posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 08:39 AM
Can't see how he could be a fraud of anykind at all.
All he does is to collect clips with documentaries and such about UFO's.
And he has tons of hits, why would he fish?
Might be he did, but I can't understand why he would do it.
It's all very weird.
Why collect video clips about UFO's for so long as he did and then all the sudden *wave" and then shut down his account?
Sounds far fetched.
He had tons and tons of clips about UFO's. I've visited his account page many times. Always something there to check and watch.
So this is both sad and damn annoying.
He did an awsome work collecting all the clips he did so I have much respect for this guy/girl/extra-terrestrial/what ever he is.
[edit on 17-9-2008 by Akezzon]