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The camo Guys

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posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 06:35 AM
Hello again, I have some questions about the civilian workers who work for Groom Lake:

1. Is not too high a risk to hire civilian personnel working as fixed labour personnel in Area 51?

2. There is little point in a military base they recruit unqualified personnel to a kind of very specific functions, and it does not understand that someone wants to work in a facility with course content "top secret" under the conditions to which they have exposed a number of employees around the burning of radioactive waste in open pits.

I think, ¿what better cover-up to recruit people who can only walk on surface to see what the others think there is nothing unusual in the Área 51?

posted on Sep, 20 2008 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by reynoldt

I had some trouble understanding question #2. Regarding question #1, there are skill sets that don't exist in the military that do exist in the private sector. It is a bit unrealistic to expect the technical personnel (engineers, programmers, etc) and to some degree administrative personnel to all be member of a branch of the DoD.

Much DoD work is done by civilians. For instance, lets say you want some software to analyze telemetry from a test. You can task that project to an outside source by writing a specification and providing a data set of fake telemetry. The programmer doesn't have a clue as to what the software will be analyzing. He does a garbage in, garbage out verification of the software. The DoD then determines if the task was met by looking at the analysis, pays the contractor, then feeds the software real data (telemetry).

A similar thing goes on with components. That is, the DoD via a subcontractor writes a specification for a widget, and the civilian company builds that widget, not knowing where it goes. The classic case was the altimeter for the U2. I don't recall the exact limit, but say it was 100kft. Well nobody was flying that high or even near that altitude. So they fed the contractor some BS about the altimeter to be used in a weather balloon. [I don't recall the source for that story, but it is either Ben Rich's autobiography or that CIA declassified report on Oxcart.]

Now eventually you reach a point where the civilians need hands-on access to the hardware or need to be present for that test flight. That is where the civilian employees show up at Groom Lake, or even further up the food chain, the contractor such as Lockheed.

Thus at the bottom of the food chain you have contractor providing parts that they have no clue where they go. These are jobs without security clearance. Further up the food chain you have the actual defense contractor using personnel of various clearance levels. Then you have the personnel actually on the ground at Groom, whom I expect have a very high level clearance.

Regarding not having clearance while working for the DoD, here is a brief story. I can tell you that in the dark ages when I was at EG&G, there was a component that needed a minor tweak. The thing was so old that the schematics were drawn by hand (versus computerized schematic capture). We actually had some draftsmen at the facility, though schematic capture was on-line at that point in time. So I instructed the draftsman on what I changed in the component, got an updated schematic, and sent it up the food chain. Then I get this call from the contractor asking me what the hell is a certain mark on the schematic. I look where he says he found the mark and it was the name of the draftsman....written in Chinese script. Back then, China was Red China, so he was making a point that he didn't like some Chinese guy seeing his schematic. Obviously this guy never visited the factory since my boss was from Hong Kong and the test engineer was from the mainland.

posted on Sep, 23 2008 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by cmd18B

Yes. I have dealt with them. They are mostly former LE or Military. Some still are reserve for whatever city/county they live in. Not you typical "mall ninja". One I met worked for NEST and another had been in USMS. I met them at a SWAT convention in Austin. We were all hanging out at the hotel bar getting smashed and trying to get them to tell us about the UFOs. Even drunk as hell these guys would not break.

[edit on 23-9-2008 by TXMACHINEGUNDLR]

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Candycab

Found on Wiki

[edit on 17-9-2008 by Candycab]

Be careful on quoting wikipedia. It can't really be used as a source of proof because it can be so easily altered. I've also read that the government has been caught changing stuff. Sounds like something out of 1984. Although I use it a lot, I'm very weary on believing it and usually just look up stuff that I'm not too worried if it is untrue or not.

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by reynoldt
Hello again, I have some questions about the civilian workers who work for Groom Lake:

1. Is not too high a risk to hire civilian personnel working as fixed labour personnel in Area 51?

Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they only allowed so far on the base. What I mean is aren't they only allowed to patrol and be inside the outer perimeter of the base?

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:38 PM

I recall reading somewhere that the USAF Security Police has some sort of ultra elite special forces type unit that they can use to secure high risk installations and guard nuclear weapons, etc?

I thought they were the N.E.S.T. team? What is the difference between the two teams?

posted on Nov, 30 2008 @ 10:55 PM
There is alot of speculation about this security force, I posted this thread when I was a brand new all I have read it seems to be contract security, a company called Whackerhut or something stupid like that and Ive also heard of augmentees working along side the contract security. The only definate thing I know and Ive never been there before and the Air Force Security Forces are there and make up most of the base and use UH-60 PaveHawks..Like the Army version of the Blackhawk. Id love to hear a thread from an actual camo guy but you can never tell who is a liar and who is telling the truth so we can only wildly speculate but my guess its compromised of military police and contract security...

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 03:31 PM
agreed, we can only speculate. so my wild speculation is:

the whole deadly force thing was there just to scare people off... i doubt these guys would shoot you - not unless you do something really stupid like trying to shoot them first.

they are simply guarding the perimeter of the base and if anyone breaches it, they'll just stop them, give them a ticket for trespassing and hand them over to the local police, end of story. the helicopters are there just to scare people and to create an impression that something really important and super top secret is going on on the base, while all the stuff was moved somewhere else looooong time ago.

they may be some minor research projects going on inside the base, new military hardware, but only the hardware based on our human techs, i doubt there's anything alien here... not that i wouldn't believe in aliens, i'm just saying that it would be pretty stupid to keep anything like that in what is probably the most famous military installation on this planet

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by ranswer

I can read for hours about Area 51 and dont get me wrong, Id love to get inside there and do some exploring. There has just been so many people that have dealt or supposedly dealt with the security there and I have heard so many different stories on who they are and if they are just contract security then most are out of shape wanna b's who between the lot of them cant hit water if they fell out of a boat, I could be wrong though and they may have a few squared away guys. I work on a military base in NJ and they have contract security who are mostly made up of slobs who look like crap and are getting paid 26.80 an hour to control the main gate and patrol the perimeter but have zero law enforcement powers and have no jurisdiction off the ase but if thats what most contract security is made up of then I have a bad opinion on the security on that base in Nevada but the Air Force guys I respect and commend them on the good jobs they do!!

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 06:20 PM
Wackenhut does the security for the test range, so I'd imagine they are the "camo dudes"

The base itself (not the miles of open desert around it) is probably guarded by these guys:

[edit on 1-12-2008 by Turiddu]

posted on May, 11 2009 @ 07:35 AM
The work of this Lockheed Martin contractor may be weapons handler in remote locations like Tonopah, groom lake and Indian Springs?

Look here (is the second source):

posted on Jun, 1 2009 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by Groomforce

Hot linking is frowned upon, unless of course I hot link to my own website.

The Lockheed Martin contractors are heading out to an electronic threat, not a real weapon.

Referring page
Cedar Pipelince Ranch

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 08:31 PM
Just to let you know if anyone trys to get on area 51 there is a standard shoot on site order. That goes for all military bases in the united States and over seas. Being in the military if someone goes throught the main gate, back gate or over the fence it dosent matter if they tell you to stop and you keep going chances are your grave yard dead. I thought it would be funny cause i know the guards at the gate and would keep going past the guard shack and had weapons drawn on me and the baracades drawn before i got the chance to hit the breaks and back up. In the last year security has went up and they now check the trunks and places you cant see in cars for all base security. they dont do it at all of them but they do it at the one im at. as for what is on area 51 nobody will really tell the truth because they dont want to end up dead or have there familys killed because someone wanted to give up some information for some money. the people i know that have or do still work out there dont talk about what they do, where they work, what they see, here or hint about. they leave there job at the base when the get on the plane to leave and bring anything up. i asked somone once what they do out at area 51 and they told me they were a cook. 2 months later i asked again and the story changed to a paper administrator. as for 1 person did tell me what goes on out there but i dont know to belive it or blow it off. just becarefull as to what you post because all can see what you wright. all the posts on ways to sneek on the base or how to get pictures or what ever it may be. to get on the post is imposible due to the under ground sensors and camaras around the base. the camo dudes as you call them will be on you within 5 miniutes of trying to cross the invisible line of sensors that will pick you up when you cross it.

posted on Jun, 4 2009 @ 11:35 PM
reply to post by texasoutlaw

1) I don't put a lot of faith in what the broken shift key crowd says.

2) Plenty of people have crossed the Groom Lake border without being shot. Now many have been fined, but not have been shot.

3) A few years ago some moronic hunters decided to cross the Nellis range border near the Cedar Pipeline Ranch. They were caught with guns on a military base, a very serious offense, but not serious enough to warrant the immediate death penalty as you describe.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by gariac

Thank you gariac. I respect your response to TexasOutlaw. Seems his post is more ego-based, than fact based. Some basic spelling errors give him away as well. Despite my past complaining of some of your posts, allow me to formally apologize. Your work deserves its due respect.

That being said. I would love to see more pics of these Wackenhut Drones.

posted on Jun, 5 2009 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by NightVision

More pics of Wackenhut drones. Have we seen any photographs of them?

Air operations over the NTS haven't really been explored much by outsiders. You have to hang out on the west side of the range, but most of the military action is on the east side. The NTS controls their airspace independent of the USAF, though there probably reams of paperwork regarding how this is handled. I was on Tikaboo and listening to Groom tower when a Janet wanted to do a touch and go at KDRA. After a pause, presumably for Groom tower to call the NTS, the plane was granted one, yes one, touch and go. How generous of the NTS.

Anyway, given the failure rate of UAVs, while I don't dispute they are used for security having heard one above me, I don't think they fly the drones as routinely as people think.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 06:39 AM
We know something about this photograph taken two camo dudes (twin brothers?) at the border of Groom? They may have lost their jobs after of this?

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by gariac
reply to post by texasoutlaw

3) A few years ago some moronic hunters decided to cross the Nellis range border near the Cedar Pipeline Ranch. They were caught with guns on a military base, a very serious offense, but not serious enough to warrant the immediate death penalty as you describe.

I've wondered how they would handle a situation like that dealing with out of state coyote hunters. Legitmate hunters, not someone looking to probe or have anything to do with the base/etc.
As always gariac, solid information.

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