Originally posted by dbates
God has feelings just the same as you and I. (We were created in the image of God) His intent on making people was to have others to enjoy things
with. Think of going to a funny movie, but there's no one to turn to and say "That was funny". It is much better when you have a friend along.
Take off the bible goggles for just one minute and think.
Your just running around in a circle. Basically youre saying god exists because he says he does.
A perfect god should not have feelings, he is not human.
Read exerpt from Infidel guy below
Let�s talk about a few of God�s attributes:
� Omniscience � All knowing
� Omnipotence � All powerful
� Omnibenevolence � All Good
� Omnipresence � All everywhere (and some believe everything)
Let�s look at omniscience. If God is all knowing, why make any thing at all? God would simply have to know, before someone was even created, that
they would displease him. Right? But wait, how can God be displeased in the first place if he is all-knowing?
Well known Creationist, Kent Hovind once said on my radio program, �The Creator is trying desperately to get your attention.� An all-powerful
being can�t get my attention? Once again, this displays how man makes God in our image. A God, one would think, doesn�t need to �try� and shouldn�t be
The Bible also depicts God as having emotions. But one must ask, �How can God have emotions since emotions for the most part are reactionary?�
Emotions aid us in survival. God needs emotions? Surely we agree that we get sad, because (in many cases) an event occured unexpectedly that saddened
us. Well, a god can�t get sad can it? An omniscient god would have to have known what series of events would occur before they even happened. Some, at
this point, would argue that God gives us free-will and it saddens him because of the decisions we make. If this were true, then God is NOT
If a god doesn�t want to be saddened, simply don�t put in motion those events that you are 100% certain will cause you sadness. But wait, how can
anything sadden a God? This could only mean that something has occurred beyond God�s control. In which case God cannot be omnipotent.