posted on Sep, 17 2008 @ 01:04 AM
So far I am surprised that those who have posted DO see these policies for what they are.
As far as the "Obama and Biden" idea of "Ending Voter Registration Issues", yes, all of that deals with Illegal Immigrants. I have assisted at the
Polls before, and a close Acquaintance of mine has been the Chief Election Officer for MANY years in my Precinct. I have never ONCE witnessed someone
be denied their Right to Vote, at least when they were eligible (ie, Registered). The only people who have been turned away are those who remain
un-registered. Even then, the CEO takes a lot of time out of their day assisting these individuals and making sure everything is set for their
becoming a Registered Voter. However, they must wait to receive their confirmation in the mail before voting, so they are ineligible for the current
Last election I witnessed an individual come in without having been registered. The CEO spent a lot of time with the guy, first going through the
paper then electronic records, and even calling the Central State Office to confirm whether or not he was actually registered. It was confirmed that
this potential voter had in fact NOT been registered to vote, so the Chief Election Officer brought out the necessary paperwork and assisted him in
properly filling it out.
The guy was irritated, because he swore he had handed his registration to the same CEO the previous election. Now I know this CEO, and you can be most
certain that she handles all records properly. I myself have even accompanied her down to the County Government Center with all of the files, and
there has never once been a problem. She always tells Newly Registered Voters to make certain they receive confirmation in the mail. She also tells
them that if they fail to receive it within 2-3 weeks, they need to call the number on the paper, and make absolutely sure that everything went
through, and that it is taken care of. The CEO cannot be responsible for clerical errors at the Central State Office.
Anyways, the guy gets all tied up in a frenzy, and starts acting like a little spoiled child. The CEO asked for the ink pen back after he finished the
paperwork, as she had been previously using it, and the clown says "NO! I think I am going to keep it.", to which the CEO calmly replies "Well, if
it makes you happy, go ahead". Then the guy stomps out of the polling place with a red face.
This is an example of the kind of garbage people already have to put up with at the Polling Centers (for nearly 18 Hours). Now imagine a whole horde
of Illegal Immigrants coming through with no Social Security Numbers, Unreliable Addresses, and False Names.
BTW, they already run ID's when you walk into the Polling Station. They match your Official ID (ie, Driver's License, Military ID, etc.) to the
Record Book, and as long as it has a Matching Address and Name, you are good to go. So where is there room for "Turning People Away" as "Obama and
Biden" put it, or "Voter Fraud" as the system stands? This is not 1965 when Black Americans were being given Racist "Tests". This is a basic
Identification Procedure and Registration Match-up. It is obviously done so as to PREVENT Fraud.
People keep making an issue out of a complete Non-issue.