is going to be even worse off than before! Why you ask, the government has shown us time and time again they are not capable of making good economic decisions! So they get all these bad loans, some of which have already been forclosed upon! So the government is going to "off load" them anyway it can driving down the home prices in the surrounding area. The only thing this deal has done for all the little people that I can see is make it easier to get a mortgage.

You are dead on about this and it really pisses me off.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Yeah do you really think capitalism is WORKING OUT???
What would you call the bailouts? Cause it sure does not sound like any for of capitalism I have ever read about!

Yeah you better off after 8 years of the republicans? Cause I am not!
How about the people in Iraq? Are they better off?
How about all our dead service men, or those who have been "Stop Losted"
We will not even start on the destruction of our consitution...

I am voting for Obama because he is not a republican! Yeah I agree a decision to vote for some one should be based on more than that but unless you believe that our illustrious leader, Mr. Shrub, is trully the head of this country then it is the people working "behind the scenes" who are trully in charge and guess what at least a few of them will be gone if the republicans are removed from the executive branch of government! Since we only have 2 parties in this country is does not give one a whole lot to work with!

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by SailorinAZ

The whole thing smells of "reaganonomics" to me! Help them out and it will "trickle" down to us in the form of job stability, increased job oppturnities and increased pay!

It did not work then and it is not going to work now! Bush tried it with his tax breaks for the rich and that worked out real well too, right?

If I make a bad fininicial decision then I pay the conquences so should the banks! Let them go down there will be a few left (hopefully not Bank of America) and those will be the ones in theory who made better long term business decisions. This is allowing them to offer more credit to consumers? Do we really more debt right now?

We "the american taxpayer" are all going to pay for the enitre 800 billion and growing! The S&L scandle in the 80's worked out to something like 4000 per tax payer in this country. I have not done the math yet but seems to me this is going to work out to be more than that per taxpayer when this is all over!

[edit on 9/19/2008 by kupoliveson]

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by kupoliveson

I think Reaganomics is a pretty good approach. Nothing is perfect and subject to greed and corruption. I know you think you are a liberal, but some of your ideas are actually very Conservative.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by kupoliveson
reply to post by justsomeboreddude

Yeah do you really think capitalism is WORKING OUT???
What would you call the bailouts? Cause it sure does not sound like any for of capitalism I have ever read about!

Yeah you better off after 8 years of the republicans? Cause I am not!
How about the people in Iraq? Are they better off?
How about all our dead service men, or those who have been "Stop Losted"
We will not even start on the destruction of our consitution...

I am voting for Obama because he is not a republican! Yeah I agree a decision to vote for some one should be based on more than that but unless you believe that our illustrious leader, Mr. Shrub, is trully the head of this country then it is the people working "behind the scenes" who are trully in charge and guess what at least a few of them will be gone if the republicans are removed from the executive branch of government! Since we only have 2 parties in this country is does not give one a whole lot to work with!

I agree with you that the bailouts are not capitalism. They are socialistic. I would have just let the chips fall and deal with the aftermath. But I dont see a need to let Obama turn us toward socialism just because Bush is a jackball.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by titian

Originally posted by N. Tesla
well your not saying that republicans are gonna go crazy if mccain loses so i jsut took that as a sign that you meant that the blacks will riot because the black guy didnt win.

Not picking on you; but taking your post as an opportunity to raise another point:

Are there actually people who are voting for Obama because he is partially black? Isn't forming a decision on the basis of skin color considered racism?

Similarily, are there actually people who voted for Hillary because she is a woman? Isn't forming a decision on the basis of gender considered sexism?

I was hassled once for not wanting to vote for Ferrara (sp), A woman I worked with felt I should vote for her soley on the fact she was a woman. When I asked if blacks should vote for someone merely because they were black she didn't see it as the same thing. Vote for issues I said..another blank stare. This mentality really scares me.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 01:27 PM
And as to the topic of the thread, no I don't think there will be rioting. I would hope we are beyond that. Will there be debate and possible recounts and lawyers doubt. Will people be b*tching regardless of who wins, again no doubt. That is what makes America great, the ability to say and do all those things.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by TXMACHINEGUNDLR
If black people riot they will be cut down in the streets this time. Sadly. Kind of......Because they will be seen as terrorists. They can burn their own hoods up, I dont care. But if they stray past the wrong side of the tracks you have millions of rednecks who have been buying guns and ammo just in case McCain looses. A perfect storm for a real mess. Lets face it, most black thugs dont own 10000 rounds of ammo and ITT night vision. You would be surprised at how many redneck racists do.

[edit on 19-9-2008 by TXMACHINEGUNDLR]

Since this forum allows this kind of ignorant racist comments, I'd like to add to it.

I doubt a white people vs black people shoot out would result in whites winning if cops were not involved. You underestimate how much gun's and armor black people have. Too much T.V

Black people naturally are more skilled and stronger than white people.
Just look at black people in sports. They have come to dominate.

I'm sorry but black people are just much better than white people in just about every way including larger genitals.

I know a MOD can't possible take my post down and keep yours up unless they are racist themselves.
That would be unfair and promote the pro white racism thats been going on in ATS for the past couple months.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by iamcamouflage

The 2000 election was not even an election, the Supreme court decided who the President would be

I call bull# whining on you bud..
By all counts the race was dead EVEN, one way or another someone was going to win by a handful of votes. Even AFTER the election when recounts were done GWB won. But thats never the issue is it?
The issue is it was decided by the Supreme court .. thats the problem right? No one voted.. it was only the Supreme court that decided.
Who brought that case again?

I am sure if the SC decided for Gore then YOU'd be singing Kum by ya, what's the problem mate? (not really since he would have LOST in that as well anyway)

The problem with the liberal side of this argument is that liberals don't see the other side. Someone HAD to win that case, one side or the other.. wouldn't a GORE win have been a "stolen" election as well (if he actually had the votes?)

Give it up please..

Originally posted by iamcamouflage
in 2004 there were many reports of voter fraud in Ohio and other areas but the MSM failed to do their job and report fully on it.

I call MORE bull# on you..

Ugg... if someone had a flat tire and couldn't make it to the voting booth, dems screamed "conspiracy". If someone filled out their registration cards wrong, it was "fraud" not to let them vote.

I am not saying there weren't issues, but the only "issues" worth merit were in places where GWB won, like somehow only GWB wins were suspect. Every win for GWB HAD to be fraud.

You would think that after the "fraud" of 2000 and 2004 the Republicans would have fraud all locked up, as it was practiced so much and yet...

In 2006 the Dems swept the place and not a PEEP of fraud.
So did the evil thieving fraudsters of the republican party forget there was an election? Or was it because the dems won so therefore, no need to whine about it?

I for one am TIRED of the preconditioning of "fraud" and "stealing" nonsense being thrown out there like there is no possible reason why a democrat could lose besides fraud.


Everytime a dem doesn't win an election from now on it's fraud?

In 2008 if McCain loes we'll ad another boogeyman.. "racist".

Obama supporters are ALREADY calling race in case he loses.
Who was the guy (from CNN?) already saying it must be RACE that is causing Obama not to lead heavily in polls? There was no other reason.

If Obama loses there will be ENDLESS Charges of fraud, and racism. The new bumber sticker will be
"He's not my RACIST President" or some other silly crap like that. There may not be riots but the rancor and hate will be worse. (and with todays level of liberal hatred for conservatives.. that'll be unreal)

And it all sickens me.
Talk about getting along and in the same sentence call conservatives evil baby killing devils.

Originally posted by iamcamouflage
I hope people flood the streets and it should not even be a democrat/republican thing, every American should be pissed about voter fraud even if it helps their side.

Yea.. that rings really hollow...

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 01:42 PM
You know for once I just want to see everyone say " good run " It was close or it was a landslide but the winner is the winner. I mean, what the hell will a riot do
It hurts no one in Washington and destroys a community. If you want a riot then go to Washington D.C. not your town or city. The White House is the best place to voice your opinions or your pain. I'm so saddened when a riot breaks out and buildings are burned and innocent people beaten for something so stupid. It's America and elections are a part of it, riots should not be.

So the answer to your question for me is: Welcome John McCain & Sarah Palin to the White House and let's hope and pray that they do the best they can and work for us. If not then, it's not the first time we've been lied to.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by gormly

You been brainwashed by Bush.
Didn't you know Bush's brother was in charge of vote counts?

Didn't you see the video of Bush celebrating his win the night before the votes were counted up?
It's all over the net.

You been poorly informed of the country you live in and walked right into the crap they are feeding you.

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