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4:44 AM :|

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posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 10:56 AM
I thought long and hard before posting this thread as too where too post it, then i decided i'd look at it from the outside looking in, therefore its ended up here, the lovely skunk works,

I'm not the kind too just go posting jarg threads that have no ounce of truth in them, after all all i'd be cheating is myself, so i use this thread too really ask for advice from everyone

The last 3 nights in a row i've gone too bed about 12am and for some really weird reason i've been waking up just like too go the bathroom and everytime when i've checked my phone for the time it's been 4:44am not a minute after or before :| is this like some kind of self conscious decision that my brain has made and not told me! haha i'm so freaked out, plus theres the problem of getting back too sleep too get up for college at 8 am haha

so any idea's anyone, plus has anyone ever had an experience like this before?

thanks for reading x

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:02 AM
Hey you
I have the same happen with me but its 3.33am,not only I see it on the clock I see it everywhere else,I just seem to notice it.Ive seen this number for about 3 years and over this past year other numbers have been popping up with me 1111 222 444 777.

All I know is that there called master numbers and to see them is a good thing,,a spiritual thing.

I dont do to well with reading up on things and remembering them but if you put master numbers in the search engine you should get an answer to why you see 444 at that time.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:07 AM
Wow thanks, kinda like that movie 23? thats a pretty cool movie, i'm not seeing the number everywhere just on my phone time, i'll open my eyes a bit more haha x

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:08 AM
You have been gripped by soulslayer time

other variants include hammer time...

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:12 AM
I would not would not worry about it much. I have experienced this also with other numbers/different times. It usually goes away. I don't know what it means. It would be cool to find out though.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:13 AM
Yeah thanks for the advice, i would really love too find out what it is though, so come on everyone! lets pull together try find what it is and post our findings here! thanks for the replies everyone x

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:14 AM
Mine aint gone away after 3 years,more so more of it but now we know its called Soulslayer time lol

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:17 AM
This is part of what I already have on 333

The Number 333 is somewhat of a phenomenon unto itself, there are so many who have become acutely aware of this Number and Amazingly this Number in depth of Message is why Thee Trinity Creation has been born into the World. You see Thee Trinity Creation is the irrefutable Numbers Meaning System, it is THE SYSTEM(3) who was born of TRUTH(33) back in 1988 in order for the Person and the World to become more Aware of and to actually live Greater TRUTH(33) in their lives. The Number 3 is also with reference to TRINITY which is speaking of the 3 elemental Energies of which we are made up of and of which we all want Fulfillment in [the Me, your emotional/physical Self, the Be, your active success driven Self, the I your Eternal Spiritual Self]. Unfortunately few experience such Fulfillment in their Lives for TRUTH(33) is the way and few live the TRUTH(33).

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:20 AM
OK so my last post was whimsical... allow me to post something of real analysis:

I posit that humans wake up a number of times during the night and half-asleep, half- consciously they check their clocks. Most of the time, the clock will give a normal time and the person wont notice/ care and go back to sleep/ get up.

Now if the clock says 1:11 or 2:22 etc, even a half awake person will subconsciously notice it because it is unusual. The human brain is extremely adept at spotting patterns (even when half asleep).

Consequently the next morning you remember waking up at 1:11. Ordinarily you wouldnt remember waking up at 2:43. It is the novelty and pattern of the numbers which causes a memory pathway to form, and recollection to occur.

Mystery solved methinks... Sherlock better up his game or he'll be out of business soon!

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:24 AM
lol well I suppose that is one theory.

I'll just wait for others to come along and take the job

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 11:25 AM
ah yeah that makes alot of sense when i look at it that way
thanks for the reply
....any other theories anyone? x

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 12:12 PM
Hey this is a comon occurrence for people.

I googled it and it was being discussed elsewhere.

I had heard prior it was angel time.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by stephenwephentephen

The last 3 nights in a row i've gone too bed about 12am and for some really weird reason i've been waking up just like too go the bathroom and everytime when i've checked my phone for the time it's been 4:44am not a minute after or before :|

Sounds like nature is calling. Probably you've been drinking something those past three nights that passed through your system and reaches the "end point" around that time. But I'm no scientist.

However, I always seem to wake up 10 minutes before my alarm clock goes off, and it frustrates me as I hope when I do wake up I still have a few hours of sleep...not a few minutes, I can hear my subconscious going "ha! sucker, wake up."

[edit on 17-9-2008 by Tomis_Nexis]

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 12:28 PM

The last 3 nights in a row i've gone too bed about 12am and for some really weird reason i've been waking up just like too go the bathroom and everytime when i've checked my phone for the time it's been 4:44am not a minute after or before :| is this like some kind of self conscious decision that my brain has made and not told me! haha i'm so freaked out, plus theres the problem of getting back too sleep too get up for college at 8 am haha

Do you live near any factories? Shops? or anything else that would be open at that time? A machine or a somebody might be doing something, that is causeing a loud sound at 4:44am.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by gordonwest

Do you live near any factories? Shops? or anything else that would be open at that time? A machine or a somebody might be doing something, that is causeing a loud sound at 4:44am.

i never took that into account, you genius! haha thankyou
on the weekend when i dont have college i'm gunna do an all nighter and listen out cos i do live near some factories x

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 03:44 PM
That is creepy, for several months now I have inexplicably woken up at or around 4:00 am out a dead sleep. I found it really odd then I saw this post and it really makes me wonder..

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by cindymars
Hey this is a comon occurrence for people.

I googled it and it was being discussed elsewhere.

I had heard prior it was angel time.

I was born at 444am, and I have met an Angel in real life. I sometimes feel like a fallen one myself.
May I ask where you heard about it being Angeltime?

Very interesting (shakes head), I knew it was something.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 05:16 PM
Hey Antar...

It was years ago, I used to hangout at
There was a worldwide prayer for world peas (LOL) and it was to be done at 4:44, they said it was, but hey I do not know.

4AM is also said to be the witching hour.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 05:29 PM
Myself, I work late, get home late, and generally fall asleep somewhere around 2- 4 of the clock in the morning.
No matter what, though, I wake up at 7:20.
Needless to say, I wake up the first time then. I'm generally to exhausted still to actually get up, and then I'm woken by my alarm clock about two hours off.
Been that way for a couple of weeks now, just about every day. Not a clue why.

posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 05:47 PM
I have a theory on signs and symbols that reoccur in our lives.
Want to hear it?

Ok if you insist.

I think that much like a scenario on Star Trek NG, the Enterprise was stuck in a time loop and they sent the signal 3 through Data the android. Well I believe that on the other side of incarnation we send ourselves signals, what they mean would be to the individual to figure out.

Anyway that is my theory.

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