posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 05:54 PM
Is Big Oil out to stop us from converting to other fuels?
I recently saw the creation of two new technologies, which used together could end our dependance on oil altogether.
The first is a method for separating hydrogen from water as it is needed, and has even been used to convert a 1994 Ford Escort wagon with a 51%
increase in fuel economy.
Aquygen Gas
The second is a unit from the creator of the Segway that can convert any water (salt, waste, sewer, swamp, etc.) into pure water. It can produce
almost 265 gallons a day.
Slingshot water purifier
These two advances when combined could eventually lead to freedom from all fossil fuels.
The big question is why haven't these innovations been screamed about in a time when we need them more than ever? The first one got a breif mention
on CNN only after the local Fox station ran a story on it, and the second was featured on The Colbert Report and CSI, but no mention of it on any news
network that I know of.