posted on Oct, 10 2008 @ 01:19 AM
People are losing jobs, homes, and the like because the lack DICIPLINE to manage thier money. Loan sharks can't make you sign the bottom line. No,
you have to be the idiot who can't live within your own means and spend spend spend, so that the rest of us have to pay pay pay. And not just us, but
our kids and grandkids and thier kids. Blaming a nation's spending problem on ANY president is a joke within a population who can't take
RESPONSIBILITY for thier own SPENDING actions and want to play a victim role with those in power. "Poor me, I 'just can't say no' to a house I
can't and never could afford. I guess I need the goverment to bail me out because I just can't think for myself. I thank God everyday that that's
O'bama's plan." Get a clue, pay your bills, and stop spending what you don't have!!!